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Summary Of News For October.
On tho evening of the Uth , Mr . Phelps revived Shakespeare ' s play of . Pericles , Prince of Tyre , " at Sadlers Wells Theatre . The p lay as written would not bear acting , at all events on the modern stage , but Mr . Phelps has so well performed his duty as managerial editor , and converted it into so exquisite a spectacle , that there is no doubt it will ensure what it deserves , a long and prosperous run . Tlie principal characters were artistically rendered by Mr . Phelps , and Miss Edith Heraud , who promises to become a great acquisition to the talented company ^ which Mr . Phelps has so wel brought together . 1
Mr . Wigan has re-opened the Olympic ' Theatre , with his Company greatly strengthened—and is nightly drawing crowded houses . A new bagatelle , entitled " a Blighted Being , " was produced ori the 16 th , with complete success—the eccentricities of Mr . Robson keeping the audience in a constant roar of laughter . A new Drama called the " Trustee , " was produced on the 23 rd , with very moderate success . Mr . Morris Barnett having completed a short starring engagement at the Adelphi , during which he enacted " Mon . Jaques , " and his other favourite French characters with the
great eclat—a new Drama , entitled a " Summer Storm , " was produced on 19 th , the life of which is likely to be almost as evanescent as summer storms generally are . At ASTLEYS , a grand military spectacle entitled " The battle of the Alma , " was produced on the 23 rd . Being magnificently mounted , well acted , and filled with a sufficient allowance of patriotic allusions , it met with complete success . Indeed , no similar spectacle—equally good—has been produced since the far-lamed " Battle of Waterloo , " which gained for this Theatre such well merited prosperity .
« BR . H . STUAIIT , M . P . —We are sure there is no brother in the order , whose loss will be more deeply felt and regretted , than that of Br . Stuart , M . P . for Bedford , which took place suddenly , on Wednesday last . Br . Stuart , who was a P . G . W . of England , having served the office in the year just past , 1853-4—a member of the Lodge of Antiquity—and of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford—named in honor of hiinself-fattehded his ftlasonic duties at the latter in health Wednesday
lodge , apparent good , on evening last . On returning home , lie was about to " alight from his carriage , when he was seized with a convulsive fit , which terminated his existence within ten minutes of his being carried into the house . Tbe Safe lamented . Brother , who was bom in 1804 , was grandson of the third Earl of Bute , being the second son of the late Archbishop Stuait . of Armagh , and Sophia granddaughter of the celebrated Wm . Penn . The present Prov . G . M . for Hertfordshire , Br . Wm . Stuart , is a brother of the deceased .
Jin . IBANTIS WATTS . —The craft and all who had the pleasure ot his acquaintance , have sustained a severe loss by the death of our esteemed Br . Watts , ihe respected P . M . of St . Mary ' s Lodge , No . 76 , in which he was initiated in tlie year 1841 , continuing a member until the time of his decease . Br . Watts was also a member of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 661 , Croydon , and a P . G . of the Chapter attached thereto . Br . Watts' health was never since we first had tlie honour of becoming acquainted with him , very strong , but the immediate cause of his death , which took place on the 12 th of September , at his seat , Richmond , Surrey , was that fell pestilencethe cholera
. Br . Watis was long the manager of the London Gazette—a gentleman at arms—a magistrate—a Director of the City of London Assurance Office—and , irrespective of the masonic charities in which he always evinced a most lively interest , a liberal supporter of the . Royal St . Ann ' s Society , and other valuable beneficent institutions . In short , Br . Watts was a true christian—a most worthy mason—and a firm friend . The St . Mary ' s Lodge , in order to show the respect in which they held our esteemed brother whilst living , held an emergency lodge on the 5 th October , at which Br . Skelton , W . M ., presided , when a resolution of condolence with tlie widow and family of the deceased , at their irreparable loss , was unanimously come lo . BR . CAPT , HERBERT . —Amongst those brave men who have fallen in the East , not from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of News For October.
On tho evening of the Uth , Mr . Phelps revived Shakespeare ' s play of . Pericles , Prince of Tyre , " at Sadlers Wells Theatre . The p lay as written would not bear acting , at all events on the modern stage , but Mr . Phelps has so well performed his duty as managerial editor , and converted it into so exquisite a spectacle , that there is no doubt it will ensure what it deserves , a long and prosperous run . Tlie principal characters were artistically rendered by Mr . Phelps , and Miss Edith Heraud , who promises to become a great acquisition to the talented company ^ which Mr . Phelps has so wel brought together . 1
Mr . Wigan has re-opened the Olympic ' Theatre , with his Company greatly strengthened—and is nightly drawing crowded houses . A new bagatelle , entitled " a Blighted Being , " was produced ori the 16 th , with complete success—the eccentricities of Mr . Robson keeping the audience in a constant roar of laughter . A new Drama called the " Trustee , " was produced on the 23 rd , with very moderate success . Mr . Morris Barnett having completed a short starring engagement at the Adelphi , during which he enacted " Mon . Jaques , " and his other favourite French characters with the
great eclat—a new Drama , entitled a " Summer Storm , " was produced on 19 th , the life of which is likely to be almost as evanescent as summer storms generally are . At ASTLEYS , a grand military spectacle entitled " The battle of the Alma , " was produced on the 23 rd . Being magnificently mounted , well acted , and filled with a sufficient allowance of patriotic allusions , it met with complete success . Indeed , no similar spectacle—equally good—has been produced since the far-lamed " Battle of Waterloo , " which gained for this Theatre such well merited prosperity .
« BR . H . STUAIIT , M . P . —We are sure there is no brother in the order , whose loss will be more deeply felt and regretted , than that of Br . Stuart , M . P . for Bedford , which took place suddenly , on Wednesday last . Br . Stuart , who was a P . G . W . of England , having served the office in the year just past , 1853-4—a member of the Lodge of Antiquity—and of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford—named in honor of hiinself-fattehded his ftlasonic duties at the latter in health Wednesday
lodge , apparent good , on evening last . On returning home , lie was about to " alight from his carriage , when he was seized with a convulsive fit , which terminated his existence within ten minutes of his being carried into the house . Tbe Safe lamented . Brother , who was bom in 1804 , was grandson of the third Earl of Bute , being the second son of the late Archbishop Stuait . of Armagh , and Sophia granddaughter of the celebrated Wm . Penn . The present Prov . G . M . for Hertfordshire , Br . Wm . Stuart , is a brother of the deceased .
Jin . IBANTIS WATTS . —The craft and all who had the pleasure ot his acquaintance , have sustained a severe loss by the death of our esteemed Br . Watts , ihe respected P . M . of St . Mary ' s Lodge , No . 76 , in which he was initiated in tlie year 1841 , continuing a member until the time of his decease . Br . Watts was also a member of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 661 , Croydon , and a P . G . of the Chapter attached thereto . Br . Watts' health was never since we first had tlie honour of becoming acquainted with him , very strong , but the immediate cause of his death , which took place on the 12 th of September , at his seat , Richmond , Surrey , was that fell pestilencethe cholera
. Br . Watis was long the manager of the London Gazette—a gentleman at arms—a magistrate—a Director of the City of London Assurance Office—and , irrespective of the masonic charities in which he always evinced a most lively interest , a liberal supporter of the . Royal St . Ann ' s Society , and other valuable beneficent institutions . In short , Br . Watts was a true christian—a most worthy mason—and a firm friend . The St . Mary ' s Lodge , in order to show the respect in which they held our esteemed brother whilst living , held an emergency lodge on the 5 th October , at which Br . Skelton , W . M ., presided , when a resolution of condolence with tlie widow and family of the deceased , at their irreparable loss , was unanimously come lo . BR . CAPT , HERBERT . —Amongst those brave men who have fallen in the East , not from