Article A SERIOUS TALK. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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A Serious Talk.
L . —Are you not too fast ! Masonry holds to the great practical doctrines Avhich Christ said formed the substance of the best part of the laAv : " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind , might , and strength , and thy neighbour as thyself .
. 4 ., —That is Old Testament doctrine . It may hold to that , but your society rejects Christ . L . —I believe the love of God and of our neighbour is one of the cardinal principles of the Gospel system , and these are also taught by Masonry ; soin so far as
, they are concerned , Masonry agrees with the Christian system . A . —But it does not "teach Christ and him crucified , " and I shall oppose any society which does not . L . —Allowing all you say , Bro . Aikin ,
that Masonry does not recognize the Saviour , I think you Avill acknoAvledge that there are some good things in it after all , and if so , that it may be Avorthy of support . A . —Never ! I have no fellowship Avith the unfruitful Avorks of darkness . My pastor says—L . —Never mind Avhat your pastor says .
Think for yourself . Decide for yourself . But , by the Avay , I understand that our horse-thief detective association , so recently organized , this afternoon arrested the thieves Avho stole neighbour Poivell ' s fine matched team . Did you hear of it 1 A . —NoI did notbut rejoice to hear
, , it noAV . I have confidence in that association , that it Avill yet do great good . L . —You are a member , I believe ? A . —Yes , I deemed it a duty I owed this community to further its objects as much as possible .
Li . —I have no doubt you did right . I have about determined to join it myself . A . —I am glad to hear it from you , and hope you will carry your determination into execution . Here is a copy of the byelaAvs under Avhich Ave have organized . They are very brief , but I think they cover the Avhole ground , and are all that are
necessary . Bro . Leming took the copy of the laAA's and examined them for a short time , and then said : L . —There seems to me to be something Avanting . it . —What it can be I can't imagine . L . —It does not even mention the
Saviour , and entirely ignores the Christian system—in fact , does not say a Avord about it . A . —1 am astonished at your language It borders on blasphemy . L . —Not at all . I am perfectly in earnestand speak with deference to the
, Saviour of men ancl his mission , and Avas only applying your argument against Masonry to your oAvn society , and that you perceive its applicability is evident . A . —But this is a different case .
L . — very little . Both are societies for the prevention and punishment of Avrong —both are composed of men o' dissimilar VICAVS on other subjects , but agreeing on the object for Avhich they Avere organized . NOAV , I presume some of the best detectives you have in your association would hardly be considered as ornaments of the church .
A . —That is certainly so . L . —Still they are doing a good Avork as detectives . They haA ^ e arrested , and probably Avill prosecute tAvo of the most notorious criminals knoivn in this vicinit y , AVIIO , I fear , had none but pious men been in pursuit , Avould now have beeu at
liberty . A . —They are good men for the place . L . — -Yes , they are . Now , if your byelaws had required of these men an acknoAVledgmeut of the Christian system as their religions experience , they Avould have been debarred from being the " good men in the place " for which you admit they are fitted .
A . —It Avould seem so , surely . L . —Having arrived at a correct conclusion , suppose Ave change the subject , Were you at the temperance meeting last night . A . —I was , and must say that I Avas greatly encouraged . I begin to think our
IIOAV organization will be a decided success . When neighbour Jones came forward and took the pledge , I felt like shouting . He is a good felloAV , naturall y , ancl his habits were getting rather loose . I have great hopes of him now . L . —And so have I . He is doubtless
sincere . A —That society will yet do a vast amount of good . If nei ghbour Jones is only saved from intemperance , that will richly repay us for our labour . Z . —Yes , that is one thing gained . But
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Serious Talk.
L . —Are you not too fast ! Masonry holds to the great practical doctrines Avhich Christ said formed the substance of the best part of the laAv : " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind , might , and strength , and thy neighbour as thyself .
. 4 ., —That is Old Testament doctrine . It may hold to that , but your society rejects Christ . L . —I believe the love of God and of our neighbour is one of the cardinal principles of the Gospel system , and these are also taught by Masonry ; soin so far as
, they are concerned , Masonry agrees with the Christian system . A . —But it does not "teach Christ and him crucified , " and I shall oppose any society which does not . L . —Allowing all you say , Bro . Aikin ,
that Masonry does not recognize the Saviour , I think you Avill acknoAvledge that there are some good things in it after all , and if so , that it may be Avorthy of support . A . —Never ! I have no fellowship Avith the unfruitful Avorks of darkness . My pastor says—L . —Never mind Avhat your pastor says .
Think for yourself . Decide for yourself . But , by the Avay , I understand that our horse-thief detective association , so recently organized , this afternoon arrested the thieves Avho stole neighbour Poivell ' s fine matched team . Did you hear of it 1 A . —NoI did notbut rejoice to hear
, , it noAV . I have confidence in that association , that it Avill yet do great good . L . —You are a member , I believe ? A . —Yes , I deemed it a duty I owed this community to further its objects as much as possible .
Li . —I have no doubt you did right . I have about determined to join it myself . A . —I am glad to hear it from you , and hope you will carry your determination into execution . Here is a copy of the byelaAvs under Avhich Ave have organized . They are very brief , but I think they cover the Avhole ground , and are all that are
necessary . Bro . Leming took the copy of the laAA's and examined them for a short time , and then said : L . —There seems to me to be something Avanting . it . —What it can be I can't imagine . L . —It does not even mention the
Saviour , and entirely ignores the Christian system—in fact , does not say a Avord about it . A . —1 am astonished at your language It borders on blasphemy . L . —Not at all . I am perfectly in earnestand speak with deference to the
, Saviour of men ancl his mission , and Avas only applying your argument against Masonry to your oAvn society , and that you perceive its applicability is evident . A . —But this is a different case .
L . — very little . Both are societies for the prevention and punishment of Avrong —both are composed of men o' dissimilar VICAVS on other subjects , but agreeing on the object for Avhich they Avere organized . NOAV , I presume some of the best detectives you have in your association would hardly be considered as ornaments of the church .
A . —That is certainly so . L . —Still they are doing a good Avork as detectives . They haA ^ e arrested , and probably Avill prosecute tAvo of the most notorious criminals knoivn in this vicinit y , AVIIO , I fear , had none but pious men been in pursuit , Avould now have beeu at
liberty . A . —They are good men for the place . L . — -Yes , they are . Now , if your byelaws had required of these men an acknoAVledgmeut of the Christian system as their religions experience , they Avould have been debarred from being the " good men in the place " for which you admit they are fitted .
A . —It Avould seem so , surely . L . —Having arrived at a correct conclusion , suppose Ave change the subject , Were you at the temperance meeting last night . A . —I was , and must say that I Avas greatly encouraged . I begin to think our
IIOAV organization will be a decided success . When neighbour Jones came forward and took the pledge , I felt like shouting . He is a good felloAV , naturall y , ancl his habits were getting rather loose . I have great hopes of him now . L . —And so have I . He is doubtless
sincere . A —That society will yet do a vast amount of good . If nei ghbour Jones is only saved from intemperance , that will richly repay us for our labour . Z . —Yes , that is one thing gained . But