Article The New fast Grand Officers. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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The New Fast Grand Officers.
the Xii Sine Labor Lodge , 273 6 ; in 1901 , the Khartoum Lodge ( Soudan ) , Xo . 2877 , anc ^ i ' 9 ° 3 < the Sir Reginald Wingate Lodge , Xo . 2954 . He was installed as W . M . of the Khartoum Lodge in 1902 , and the Sir Reginald AVingate Lodge in 1903 and 1904 . He was selected for
liRO . LIEUT .-COL . WILLIAM HENRY DRAGE , D . S . O . District Grand honours in 1902 , being made Junior Grand Deacon at that date , and Past Senior Grand AA arden in 1904 , of Egypt and the Soudan . He was President of the District Board of Benevolence for Egypt and the Soudan in 1903 . In
Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted on January 14 th , 1880 , in the chapter attached to the Hibernian Lodge , of which he is also a Past First Principal . Bro . Drage is Life Governor to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and served as Steward for the same Institution this year ( 1905 ) .
PAST GRAND STANDARD BEARER . Bro . William Metcalfe was initiated into Masonry on April 16 th , 188 5 , in the King Harold Lodge , Xo . 1327 , and
ISRO . WILLIAM . METCALFE . during his twenty years of membership has succeeded more than most men in associating himself with all the best interests
of the Craft . He became a joining member of a number of lodges , viz ., the Robert Mitchell , Xo . 295 6 in 1903 ; jubilee Masters ' , Xo . 2712 , in 1904 ; James Terry , Xo . 2372 , in 1890 ; Chigwell , Xo . 453 , in 1 899 ; Quatuor Coronati , Xo . 2076 ( Correspondence Circle ) , in 1900 ; Waltham Abbey , Xo . 275 6 , in 1901 ; Gresham , Xo . 869 , in 1902 ; AA'hite Rose of York , Xo .
2840 , in 1901 ; West AVickham , Xo . 294 8 , in 1903 ; Cheshunt , Xo . 2921 , in 1902 ; and King Alfred , Xo . 2945 , in 1902 . He was installed asAA ' . Master of the James Terry Lodge in 1892 ; King Harold in 18 93 ; Chigwell , in 1904 ; AA hite Rose of York , in 1904 ; West AVickham , in 1903 ; and King Alfred in 1903 .
He was selected for Provincial Grand honours in 1901 , being elected P . G . Treasurer for Herts . Bro . Metcalfe is at present a member of the Board of General Purposes . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Sincerity Chapter , Xo . 174 , in December , 1891 . He afterwards joined the James Terry
Chapter in 1897 , :, nd tlie AA'hite Rose of York in 1904 . He has filled the chair of Principal Z . in all three . He has served nine Stewardships , and is Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; seven Stewardships and A'ice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; and eleven Stewardships and A'iee-Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Bro . George Corbie can claim the unique distinction of having during a long and arduous Masonic career , devoted his energies , as far as Craft Alasonry is concerned , solely to his mother lodge , thus proving that services faithfully rendered
to one lodge is not incompatible with a full Masonic life . He was initiated in the Chigwell Lodge , Xo 453 , in 1871 , and became AA ' orshipful Master in 18 77 . Shortly after he was appointed Secretary , the duties of which he has carried out for the past twenty-five years . In 18 77 he was appointed by
the late Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , then Provincial Grand Master of Essex , to the office of Provincial Grand Warden . In Royal Arch Masonry Comp . Corbie was exalted in the Faith Chapter , Xo . 141 , in June , 1877 , and became one of the founders of the Chigwell Chapter , Xo . 453 . In 18 93 he
, was installed M . E . Z ., received the honour of Prov . G . H . in j 8 97 , and now acts as Scribe E . of the chapter . Bro . Corbie is a subscriber to all the Charities , and as the colleague of Bro . John Glass , in 1 S 88 , took prominent part in the campaign against the then existing Management of the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys , at AA ' ood Green . This was a disagreeable and uphill task , but gradually the subscribers became interested in the movement , large meetings were held , and what at first was thought to be a hopeless undertaking was persevered in , until a special committee was appointed to inquire into the whole matter ; the
chairman being our R . AA ' . Bro . His Honour Judge Philbrick , Q . C ., the then Grand Registrar and Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex . The result was the issue of the celebrated report of the 18 th April , 1889 , after which an entirely new Board of Management was appointed , Bro . Corbie being one of the first to be elected
on that body , as a country member , representing the province of Essex . He still sits as such , and has been on nearly all the committees of the Boys' School and is Chairman of the Clothing Committee . Bro . Corbie is a Liveryman of the City of London , being Upper Warden of the AA ' orshipful
Company of Gardeners . He is a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , also A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
PAST GRAND S TANDARD BEARER . Bro . Charles E . Ferry was initiated in the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 in 1875 , thus commencing his Masonic career in the eventful year in which His Majesty the King was installed as Grand Master . Three years later Bro .
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The New Fast Grand Officers.
the Xii Sine Labor Lodge , 273 6 ; in 1901 , the Khartoum Lodge ( Soudan ) , Xo . 2877 , anc ^ i ' 9 ° 3 < the Sir Reginald Wingate Lodge , Xo . 2954 . He was installed as W . M . of the Khartoum Lodge in 1902 , and the Sir Reginald AVingate Lodge in 1903 and 1904 . He was selected for
liRO . LIEUT .-COL . WILLIAM HENRY DRAGE , D . S . O . District Grand honours in 1902 , being made Junior Grand Deacon at that date , and Past Senior Grand AA arden in 1904 , of Egypt and the Soudan . He was President of the District Board of Benevolence for Egypt and the Soudan in 1903 . In
Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted on January 14 th , 1880 , in the chapter attached to the Hibernian Lodge , of which he is also a Past First Principal . Bro . Drage is Life Governor to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and served as Steward for the same Institution this year ( 1905 ) .
PAST GRAND STANDARD BEARER . Bro . William Metcalfe was initiated into Masonry on April 16 th , 188 5 , in the King Harold Lodge , Xo . 1327 , and
ISRO . WILLIAM . METCALFE . during his twenty years of membership has succeeded more than most men in associating himself with all the best interests
of the Craft . He became a joining member of a number of lodges , viz ., the Robert Mitchell , Xo . 295 6 in 1903 ; jubilee Masters ' , Xo . 2712 , in 1904 ; James Terry , Xo . 2372 , in 1890 ; Chigwell , Xo . 453 , in 1 899 ; Quatuor Coronati , Xo . 2076 ( Correspondence Circle ) , in 1900 ; Waltham Abbey , Xo . 275 6 , in 1901 ; Gresham , Xo . 869 , in 1902 ; AA'hite Rose of York , Xo .
2840 , in 1901 ; West AVickham , Xo . 294 8 , in 1903 ; Cheshunt , Xo . 2921 , in 1902 ; and King Alfred , Xo . 2945 , in 1902 . He was installed asAA ' . Master of the James Terry Lodge in 1892 ; King Harold in 18 93 ; Chigwell , in 1904 ; AA hite Rose of York , in 1904 ; West AVickham , in 1903 ; and King Alfred in 1903 .
He was selected for Provincial Grand honours in 1901 , being elected P . G . Treasurer for Herts . Bro . Metcalfe is at present a member of the Board of General Purposes . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Sincerity Chapter , Xo . 174 , in December , 1891 . He afterwards joined the James Terry
Chapter in 1897 , :, nd tlie AA'hite Rose of York in 1904 . He has filled the chair of Principal Z . in all three . He has served nine Stewardships , and is Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; seven Stewardships and A'ice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; and eleven Stewardships and A'iee-Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Bro . George Corbie can claim the unique distinction of having during a long and arduous Masonic career , devoted his energies , as far as Craft Alasonry is concerned , solely to his mother lodge , thus proving that services faithfully rendered
to one lodge is not incompatible with a full Masonic life . He was initiated in the Chigwell Lodge , Xo 453 , in 1871 , and became AA ' orshipful Master in 18 77 . Shortly after he was appointed Secretary , the duties of which he has carried out for the past twenty-five years . In 18 77 he was appointed by
the late Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , then Provincial Grand Master of Essex , to the office of Provincial Grand Warden . In Royal Arch Masonry Comp . Corbie was exalted in the Faith Chapter , Xo . 141 , in June , 1877 , and became one of the founders of the Chigwell Chapter , Xo . 453 . In 18 93 he
, was installed M . E . Z ., received the honour of Prov . G . H . in j 8 97 , and now acts as Scribe E . of the chapter . Bro . Corbie is a subscriber to all the Charities , and as the colleague of Bro . John Glass , in 1 S 88 , took prominent part in the campaign against the then existing Management of the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys , at AA ' ood Green . This was a disagreeable and uphill task , but gradually the subscribers became interested in the movement , large meetings were held , and what at first was thought to be a hopeless undertaking was persevered in , until a special committee was appointed to inquire into the whole matter ; the
chairman being our R . AA ' . Bro . His Honour Judge Philbrick , Q . C ., the then Grand Registrar and Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex . The result was the issue of the celebrated report of the 18 th April , 1889 , after which an entirely new Board of Management was appointed , Bro . Corbie being one of the first to be elected
on that body , as a country member , representing the province of Essex . He still sits as such , and has been on nearly all the committees of the Boys' School and is Chairman of the Clothing Committee . Bro . Corbie is a Liveryman of the City of London , being Upper Warden of the AA ' orshipful
Company of Gardeners . He is a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , also A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
PAST GRAND S TANDARD BEARER . Bro . Charles E . Ferry was initiated in the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 in 1875 , thus commencing his Masonic career in the eventful year in which His Majesty the King was installed as Grand Master . Three years later Bro .