Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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Provincial Lodges.
LANCASHIRE . MARINERS' LODGE ( No . 310 ) . —The monthly meeting of this excellent lodge of free and accepted Masons was held at their new lodge-room , Hauck ' s-buildings , No . 42 , Duke-street , Liverpool , on Thursday , October 5 th . The business of the lodge was opened by Br . James Hamer , P . M ., who , with his accustomed efficiency , initiated several candidates into the order ; after which the installation of Br . Samuel Lewis Cafle , as AV . M . for the . ensuing year , was proceeded with by Br . Hamer , with
the assistance of several officers of P . G . L ., who had most tandly tendered men- services at this interesting and important ceremony of the lodge ; and the newly-installed W . M . appointed Br . D . Myers , S . W ., and Br . J . Ashton , J . W ., and all the other officers for the ensuine year . Business being closed , an elegant banquet succeeded . The chair was taken by the W . M ., who was supported on the right and left by the P . G . officers and P . masters of the lodge ; and at the commencement of the banquet , Praise tho Lord" in admirable stleOn the removal of the clothNora
" was sung y . , nobis was sung , and the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drunk with great enthusiasm . Br . James Hamer , P . M ., rose , and claimed the support of the brothers to do justice to the toast he was about to propose . He regretted that he was incompetent to do justice to the individual whose health they wore about to drink ; it could not possibly arise from the want of cordial feeling : he had known him for several years and he believed they could coincide with him in the opinion , that for honesty and
strict integrity , they could not do otherwise than admire him as a man ana juason . He requested the brothers to charge their glasses , and join him in drinking the health of Br . S . L . Gaffe , their W . M . Br . S . L . Gaffe , on rising to return thanks , was received with much cheering ; on its subsiding , he proceeded to remark that his sincere and heartfelt thanks were due to the brethren for the high honour they had that day been pleased to confer on him . He was sensible of the kindness which had prompted them to select him for the important office of WMfor the ensuing and although he
.. year ; was aware of the great responsibility lie had incurred by his installation to the chair of the lodge , yet he hoped the same would be lessened by their affording him that much valued assistance which they had so liberally bestowed on his predecessors in that office . He should , therefore , in safety calculate on their continued exertions and
assistance to enable him to carry out the noble example exhibited by his predecessors ; and he could not withhold his praise for their zeal , as they retired from office , in leaving the funds in a prosperous condition , which would allow them to serve the holy cause of charity , and to continue to dispense relief to tho widow and orphan , or to those who by misfortune are reduced to become recipients of Masonic bounty . Various other toasts were given and responded to , especially Br . Gaffe ' s , W . M ., proposal of the name of Br . Hamer , P . M ., upon whom lie passed a very high encomium offices of the lod The
for his long and valuable services iu connexion with past ge . lodge was closed at the hour prescribed , and the brethren separated , expressing their gratification with the whole proceedings .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire , held its anniversary meeting on tho 19 th ult ., at the King ' s Head , Newport . Tlie business of the day commenced with thc opening of tho Silurian Lodge 693 , in the Masonic Hall . The P . G . L . was then opened in form at the King ' s Head , by the R . W . Br . Rolls ,
D . P . G . M ., who , in the . absence of Br . Col . Tynte , P . G . M ., occupied the chair . After the accounts had been audited and the minutes of the last lodge confirmed , the R . AV . tho D . P . G . M . nominated as his officers for tlie ensuing year the following brethren , namely : —Br . Lyne , S . G . W ., Br . Capt . Tynte , J . G . AV ., Br . the Rev . Jno . Roberts , G . C ., Br . J . Nicholas , G . Treasurer , Br . Pearce King , G . S . D ., Br . AVorks , G . J . D ., Br . Childcot , D . C , Br . West , Assistant D . C , Br . Wells ( Pursuivant ) , Br . Groves , Organist , and Br . Fienburg , Tyler .
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Provincial Lodges.
LANCASHIRE . MARINERS' LODGE ( No . 310 ) . —The monthly meeting of this excellent lodge of free and accepted Masons was held at their new lodge-room , Hauck ' s-buildings , No . 42 , Duke-street , Liverpool , on Thursday , October 5 th . The business of the lodge was opened by Br . James Hamer , P . M ., who , with his accustomed efficiency , initiated several candidates into the order ; after which the installation of Br . Samuel Lewis Cafle , as AV . M . for the . ensuing year , was proceeded with by Br . Hamer , with
the assistance of several officers of P . G . L ., who had most tandly tendered men- services at this interesting and important ceremony of the lodge ; and the newly-installed W . M . appointed Br . D . Myers , S . W ., and Br . J . Ashton , J . W ., and all the other officers for the ensuine year . Business being closed , an elegant banquet succeeded . The chair was taken by the W . M ., who was supported on the right and left by the P . G . officers and P . masters of the lodge ; and at the commencement of the banquet , Praise tho Lord" in admirable stleOn the removal of the clothNora
" was sung y . , nobis was sung , and the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drunk with great enthusiasm . Br . James Hamer , P . M ., rose , and claimed the support of the brothers to do justice to the toast he was about to propose . He regretted that he was incompetent to do justice to the individual whose health they wore about to drink ; it could not possibly arise from the want of cordial feeling : he had known him for several years and he believed they could coincide with him in the opinion , that for honesty and
strict integrity , they could not do otherwise than admire him as a man ana juason . He requested the brothers to charge their glasses , and join him in drinking the health of Br . S . L . Gaffe , their W . M . Br . S . L . Gaffe , on rising to return thanks , was received with much cheering ; on its subsiding , he proceeded to remark that his sincere and heartfelt thanks were due to the brethren for the high honour they had that day been pleased to confer on him . He was sensible of the kindness which had prompted them to select him for the important office of WMfor the ensuing and although he
.. year ; was aware of the great responsibility lie had incurred by his installation to the chair of the lodge , yet he hoped the same would be lessened by their affording him that much valued assistance which they had so liberally bestowed on his predecessors in that office . He should , therefore , in safety calculate on their continued exertions and
assistance to enable him to carry out the noble example exhibited by his predecessors ; and he could not withhold his praise for their zeal , as they retired from office , in leaving the funds in a prosperous condition , which would allow them to serve the holy cause of charity , and to continue to dispense relief to tho widow and orphan , or to those who by misfortune are reduced to become recipients of Masonic bounty . Various other toasts were given and responded to , especially Br . Gaffe ' s , W . M ., proposal of the name of Br . Hamer , P . M ., upon whom lie passed a very high encomium offices of the lod The
for his long and valuable services iu connexion with past ge . lodge was closed at the hour prescribed , and the brethren separated , expressing their gratification with the whole proceedings .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire , held its anniversary meeting on tho 19 th ult ., at the King ' s Head , Newport . Tlie business of the day commenced with thc opening of tho Silurian Lodge 693 , in the Masonic Hall . The P . G . L . was then opened in form at the King ' s Head , by the R . W . Br . Rolls ,
D . P . G . M ., who , in the . absence of Br . Col . Tynte , P . G . M ., occupied the chair . After the accounts had been audited and the minutes of the last lodge confirmed , the R . AV . tho D . P . G . M . nominated as his officers for tlie ensuing year the following brethren , namely : —Br . Lyne , S . G . W ., Br . Capt . Tynte , J . G . AV ., Br . the Rev . Jno . Roberts , G . C ., Br . J . Nicholas , G . Treasurer , Br . Pearce King , G . S . D ., Br . AVorks , G . J . D ., Br . Childcot , D . C , Br . West , Assistant D . C , Br . Wells ( Pursuivant ) , Br . Groves , Organist , and Br . Fienburg , Tyler .