Article OUR LATE BRO. WM. CARPENTER. ← Page 2 of 2
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Our Late Bro. Wm. Carpenter.
mg the thirst thus aAvakened Avithin Mm , and at this period he acquired a mastery of several languages , ancient and modern . For four years these kindred spirits laboured together as joint editors of a monthly periodical of sacred literature , entitled
Critica Biblica . It 1825 the youthful student greAv bold and self-reliant , and he produced alone the Scientia Biblica , in throe volumes , a Avork ivhich is now very scarce , but was long held in high repute . The work was dedicated to the Kingthe
, proof sheets having been read b y Dr . Sumner , at that time librarian to His Majesty George 17 ., and afterivards Lord Bishopgof Winchester . But these are by no means all his contributions to what is called Biblical literature . The list of these
works from William Carpenter ' s pen is truly formidable , and marks him as one of the most copious of lay writers on topics usually left to the treatment of divines and theologians . This list includes " ¦ Scriptural -Natural History , " "Guide to the Reading of the Bible , " "Lectures on Biblical
Criticism and Interpretation , " "The Biblical Companion , " " Calendarium Palcstinse , " " Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " besides which ho was editor of the fc urth largo edition on " Camlet ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " and of
the Abridgment on the name . Last year Mr . Carpenter wrote a popular work in which , by ingenious arguments , ho sought to prove , after the manner of Mr . Hine and Mr . John Wilson , that the Ten lost Tribes of Israel are found in the present
Anglo-Saxon race . Mr . Carpenter is further known as an author , as one among the biographers of John Milton and William Cobbett , the latter of whom he knew both personally and intimately . Among his miscellaneous
writings , he has given to the world " A History of tho French Revolution , " and a " Dictionary of English Synonyms . " ' But these numerous works ,, do not exhaust the list of the produce of fifty years of sustained labour , and of literary and critical toil .
As a journalist he was editor in 1836 of the Shipping Gazette , in 1838 of the Bra , in 1843 of the Railway Observer , in 1844 of Lloyd ' s Weekly News , in 1848 of the Court Journal , and in 1854 of the Sunday Times . During the period of his most active
journalism he ivas a true champion for the freedom of the press , and as such became obnoxious to the Government of the day , and being prosecuted in a matter of alleged libel , he was condemned in heavy costs , and sent at the instance of the CroAvn , to the Queen ' s Bench , Avhere he remained for several months in honourable imprisonment .
During the last five , or six years , the city has been the principal sphere of Mr . Carpenter ' s toils . Here he has been incessantly engaged in Avriting . on financial and mining topics , and in compiling statistics relating to these intricate subjects , —on Avhich ,
indeed , his knoAvledge Avas truly wonderfuland gave to him the authority of a living encyclopaedia . To his experience as a journalist , and to his rare fund of information , this paper has been greatly indebted , and it is a melancholy duty to note that the
last labours of this indefatigable Avorker Avere for the Monetary and Mining Gazette , and Avere performed in much pain within a feiv days of his death .
Mr . Carpenter Avas a Freemason , and vrell known and much respected in the craftwas a Past-Master , and also Past Principal of R . A . Masonry , —and has contributed many interesting articles on Masonry , among the most noticeable being "
Freemasonry and Israelitism . " He had a smile and an enconragment , both sympathetic and practical , for everything that was good and intended to contribute to human happiness . He was a man of blameless life , of true philanthropy , of rare attainments , and of indomitable industry , and . he has gone to his rest amid the universal esteem and love of all who kneiv him .
We can add , from our Masonic acquaintance with his name and works , that few more earnest or able Masonic writers were to be found in this country , and that he was alike distinguished in all his Masonic controversies by a sincere love of truth and the
most fraternal courtesy towards any casual antagonist . A writer in the Freemason has borne a touching testimony to his social qualities and his domestic virtues .
Bro . Carpenter Avas a P . M . of . the Domatic Lodge , and a P . Z . of the Domatic Chapter , and stood high Ave are informed in the Rosicrucian fraternity . En .
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Our Late Bro. Wm. Carpenter.
mg the thirst thus aAvakened Avithin Mm , and at this period he acquired a mastery of several languages , ancient and modern . For four years these kindred spirits laboured together as joint editors of a monthly periodical of sacred literature , entitled
Critica Biblica . It 1825 the youthful student greAv bold and self-reliant , and he produced alone the Scientia Biblica , in throe volumes , a Avork ivhich is now very scarce , but was long held in high repute . The work was dedicated to the Kingthe
, proof sheets having been read b y Dr . Sumner , at that time librarian to His Majesty George 17 ., and afterivards Lord Bishopgof Winchester . But these are by no means all his contributions to what is called Biblical literature . The list of these
works from William Carpenter ' s pen is truly formidable , and marks him as one of the most copious of lay writers on topics usually left to the treatment of divines and theologians . This list includes " ¦ Scriptural -Natural History , " "Guide to the Reading of the Bible , " "Lectures on Biblical
Criticism and Interpretation , " "The Biblical Companion , " " Calendarium Palcstinse , " " Introduction to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " besides which ho was editor of the fc urth largo edition on " Camlet ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " and of
the Abridgment on the name . Last year Mr . Carpenter wrote a popular work in which , by ingenious arguments , ho sought to prove , after the manner of Mr . Hine and Mr . John Wilson , that the Ten lost Tribes of Israel are found in the present
Anglo-Saxon race . Mr . Carpenter is further known as an author , as one among the biographers of John Milton and William Cobbett , the latter of whom he knew both personally and intimately . Among his miscellaneous
writings , he has given to the world " A History of tho French Revolution , " and a " Dictionary of English Synonyms . " ' But these numerous works ,, do not exhaust the list of the produce of fifty years of sustained labour , and of literary and critical toil .
As a journalist he was editor in 1836 of the Shipping Gazette , in 1838 of the Bra , in 1843 of the Railway Observer , in 1844 of Lloyd ' s Weekly News , in 1848 of the Court Journal , and in 1854 of the Sunday Times . During the period of his most active
journalism he ivas a true champion for the freedom of the press , and as such became obnoxious to the Government of the day , and being prosecuted in a matter of alleged libel , he was condemned in heavy costs , and sent at the instance of the CroAvn , to the Queen ' s Bench , Avhere he remained for several months in honourable imprisonment .
During the last five , or six years , the city has been the principal sphere of Mr . Carpenter ' s toils . Here he has been incessantly engaged in Avriting . on financial and mining topics , and in compiling statistics relating to these intricate subjects , —on Avhich ,
indeed , his knoAvledge Avas truly wonderfuland gave to him the authority of a living encyclopaedia . To his experience as a journalist , and to his rare fund of information , this paper has been greatly indebted , and it is a melancholy duty to note that the
last labours of this indefatigable Avorker Avere for the Monetary and Mining Gazette , and Avere performed in much pain within a feiv days of his death .
Mr . Carpenter Avas a Freemason , and vrell known and much respected in the craftwas a Past-Master , and also Past Principal of R . A . Masonry , —and has contributed many interesting articles on Masonry , among the most noticeable being "
Freemasonry and Israelitism . " He had a smile and an enconragment , both sympathetic and practical , for everything that was good and intended to contribute to human happiness . He was a man of blameless life , of true philanthropy , of rare attainments , and of indomitable industry , and . he has gone to his rest amid the universal esteem and love of all who kneiv him .
We can add , from our Masonic acquaintance with his name and works , that few more earnest or able Masonic writers were to be found in this country , and that he was alike distinguished in all his Masonic controversies by a sincere love of truth and the
most fraternal courtesy towards any casual antagonist . A writer in the Freemason has borne a touching testimony to his social qualities and his domestic virtues .
Bro . Carpenter Avas a P . M . of . the Domatic Lodge , and a P . Z . of the Domatic Chapter , and stood high Ave are informed in the Rosicrucian fraternity . En .