Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 9 of 9 Article ROYAL FREEMASONS GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Lodges.
Esq . Trustees , L . Joseph , Esq ., Dr . Gosse , J . S . Henry , Esq ., C S . Porle , Esq ., and B . Nathan , Esq . Auditors , Messrs . Ball and Woods . There is a neat cottage attached to the hall , which is intended for the residence of Brother J . Wing , the tyler , who on this occasion was presented with a very handsome silver watch . About eighty brethren were present , and the evening was spent most agreeably .
NEAV FREEMASONS HALL , AT HOB ART TOWN . —A new masonic hall is also to be erected in this place , Brother William Champion having kindly given a very eligible site . The result is , that a company is in process of formation , with 50007 . capital , in 10 / . shares , to erect a hall ; these shares are to be held by and transferable to those only who are true and faithful brothers amongst us . One pound is to be paid down , and the remainder is reserved in equal instalments by promissory notes , payable at three , sixnineand twelve monthsrespectivelbearing date July 11854 . Brothers G .
, , , y , , Stevenson , M . Kennett , and AV . G . Hardy , are respectively treasurer , secretary , and solicitor . A provisional committee has been appointed , consisting of twelve brethren , and two hundred and sixty-four shares have already been taken . As soon as four hundred shares are taken , it is intended to hold a general meeting of shareholders for he election of officers , and the formal inauguration of the company .
Royal Freemasons Girls' School.
On the 12 th ult ., the usual Quarterly Court of the Governors' of the Girls' School , ' was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , for the election of children , and for the transaction of general business . Brother Mills occupied the chair .
Brother Crewe , the Secretary , read the minutes of the previous Quarterly Court , and of the several sittings of the House Committee , which had taken place during the three months intervening . From these records , it appeared , that the Grand Lodge has this year subscribed 350 / . to the funds of the Instisution . All the children with the exception of 12 , spent the last vacation with their relatives and friends , and returned to the school in good health . One child unfortunately fell a victim to the late pestilence , notwithstanding the most attentive care of the medical officers and of the
schoolmistress . The conduct of Dr . Moore , M . D ., Honorary Physician , the same gentleman who some time since filled the office of G . S . D ., was beyond all praise . During the time that the child ' s illness continued , he attended her at Wandsworth , several times each day , ancl supplied her with wine and other necessaries from his own establishment . The House Committee fully recognising such an active exercise of the highest virtue that can adorn a mason , had placed on record the expression of their unanimous . thanks to Brother Moore . Brother Howel ) to the Institutionwas also
, surgeon , indefatigable in his exertions , and was in constant attendance on the child , while the care bestowed on the youthful sufferer , by Miss Jarwood , was characterised by all that fond attention which she has for so many years exercised towards the children placed under her care ; and the relatives of the child , in most affecting terms expressed their gratitude for the careful and affectionate manner with which she had been treated .
ihe committee had defeated an attempt made by the churchwardens to subject the Institution to an annual charge of 41 . 7 s . 0 d . for church rates , and received a letter from Brother Phillip Hardwicke , their architect , certifying , that tlie works at the School House had been completed to his satisfaction . These minutes were , on the motion of Brother Symonds , confirmed by the Court . The Treasurer was then authorised to pay 393 / . 5 s . 8 d ., the expenses of tho Institution for the quarter
. Brother Crewe then announced that there were six vacancies on the school , and that there were only five approved candidates : on which it was moved , that the five children so approved should be admitted without a poll . This was at once agreed to . Brother Symonds next brought before the court , the case of a child who had been elected at the poll , which took place in April last , but who , on account of the extreme delicacy of her constitution was refused the necessary medical certificate to
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Provincial Lodges.
Esq . Trustees , L . Joseph , Esq ., Dr . Gosse , J . S . Henry , Esq ., C S . Porle , Esq ., and B . Nathan , Esq . Auditors , Messrs . Ball and Woods . There is a neat cottage attached to the hall , which is intended for the residence of Brother J . Wing , the tyler , who on this occasion was presented with a very handsome silver watch . About eighty brethren were present , and the evening was spent most agreeably .
NEAV FREEMASONS HALL , AT HOB ART TOWN . —A new masonic hall is also to be erected in this place , Brother William Champion having kindly given a very eligible site . The result is , that a company is in process of formation , with 50007 . capital , in 10 / . shares , to erect a hall ; these shares are to be held by and transferable to those only who are true and faithful brothers amongst us . One pound is to be paid down , and the remainder is reserved in equal instalments by promissory notes , payable at three , sixnineand twelve monthsrespectivelbearing date July 11854 . Brothers G .
, , , y , , Stevenson , M . Kennett , and AV . G . Hardy , are respectively treasurer , secretary , and solicitor . A provisional committee has been appointed , consisting of twelve brethren , and two hundred and sixty-four shares have already been taken . As soon as four hundred shares are taken , it is intended to hold a general meeting of shareholders for he election of officers , and the formal inauguration of the company .
Royal Freemasons Girls' School.
On the 12 th ult ., the usual Quarterly Court of the Governors' of the Girls' School , ' was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , for the election of children , and for the transaction of general business . Brother Mills occupied the chair .
Brother Crewe , the Secretary , read the minutes of the previous Quarterly Court , and of the several sittings of the House Committee , which had taken place during the three months intervening . From these records , it appeared , that the Grand Lodge has this year subscribed 350 / . to the funds of the Instisution . All the children with the exception of 12 , spent the last vacation with their relatives and friends , and returned to the school in good health . One child unfortunately fell a victim to the late pestilence , notwithstanding the most attentive care of the medical officers and of the
schoolmistress . The conduct of Dr . Moore , M . D ., Honorary Physician , the same gentleman who some time since filled the office of G . S . D ., was beyond all praise . During the time that the child ' s illness continued , he attended her at Wandsworth , several times each day , ancl supplied her with wine and other necessaries from his own establishment . The House Committee fully recognising such an active exercise of the highest virtue that can adorn a mason , had placed on record the expression of their unanimous . thanks to Brother Moore . Brother Howel ) to the Institutionwas also
, surgeon , indefatigable in his exertions , and was in constant attendance on the child , while the care bestowed on the youthful sufferer , by Miss Jarwood , was characterised by all that fond attention which she has for so many years exercised towards the children placed under her care ; and the relatives of the child , in most affecting terms expressed their gratitude for the careful and affectionate manner with which she had been treated .
ihe committee had defeated an attempt made by the churchwardens to subject the Institution to an annual charge of 41 . 7 s . 0 d . for church rates , and received a letter from Brother Phillip Hardwicke , their architect , certifying , that tlie works at the School House had been completed to his satisfaction . These minutes were , on the motion of Brother Symonds , confirmed by the Court . The Treasurer was then authorised to pay 393 / . 5 s . 8 d ., the expenses of tho Institution for the quarter
. Brother Crewe then announced that there were six vacancies on the school , and that there were only five approved candidates : on which it was moved , that the five children so approved should be admitted without a poll . This was at once agreed to . Brother Symonds next brought before the court , the case of a child who had been elected at the poll , which took place in April last , but who , on account of the extreme delicacy of her constitution was refused the necessary medical certificate to