Article ROYAL FREEMASONS GIRLS' SCHOOL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article BROTHERLY LOVE. Page 1 of 13 →
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Royal Freemasons Girls' School.
qualify her admission . She had since been residing at Margate , and was now greatly improved in health as testified by letters from medical men resident in that town , addressed to Brother Patten . Under these circumstances , he thought that the unfilled vacancy should be kept open for her , subject to her obtaining a certificate of good health from the medical officers of the charity ; and he had great pleasure in moving a resolution to that effect .
. Brother . Barrett seconded the proposition . The Chairman thought that the child ' s illness did not nullify her election , but that she had a right to the first vacancy which might arise after her complete recovery . There being some doubt on this point , the motion was put from the chair and unanimously agreed to . The proceedings then terminated , with a vote of thanks to the Chairman . At a meeting of the General Committee on Thursday lastover which BrBeadon
, . presided , Miss Jarwood was appointed Matron , pro tem ., ' m the place of the late Mrs . Crooks . . BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . —At the monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , Oct . 26 , nine applicants were relieved with arious sums amounting in the aggregate to 85 / . 17 s .
Brotherly Love.
BY ALEX , HENRY GIRVEN , AUTHOR OP "REGINALD SELWYtV , " & o . CIUPTEK I . —PASSION AND DEFOUJIITV , THE sun Avas sinking behind a range of vino-covered hills wliicli formed tlie Avestern boundary of an ancient and p icturesque town in tlie
south of Prance . It Avas tlie earl y part of autumn , and the foliage ivas beginning to assume those A aried tints , Avhich lend suck diversity and beauty to woodland scenery , ivhich in this localit y abounded for miles in the direction of the receding- orb . The scene upon Avhich tlie eye of the spectator reposed , Avas one oi' those Avhicli a painter would have selected for Ms canvass , or Avhich Avould have kindled into enthusiasm a mind possessing a particle of imagination .
A . deep silence reigned around , and only one human form gai r e evidence of animated existence . It Avas that of a young man , AVKO paced np and down the banks of a river that issued from an acclivity at some distance , and Avhich pursued its course in graceful Avindings , until it reached the town , when its further progress ceased to be visible .
me pet son whom we have introduced , seemed entirely heedless ot the surrounding- objects , though the sun Avas then tinting every peak of the upland ivith glowing loveliness , and the water was rosy ivith its departing brilliancy , while in every direction there ivas some point of beaut y that ivooed the vision . He continued to walk up and down with Ids arms folded and his eyes fixed on the groundapparentllost in abstraction
, y Occasionally he woulddirect his glance towards the toivn , as if he expected , some one to approach thence , but , no one appearing , lie would resume his Avalk with the same abstracted air . It may be as well to suppl y the reader with some information respecting the toivn near which this opening scene of the narrative is laid , as well as
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Royal Freemasons Girls' School.
qualify her admission . She had since been residing at Margate , and was now greatly improved in health as testified by letters from medical men resident in that town , addressed to Brother Patten . Under these circumstances , he thought that the unfilled vacancy should be kept open for her , subject to her obtaining a certificate of good health from the medical officers of the charity ; and he had great pleasure in moving a resolution to that effect .
. Brother . Barrett seconded the proposition . The Chairman thought that the child ' s illness did not nullify her election , but that she had a right to the first vacancy which might arise after her complete recovery . There being some doubt on this point , the motion was put from the chair and unanimously agreed to . The proceedings then terminated , with a vote of thanks to the Chairman . At a meeting of the General Committee on Thursday lastover which BrBeadon
, . presided , Miss Jarwood was appointed Matron , pro tem ., ' m the place of the late Mrs . Crooks . . BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . —At the monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence , held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , Oct . 26 , nine applicants were relieved with arious sums amounting in the aggregate to 85 / . 17 s .
Brotherly Love.
BY ALEX , HENRY GIRVEN , AUTHOR OP "REGINALD SELWYtV , " & o . CIUPTEK I . —PASSION AND DEFOUJIITV , THE sun Avas sinking behind a range of vino-covered hills wliicli formed tlie Avestern boundary of an ancient and p icturesque town in tlie
south of Prance . It Avas tlie earl y part of autumn , and the foliage ivas beginning to assume those A aried tints , Avhich lend suck diversity and beauty to woodland scenery , ivhich in this localit y abounded for miles in the direction of the receding- orb . The scene upon Avhich tlie eye of the spectator reposed , Avas one oi' those Avhicli a painter would have selected for Ms canvass , or Avhich Avould have kindled into enthusiasm a mind possessing a particle of imagination .
A . deep silence reigned around , and only one human form gai r e evidence of animated existence . It Avas that of a young man , AVKO paced np and down the banks of a river that issued from an acclivity at some distance , and Avhich pursued its course in graceful Avindings , until it reached the town , when its further progress ceased to be visible .
me pet son whom we have introduced , seemed entirely heedless ot the surrounding- objects , though the sun Avas then tinting every peak of the upland ivith glowing loveliness , and the water was rosy ivith its departing brilliancy , while in every direction there ivas some point of beaut y that ivooed the vision . He continued to walk up and down with Ids arms folded and his eyes fixed on the groundapparentllost in abstraction
, y Occasionally he woulddirect his glance towards the toivn , as if he expected , some one to approach thence , but , no one appearing , lie would resume his Avalk with the same abstracted air . It may be as well to suppl y the reader with some information respecting the toivn near which this opening scene of the narrative is laid , as well as