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a " concatenation of circumstances , he has been indeedre warded for his sagacious determination and Ids resolute excavation . Armed with plenty of "firmans " andsuppliedivith plenty of money , hehas laboured diligently for three long years ,
and has penetrated to the original rock , as ive understand it , 50 feet below the present surface , and wonderful have been his discoveries . Eor though , to use the words of an able reviewer , Herr Schliemann at first
believed that old Troy must hai e been the most ancient of all these superimposed cities , yet ivhen he had dug down beneath them all , and came at last upon the primeval rock , lie was convinced that what he calls Old Troy
was not the first but the second in the series of time in its construction , and that it had been built upon the ruins of a still more ancient town , the stones and dust of which covered it to the
depth of 20 feet ; while above this second toivn of Old Troy three other toivns , including that called Neiv Troy , had been erected . It will give us some conception of the magnitude of Herr Schliemann ' s labours if we add that
the primeval rock is not found till from 45 feet to 50 feet of " debris" have been excavated , while to arrive at this depth the ruins of the temples , houses , and fortifications of the several toivns bad to be piercedand in many cases cleared
, away and thrown doivn into the plain . Again , let any man accustomed to earthworks consider the difficulty of moving such masses of earth even in this country , with all the inventions of steam and tramways at his disposal
, aud then reflect on the enhanced toil of such operations when carried on in a wilderness and a country ivhere the construction of even a wheel-barroiv is a difficulty .
Thus , then , we come first of all to this fact , astounding in itself , that five cities have actually been built on this very site , and that Troy itself was built on the ruins of a still more ancient city . Well , in this second city of construction ( to use a foreign idiom ) , Dr . Schliemann
has discovered alike remains , and objects of "bigotry and virtue , " which have convinced him , that he at last stood within the walls of Troy , and had seen "ipsissimis oculis" the Sccean Gate , and the pavement before Priam ' s
palace ; nay , the palace itself of the good old Icing himself . It ivas in June of last year , to use Mr . Taylor ' s words , " the rubbish , fifty feet deep , of three or four thousand ivas sloivly cleared awayand the
years , foundation at last of Homer ' s Sciean Gate looked once more across the plain of Troy to Tenedos and Imbros , and the Samothracian Ida . "
Mr . Bayard Taylor , ive may observe , has prepared for the " American Daily Tribune , " of March 2 nd , an interesting paper , dated Gotha , February 10 th , from Dr . Schliemann ' s MS ., ivhich has just appeared at Leipsic , published by E . A . Brockhaus . As the discoveries which led Dr . Schliemann to the
conclusion that he had actually found Iroy itself , are very important , we think it better to give them in detail , though ive would premise that , in addition to the discoveries here enumerated , the Dr . has safely housed at Athens many
thousand objects , including copper and stone arms , and a remarkable " basso relievo" of Apollo , ivhich , however , did not belong to the Old Troy but to New Troy . Let us listen to his own account of
lus great discovery : " In the course of my excavations , in April , 1873 , on the Trojan wall , and in the immediate neighbourhood of Priam ' s house , I fell on a great copper object of remarkable form , ivhich attracted my attention all the
more , as I thought I saw gold behind it . On this copper object rested a thick crust of red ashes and calcined ruins , on ivhich again weighed a wall nearly six feet thick and eighteen feet high , built of great stones and earth , and ivhich must have belonged
to the period immediately after the destruction of Troy . In order to save the treasure from the greed of my ivnrkmen , and to secure it for science , it was necessary to use the very greatest haste , and so , though it was not yet breakfast time , I had paidos
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
a " concatenation of circumstances , he has been indeedre warded for his sagacious determination and Ids resolute excavation . Armed with plenty of "firmans " andsuppliedivith plenty of money , hehas laboured diligently for three long years ,
and has penetrated to the original rock , as ive understand it , 50 feet below the present surface , and wonderful have been his discoveries . Eor though , to use the words of an able reviewer , Herr Schliemann at first
believed that old Troy must hai e been the most ancient of all these superimposed cities , yet ivhen he had dug down beneath them all , and came at last upon the primeval rock , lie was convinced that what he calls Old Troy
was not the first but the second in the series of time in its construction , and that it had been built upon the ruins of a still more ancient town , the stones and dust of which covered it to the
depth of 20 feet ; while above this second toivn of Old Troy three other toivns , including that called Neiv Troy , had been erected . It will give us some conception of the magnitude of Herr Schliemann ' s labours if we add that
the primeval rock is not found till from 45 feet to 50 feet of " debris" have been excavated , while to arrive at this depth the ruins of the temples , houses , and fortifications of the several toivns bad to be piercedand in many cases cleared
, away and thrown doivn into the plain . Again , let any man accustomed to earthworks consider the difficulty of moving such masses of earth even in this country , with all the inventions of steam and tramways at his disposal
, aud then reflect on the enhanced toil of such operations when carried on in a wilderness and a country ivhere the construction of even a wheel-barroiv is a difficulty .
Thus , then , we come first of all to this fact , astounding in itself , that five cities have actually been built on this very site , and that Troy itself was built on the ruins of a still more ancient city . Well , in this second city of construction ( to use a foreign idiom ) , Dr . Schliemann
has discovered alike remains , and objects of "bigotry and virtue , " which have convinced him , that he at last stood within the walls of Troy , and had seen "ipsissimis oculis" the Sccean Gate , and the pavement before Priam ' s
palace ; nay , the palace itself of the good old Icing himself . It ivas in June of last year , to use Mr . Taylor ' s words , " the rubbish , fifty feet deep , of three or four thousand ivas sloivly cleared awayand the
years , foundation at last of Homer ' s Sciean Gate looked once more across the plain of Troy to Tenedos and Imbros , and the Samothracian Ida . "
Mr . Bayard Taylor , ive may observe , has prepared for the " American Daily Tribune , " of March 2 nd , an interesting paper , dated Gotha , February 10 th , from Dr . Schliemann ' s MS ., ivhich has just appeared at Leipsic , published by E . A . Brockhaus . As the discoveries which led Dr . Schliemann to the
conclusion that he had actually found Iroy itself , are very important , we think it better to give them in detail , though ive would premise that , in addition to the discoveries here enumerated , the Dr . has safely housed at Athens many
thousand objects , including copper and stone arms , and a remarkable " basso relievo" of Apollo , ivhich , however , did not belong to the Old Troy but to New Troy . Let us listen to his own account of
lus great discovery : " In the course of my excavations , in April , 1873 , on the Trojan wall , and in the immediate neighbourhood of Priam ' s house , I fell on a great copper object of remarkable form , ivhich attracted my attention all the
more , as I thought I saw gold behind it . On this copper object rested a thick crust of red ashes and calcined ruins , on ivhich again weighed a wall nearly six feet thick and eighteen feet high , built of great stones and earth , and ivhich must have belonged
to the period immediately after the destruction of Troy . In order to save the treasure from the greed of my ivnrkmen , and to secure it for science , it was necessary to use the very greatest haste , and so , though it was not yet breakfast time , I had paidos