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The Adventures And Travels Of A Box Of Bonbons.
ancl announced him . Ihe lady Avas reclining in a careless but graceful attitude on a chaiselongite . She Avas a young widoAv , a ? might easily be seen from her very bjcoming dress : but one of these inconsolable AvidoAvs who can hardly AVait until the expiration of the year ' s mouning
before taking a second husband to console them for the loss of the first . She Avas also beautiful and rich , ancl had no lack of suitors .
" Madame , said our Adonis , in a IOAV ancl someAvhat agitated voice , as he courteously presented the box , " to-morrow is NCAV Year ' s day ; you will leave all sad memories behind you Avith the past year , and only retain those of happiness . I also bring you my trifling gift . It is not large
, but my heart is Avithin it . " " Really ? " laughed the lady . " Your heart is in this little box ? Ancl bonbons besides from Siraudin ' s , the best in Paris !"
" It is as I have said , ' replied the other ; " ancl you must permit me to call again in a few days , in order to learn your opinion of the contents of my box . " " Most Avillingly , " said the lady , still jestingly ; "but I hope your heart is not very large , otherwise there Avould be no
room for any bonbons . " And she alloAA-ed him to kiss the pretty hand for Avhich so many sighed . Her lover took his leave , and Avent home Avith reneAved hope . Almost immediately a young lady , the AvidoAv ' s cousin , a pretty young girl , entered the boudoir , and laid a bunch of violets on the roseAvood table .
" Thanks , Clarissa , " said the lady , "I like your violets much better than these tiresome bonbons . This is the thirtysecond box , " she added , Avith a laugh , pointing to that from Siraudin ' s , " Avhich I have had during the last three days , and no doubt I shall have a dozen more
tomorrow . Take it , if you like ; I shall be very glad if you will ; I don't even care to open it , they are all alike . " Clarissa Avent home highly delighted ; her little bouquet of violets had gained her a beautiful present . She hastened Avith it to her mother .
" My child , ' said her mother , gravely , " you knoAV Avhat the docter ordered for you this morning ; meat and broth , hardly any vegetables , ancl , above all , neither pastry nor sweets . Be good and obedient ,
and do not open this stupid box ; Siraudin ' s SAveets are worse than any—his bonbons are as heavy as lead . I Avill give you the blue sash you asked me for yesterday instead . "
"Just as you please , mama , ansAvered the daughter , " only allow me to do Avhat I like Avith the box . " " Certainly ; ancl Avhat is that ? " " Elise Avas Avorking half the night at my ball dress , ancl she Avas so tired this morning that she almost Avent to sleep over
my hair . She AVOUIC ! be delighted if I gave her the bonbons . " " Do SO , my child , " said her mother ; and Clarissa gave the box to her maid . Elise Avas a good , honest girl , by no means uglyand a true Parisian . As such
, she loveel more than anything in the Avorld the illustrious French army , in the person of one of its noblest representatives . Her cousin Charles Avas a corporal in the second Chasseur Regiment , third battalion , fourth company ; and since his
promotion , noAV some time ago , they had been engaged to each other with the consent of their parents . But for a marriage between near relations a dispensation from Rome is necessary , ancl the road to Rome , although so many lead there , is long . Meanwhilethe young people loveel
, each other sincerely , and built castles in the air . Elise gave the box of bonbons to this corporal . He thanked her for her pretty present , Avhich , however , he by no means estimated at its full value , although lillise told him that there were bonbons in
the box , as good as any that his general could have . . On the way to the barracks our soldier thought to himself : "Of Avhat use arc bonbons to me ? they are only fit for childrenI Avould much rather have had
. a pipe andsome tobacco . 1 will give the box to the sergeant major ' s wife . It is just as well to be in the good graces of one ' s superiors ; one never knoAvs—" No sooner said than clone . The
sergeant-major ' s Avife received the young man AVIIO brought her such a pretty New Year's present most politely , made him sit doAvn , and offered him a glass of liqueur , Avhich Charles received and emptied with great alacrity . She also spoke to her husband that evening in favour of the young man ; but he Avas in a bad temper , as Avas ofton the case Avhen he had drunk
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Adventures And Travels Of A Box Of Bonbons.
ancl announced him . Ihe lady Avas reclining in a careless but graceful attitude on a chaiselongite . She Avas a young widoAv , a ? might easily be seen from her very bjcoming dress : but one of these inconsolable AvidoAvs who can hardly AVait until the expiration of the year ' s mouning
before taking a second husband to console them for the loss of the first . She Avas also beautiful and rich , ancl had no lack of suitors .
" Madame , said our Adonis , in a IOAV ancl someAvhat agitated voice , as he courteously presented the box , " to-morrow is NCAV Year ' s day ; you will leave all sad memories behind you Avith the past year , and only retain those of happiness . I also bring you my trifling gift . It is not large
, but my heart is Avithin it . " " Really ? " laughed the lady . " Your heart is in this little box ? Ancl bonbons besides from Siraudin ' s , the best in Paris !"
" It is as I have said , ' replied the other ; " ancl you must permit me to call again in a few days , in order to learn your opinion of the contents of my box . " " Most Avillingly , " said the lady , still jestingly ; "but I hope your heart is not very large , otherwise there Avould be no
room for any bonbons . " And she alloAA-ed him to kiss the pretty hand for Avhich so many sighed . Her lover took his leave , and Avent home Avith reneAved hope . Almost immediately a young lady , the AvidoAv ' s cousin , a pretty young girl , entered the boudoir , and laid a bunch of violets on the roseAvood table .
" Thanks , Clarissa , " said the lady , "I like your violets much better than these tiresome bonbons . This is the thirtysecond box , " she added , Avith a laugh , pointing to that from Siraudin ' s , " Avhich I have had during the last three days , and no doubt I shall have a dozen more
tomorrow . Take it , if you like ; I shall be very glad if you will ; I don't even care to open it , they are all alike . " Clarissa Avent home highly delighted ; her little bouquet of violets had gained her a beautiful present . She hastened Avith it to her mother .
" My child , ' said her mother , gravely , " you knoAV Avhat the docter ordered for you this morning ; meat and broth , hardly any vegetables , ancl , above all , neither pastry nor sweets . Be good and obedient ,
and do not open this stupid box ; Siraudin ' s SAveets are worse than any—his bonbons are as heavy as lead . I Avill give you the blue sash you asked me for yesterday instead . "
"Just as you please , mama , ansAvered the daughter , " only allow me to do Avhat I like Avith the box . " " Certainly ; ancl Avhat is that ? " " Elise Avas Avorking half the night at my ball dress , ancl she Avas so tired this morning that she almost Avent to sleep over
my hair . She AVOUIC ! be delighted if I gave her the bonbons . " " Do SO , my child , " said her mother ; and Clarissa gave the box to her maid . Elise Avas a good , honest girl , by no means uglyand a true Parisian . As such
, she loveel more than anything in the Avorld the illustrious French army , in the person of one of its noblest representatives . Her cousin Charles Avas a corporal in the second Chasseur Regiment , third battalion , fourth company ; and since his
promotion , noAV some time ago , they had been engaged to each other with the consent of their parents . But for a marriage between near relations a dispensation from Rome is necessary , ancl the road to Rome , although so many lead there , is long . Meanwhilethe young people loveel
, each other sincerely , and built castles in the air . Elise gave the box of bonbons to this corporal . He thanked her for her pretty present , Avhich , however , he by no means estimated at its full value , although lillise told him that there were bonbons in
the box , as good as any that his general could have . . On the way to the barracks our soldier thought to himself : "Of Avhat use arc bonbons to me ? they are only fit for childrenI Avould much rather have had
. a pipe andsome tobacco . 1 will give the box to the sergeant major ' s wife . It is just as well to be in the good graces of one ' s superiors ; one never knoAvs—" No sooner said than clone . The
sergeant-major ' s Avife received the young man AVIIO brought her such a pretty New Year's present most politely , made him sit doAvn , and offered him a glass of liqueur , Avhich Charles received and emptied with great alacrity . She also spoke to her husband that evening in favour of the young man ; but he Avas in a bad temper , as Avas ofton the case Avhen he had drunk