Article MASONIC REMINISCENCES. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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Masonic Reminiscences.
and galvanic operations , occurred to the minds of others . None , however ,, thought of consulting his washerwoman , who perhaps coidd have enlightened his bewildered understanding on the point . Hitherto , the scowls of the ever watchful she-dragon at any of the male kind that happened for a moment to loiter at her window front , deterred from a personal investigation of the secret : at last , one bolder
and more curious than the rest , resolved , at any cost , to unravel the mystery . And having plucked up his courage , and assuming as serious a face as he could , entered the shop , and in the mildest terms possible asked , "Whether the operation of 'Bofonging and Goofreeing' would hurt much , as if not , he should like to try it , not feeling very well , and requesting to be informed what time it would take , and how much it
would cost ?" The hirsute amazon , recognizing in the person of the applicant one of her chief tormentors , immediately seized a bonnet block which happened to be near , and discharging it with might and main at his head , sent him stunned and staggering into the middle of the street , where he left a full length impression of his figure in the mudand had the narrowest possible
, escape from the drag of . Br . Ed . P m who happened to be driving by at the moment , and whose well known adroitness as a whip , alone preserved the unfortunate victim of curiosity from being crushed beneath the wheels .
To this gentle being was poor Phil recommended to apply for her infallible cure for a black eye , and after fall instructions , and due drilling as to what he was to saj-, and do , he proceeded full of hopeful gladness at the thought of being at once freed from the disgraceful mark which gave him so much uneasiness . The " whereabouts" having been pointed out by a few of the cruel
wags , who remained at a little distance to watch the issue , Phil entered the shop , and with " broad grin simplicity , " addressed the bearded dame : — " Mam , I'd feel obliged if you'd be so good as to Bofong or Goofer my eye , whichever will cure it quickest , as I am anxious to get rid of the mark before I meet my uncle ; and please let me know how much it will cost ? " Bursting with rage , she shouted with stentorian
voice , " Ask the d 1 , yer grandfather , ye young robber ! " and at the same time dashed in his face , and all over his clothes , the contents of a vessel filled with the filthy residuum of several dyeing operations . Agonized with terror and amazement , he rushed into the street , nearly suffocated , and as black as a nigger , sputtering forth the poisonous fluid , and pursued by the ogress who belaboured him with his own hat , which
he had laid down , that she might the more carefully examine Ms eye ; fear is a capital spur , it gave such additional fleetness to Phil's heels , as to place him very soon out of her reach , and as you sometimes s ' ee a rabid dog vent his rage on some harmless inanimate object , the moment she found Phil out of her clutches , she commenced a sort of war dance on the hat , until it was rcduc ' -d to ~ nch a shapeless mass , as would defy the recognition of the maker . The by-standers were in vs ^ oy . Phil ' s companions now rushed from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Reminiscences.
and galvanic operations , occurred to the minds of others . None , however ,, thought of consulting his washerwoman , who perhaps coidd have enlightened his bewildered understanding on the point . Hitherto , the scowls of the ever watchful she-dragon at any of the male kind that happened for a moment to loiter at her window front , deterred from a personal investigation of the secret : at last , one bolder
and more curious than the rest , resolved , at any cost , to unravel the mystery . And having plucked up his courage , and assuming as serious a face as he could , entered the shop , and in the mildest terms possible asked , "Whether the operation of 'Bofonging and Goofreeing' would hurt much , as if not , he should like to try it , not feeling very well , and requesting to be informed what time it would take , and how much it
would cost ?" The hirsute amazon , recognizing in the person of the applicant one of her chief tormentors , immediately seized a bonnet block which happened to be near , and discharging it with might and main at his head , sent him stunned and staggering into the middle of the street , where he left a full length impression of his figure in the mudand had the narrowest possible
, escape from the drag of . Br . Ed . P m who happened to be driving by at the moment , and whose well known adroitness as a whip , alone preserved the unfortunate victim of curiosity from being crushed beneath the wheels .
To this gentle being was poor Phil recommended to apply for her infallible cure for a black eye , and after fall instructions , and due drilling as to what he was to saj-, and do , he proceeded full of hopeful gladness at the thought of being at once freed from the disgraceful mark which gave him so much uneasiness . The " whereabouts" having been pointed out by a few of the cruel
wags , who remained at a little distance to watch the issue , Phil entered the shop , and with " broad grin simplicity , " addressed the bearded dame : — " Mam , I'd feel obliged if you'd be so good as to Bofong or Goofer my eye , whichever will cure it quickest , as I am anxious to get rid of the mark before I meet my uncle ; and please let me know how much it will cost ? " Bursting with rage , she shouted with stentorian
voice , " Ask the d 1 , yer grandfather , ye young robber ! " and at the same time dashed in his face , and all over his clothes , the contents of a vessel filled with the filthy residuum of several dyeing operations . Agonized with terror and amazement , he rushed into the street , nearly suffocated , and as black as a nigger , sputtering forth the poisonous fluid , and pursued by the ogress who belaboured him with his own hat , which
he had laid down , that she might the more carefully examine Ms eye ; fear is a capital spur , it gave such additional fleetness to Phil's heels , as to place him very soon out of her reach , and as you sometimes s ' ee a rabid dog vent his rage on some harmless inanimate object , the moment she found Phil out of her clutches , she commenced a sort of war dance on the hat , until it was rcduc ' -d to ~ nch a shapeless mass , as would defy the recognition of the maker . The by-standers were in vs ^ oy . Phil ' s companions now rushed from