Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. Page 1 of 5 →
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rities , that pointing out all abuses where they might be found to exist , and calling attention to their merits and requirements , they might become , what he regretted to say he did not yet consider the whole of them to he , an honor to the craft of which it was his greatest pride to be a member . The harmony of the evening was greatl y enhanced by the masterly performance of Br . Julian Adams on the concertina , and by the vocal exertions of Br . Captain Dillon ( 641 ) ( Ireland ) , Br . Crawley , Br . Hazard , and several other brethren .
LODGE OF UNITED PILGRIMS ( No . 745 ) . —This Lodge met on Friday , July 6 th , 1855 , for the purpose of working the Ceremony of Installation , which was very ably performed by Br . J . Thomas , P . M ., of the Lodge ( No . 745 ) , in the presence of upwards of twenty brethren , Br . C . Ireland as the candidate . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer—after which , the brethren partook of a banquet , provided by the worthy landlord , Br . C . Foulsham , in his usual hospitable and satisfactory style . After supperBr . W . H . Luckinsdeputed bthe brethren
, , y , presented Br . J . Thomas with a silver cigar case , as a slight token of gratitude and respect the brethren felt for him , for his readiness and willingness to impart that Masonic knowledge he was so capable of doing , accompanied by the following address , which the secretary , ( Br . P . Moss ) , by the request of the brethren read .
To Br . J . Thomas , P . M ., of Lodge No . 745 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —We , the undersigned brethren , members of this , and other Lodges of Instruction , who have so frequently benefited by your kindness and readiness at all times to afford us that instruction which your Masonic knowledge gives you the power of imparting , beg , most fraternally , to return you our sincere thanks , and as a small token of our gratitude , solicit you to accept this silver cigar caseas an earnest of our esteem and respect . We trust will consider it as such
, you , and we earnestly hope that you may long be spared to render us that Masonic instruction we stand in need of , and when it shall please T . G . A . O . T . U . to call you from this world , may you ascend to those blest mansions from whence all goodness emanates . So mote it be .
( Signed ) Brs . T . A . Adams ; F . Binckes ; W . Berrett ; W . Burden ; F . Bishop ; C . Ellis ; — Thornhill ; D . R . Farmer ; C . Foulsham ; H . Garrod ; G . Harding ; F . Geider ; G . Haward ; J . Batley ; A . Haward ; — Jacobs ; — Martin ; P . Moss ; W . Neats ; J . Smith ; J . T . Warren ; J . R . Warren ; J . W . Ward ; W . H . Luckins ; AM'Intosh ; F . Sheriff ; — M'Donald ; C . Ireland ; —Morris . The evening was spent most harmoniously , and after the usual Masonic Toasts had been drunk , the W . Master proposed the health of the treasurer , ( Br . G . Haward ) , who
responded in a neat and appropriate speech . The W . M . then proposed the health of the secretary , commenting upon the efficient manner in which he discharged his duties , and the regularity of his attendance at the Lodge , to which the secretary replied , stating , that if the brethren were satisfied with the way in which he kept the minutes of the Lodge , he was amply repaid by obtaining their good wishes . Some excellent singing enlivened the evening , and the brethren separated at an early hour , highly pleased with the able manner in which the duties of this Lodge of Instruction , are carried out .
Provincial Lodges.
DEVONSHIRE . LODGE SINCERITY ( NO . 224 ) . —Met on the first Monday in July , at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse . After the routine business of the evening was disposed of , a letter was read from a member of No . 122 , who therein declined giving any reply to thenquestion as to whether he were the author of a communication to the Editor of the Masonic Mirror , seeking information concerning the legality of certain jewels worn the 14 th May in former Lodge . It was resolved that the whole of the correspond-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
rities , that pointing out all abuses where they might be found to exist , and calling attention to their merits and requirements , they might become , what he regretted to say he did not yet consider the whole of them to he , an honor to the craft of which it was his greatest pride to be a member . The harmony of the evening was greatl y enhanced by the masterly performance of Br . Julian Adams on the concertina , and by the vocal exertions of Br . Captain Dillon ( 641 ) ( Ireland ) , Br . Crawley , Br . Hazard , and several other brethren .
LODGE OF UNITED PILGRIMS ( No . 745 ) . —This Lodge met on Friday , July 6 th , 1855 , for the purpose of working the Ceremony of Installation , which was very ably performed by Br . J . Thomas , P . M ., of the Lodge ( No . 745 ) , in the presence of upwards of twenty brethren , Br . C . Ireland as the candidate . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer—after which , the brethren partook of a banquet , provided by the worthy landlord , Br . C . Foulsham , in his usual hospitable and satisfactory style . After supperBr . W . H . Luckinsdeputed bthe brethren
, , y , presented Br . J . Thomas with a silver cigar case , as a slight token of gratitude and respect the brethren felt for him , for his readiness and willingness to impart that Masonic knowledge he was so capable of doing , accompanied by the following address , which the secretary , ( Br . P . Moss ) , by the request of the brethren read .
To Br . J . Thomas , P . M ., of Lodge No . 745 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —We , the undersigned brethren , members of this , and other Lodges of Instruction , who have so frequently benefited by your kindness and readiness at all times to afford us that instruction which your Masonic knowledge gives you the power of imparting , beg , most fraternally , to return you our sincere thanks , and as a small token of our gratitude , solicit you to accept this silver cigar caseas an earnest of our esteem and respect . We trust will consider it as such
, you , and we earnestly hope that you may long be spared to render us that Masonic instruction we stand in need of , and when it shall please T . G . A . O . T . U . to call you from this world , may you ascend to those blest mansions from whence all goodness emanates . So mote it be .
( Signed ) Brs . T . A . Adams ; F . Binckes ; W . Berrett ; W . Burden ; F . Bishop ; C . Ellis ; — Thornhill ; D . R . Farmer ; C . Foulsham ; H . Garrod ; G . Harding ; F . Geider ; G . Haward ; J . Batley ; A . Haward ; — Jacobs ; — Martin ; P . Moss ; W . Neats ; J . Smith ; J . T . Warren ; J . R . Warren ; J . W . Ward ; W . H . Luckins ; AM'Intosh ; F . Sheriff ; — M'Donald ; C . Ireland ; —Morris . The evening was spent most harmoniously , and after the usual Masonic Toasts had been drunk , the W . Master proposed the health of the treasurer , ( Br . G . Haward ) , who
responded in a neat and appropriate speech . The W . M . then proposed the health of the secretary , commenting upon the efficient manner in which he discharged his duties , and the regularity of his attendance at the Lodge , to which the secretary replied , stating , that if the brethren were satisfied with the way in which he kept the minutes of the Lodge , he was amply repaid by obtaining their good wishes . Some excellent singing enlivened the evening , and the brethren separated at an early hour , highly pleased with the able manner in which the duties of this Lodge of Instruction , are carried out .
Provincial Lodges.
DEVONSHIRE . LODGE SINCERITY ( NO . 224 ) . —Met on the first Monday in July , at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse . After the routine business of the evening was disposed of , a letter was read from a member of No . 122 , who therein declined giving any reply to thenquestion as to whether he were the author of a communication to the Editor of the Masonic Mirror , seeking information concerning the legality of certain jewels worn the 14 th May in former Lodge . It was resolved that the whole of the correspond-