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Rookstone Priory.
" can it be that I really see you , my OAvn , my beautiful darling ; my Avife that will be , nay , shall be ere many daj-s have passed !" For answer she only clung to him , sobbing out her gladness on his breast .
Through the tears that dimmed her sight she saw in the vista of the future so sunny and lovely a life of happiness that in thc midst of her joy no words would come ; hut her tears , welling up from the very depths of her soul , were a speechless thank-offering to a merciful all-wise Providence .
* * * * # * •* Richard West , the oculist , is a rich man . Patients from all quarters flock to him HOAV , and have clone so since the Avorld heard of the successful operation by which Lowndes Forrester ' s life was
made fair . Uncle Richard and his invalid Avife are great favourites with the children at Rookstone Priory , though there is somebody else living always at the old house , whom , if possible , they love morea placid , white-haired dear old lady , ivhom
they call " aunt Jem . " Aunt Jem is Avicked enough to idolize the children and spoil them too . She is never iveary of tolling them about their beautiful mother , Avhose coming to Rookstone Priory years ago resulted in making " papa ' s dark days light , and Uncle Richard West a prosperous , fortunate man . "
Dear aunt Jem is a very old Avoman , and she sits in a very big chair ; a very big chair with a very gay cushion . To Alice Forrester ' s little ones this cushion is a marvel of beauty . They call it aunt Jem's " picture . " And , if there bo one Scripture
story which tho children know bettor than another it is tho story of how Pharaoh , king of Egypt , and all his cruel followers , were drowned while pursuing the Israelites in their passage through the Red Sea . HARRY HISTM-IUS .
A pompous fellow made a very inadequate oiler for a valuable property ; and , calling the next day for an answer , inquired of the gentleman if lie had entertained his proposition . "No , " replied the other , " your proposition entertained me . " '
The History Of Freemasonry In Russia.
Translated from the Monde Maconnique , for March , 1874 .
BY THE EDITOK . The first Russian Masonic Lodge ivas founded at Moscow in 1731 , by the English Grand Lodge , Avhich named Captain John Phillips , Provincial
Grand Master ; but Freemasonry developed itself but ' very sloivly in Russia after this beginning , so that no Lodge was established at St . Petersburgh before 1771 . In 1772 the English Grand Lodge
appointed Bro . Jean Zelagnine Senator , Grand Master of all Russia , ivho after his death ivas succeeded by Count Roman Woronzoff . It is from 1772 that the serious progress of Freemasonry in Russia
dates . From that time nearly all the nobility sought the honour of membership Avith that Association , and Paul the First himself , before he ascended the throne , solicited and obtained the privilege of initiation .
Unfortunately the invasion of the high grades which entered Russia about 1775 , hindered before long the development of the Institution , and ivas the origin of those disorders , Avhich had for a definitive resultthe interdiction
, pronounced in 1798 against all the Masonic Reunions . It is principally to the regime of the " strict observance " that the responsibility is due of this interdict .
Placed under the patronage of the then Dnke of Brunswick , this " regime " founded at St . Petersburg !! , under the title of "The Grand Order of Vladimir , " a Masonic authority that pretended to direct all the Russian Lodges , and
Avhich entered at once into open -warfare with the old Associations , of which the greater part worked according to the English Ritual . It is to this ivarfare , aud the disapproval with which it inspired
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Rookstone Priory.
" can it be that I really see you , my OAvn , my beautiful darling ; my Avife that will be , nay , shall be ere many daj-s have passed !" For answer she only clung to him , sobbing out her gladness on his breast .
Through the tears that dimmed her sight she saw in the vista of the future so sunny and lovely a life of happiness that in thc midst of her joy no words would come ; hut her tears , welling up from the very depths of her soul , were a speechless thank-offering to a merciful all-wise Providence .
* * * * # * •* Richard West , the oculist , is a rich man . Patients from all quarters flock to him HOAV , and have clone so since the Avorld heard of the successful operation by which Lowndes Forrester ' s life was
made fair . Uncle Richard and his invalid Avife are great favourites with the children at Rookstone Priory , though there is somebody else living always at the old house , whom , if possible , they love morea placid , white-haired dear old lady , ivhom
they call " aunt Jem . " Aunt Jem is Avicked enough to idolize the children and spoil them too . She is never iveary of tolling them about their beautiful mother , Avhose coming to Rookstone Priory years ago resulted in making " papa ' s dark days light , and Uncle Richard West a prosperous , fortunate man . "
Dear aunt Jem is a very old Avoman , and she sits in a very big chair ; a very big chair with a very gay cushion . To Alice Forrester ' s little ones this cushion is a marvel of beauty . They call it aunt Jem's " picture . " And , if there bo one Scripture
story which tho children know bettor than another it is tho story of how Pharaoh , king of Egypt , and all his cruel followers , were drowned while pursuing the Israelites in their passage through the Red Sea . HARRY HISTM-IUS .
A pompous fellow made a very inadequate oiler for a valuable property ; and , calling the next day for an answer , inquired of the gentleman if lie had entertained his proposition . "No , " replied the other , " your proposition entertained me . " '
The History Of Freemasonry In Russia.
Translated from the Monde Maconnique , for March , 1874 .
BY THE EDITOK . The first Russian Masonic Lodge ivas founded at Moscow in 1731 , by the English Grand Lodge , Avhich named Captain John Phillips , Provincial
Grand Master ; but Freemasonry developed itself but ' very sloivly in Russia after this beginning , so that no Lodge was established at St . Petersburgh before 1771 . In 1772 the English Grand Lodge
appointed Bro . Jean Zelagnine Senator , Grand Master of all Russia , ivho after his death ivas succeeded by Count Roman Woronzoff . It is from 1772 that the serious progress of Freemasonry in Russia
dates . From that time nearly all the nobility sought the honour of membership Avith that Association , and Paul the First himself , before he ascended the throne , solicited and obtained the privilege of initiation .
Unfortunately the invasion of the high grades which entered Russia about 1775 , hindered before long the development of the Institution , and ivas the origin of those disorders , Avhich had for a definitive resultthe interdiction
, pronounced in 1798 against all the Masonic Reunions . It is principally to the regime of the " strict observance " that the responsibility is due of this interdict .
Placed under the patronage of the then Dnke of Brunswick , this " regime " founded at St . Petersburg !! , under the title of "The Grand Order of Vladimir , " a Masonic authority that pretended to direct all the Russian Lodges , and
Avhich entered at once into open -warfare with the old Associations , of which the greater part worked according to the English Ritual . It is to this ivarfare , aud the disapproval with which it inspired