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Freemasonry In Kelso.
the same object . They also subscribed towards paving the streets of Kelso ancl bringing water into the town , towards an organ for the Episcopal chapel , towards establishing a dispensary , ancl towards raising recruits for the army . This last event is so novel and interesting that perhaps I may be excused if I quote the minute referring to it in full . At a special meeting of the Lodgeon the 12 r , h of Februaiy , 1778 "The
, , Rig ht Worshipful moved that Bro . Lieut .-Col . William Brown , of the Swan in Chelsea , of the Athol Highlanders , being now in town , ancl levying men for his Majesty ' s service in the corps raising by the Most Worshipful his Grace the Duke of Athol , Grand Master of England ancl Grand Master Elect of Scotland , he had , at his request , assembled the Lodge to take into consideration the proper means of supjiorting the Noble
Grand Master in his efforts to assist his King and country in the present unhappy and unnatural rebellion subsisting between Great Britain and her colonies . The Brethren unanimously resolved to testify their zeal for their Sovereign and their respect for the Noble Grand Master , by marching with Lieut .-Col . Brown at the head of his recruiting party , beating up for Volunteers for the Athol Highlanders , and , accordingly , marched from the Lodge in
procession through the town , and , at the same time , offered a bounty of three guineas over his Majesty ' s allowance to every man who should enlist in that corps within one month from this date nuclei- any sergeant or officer commissioned by Lieut .-Col . Brown . Every person so enlisting having a certificate from Lieut .-Col . Brown of his having enlisted according to , the true intendment of this offer , on producing which to the Right Worshipful Master ,
he will authorise the treasurer to pay the said bounty . The Brethren also resolved that printed advertisement to this purpose should be handed about and pasted up in different parts of tbe town . On returning to the Lodge-room , Brother Brown requested he might be assumed a member of this Lodge , and proper trial having been previously taken before admitting him to the Lod he was assumed a memberand paid
ge , , his clues , being five shillings to the Lodge ancl a shilling to the officer . " The loyalty and patriotism of these old Brethren were rewarded b y a letter of thanks from the Most Noble and Worshipful Grand Master , the Duke of Athol . In my next I intend bringing down the records of " Freemasonry in Kelso " to the present clay . ( To be continued ) .
The Poet.
TyHO is the Poet ?—He wdio reads » » Romances in the budding flowers , Who smallest things of Nature heeds , Sees life in death , ancl sun in showers ; Delights to wander in a glade Where sweetest songbirds loud are singing ,
Or listen to the music made By peals of thunder loudly ringing . He loves the solemn ocean ' s shore , Ou ocean ' s mysteries loves to ponder ; He loves to hear the cat'racts roar ; By murm ' ring rills delights to wander .
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Freemasonry In Kelso.
the same object . They also subscribed towards paving the streets of Kelso ancl bringing water into the town , towards an organ for the Episcopal chapel , towards establishing a dispensary , ancl towards raising recruits for the army . This last event is so novel and interesting that perhaps I may be excused if I quote the minute referring to it in full . At a special meeting of the Lodgeon the 12 r , h of Februaiy , 1778 "The
, , Rig ht Worshipful moved that Bro . Lieut .-Col . William Brown , of the Swan in Chelsea , of the Athol Highlanders , being now in town , ancl levying men for his Majesty ' s service in the corps raising by the Most Worshipful his Grace the Duke of Athol , Grand Master of England ancl Grand Master Elect of Scotland , he had , at his request , assembled the Lodge to take into consideration the proper means of supjiorting the Noble
Grand Master in his efforts to assist his King and country in the present unhappy and unnatural rebellion subsisting between Great Britain and her colonies . The Brethren unanimously resolved to testify their zeal for their Sovereign and their respect for the Noble Grand Master , by marching with Lieut .-Col . Brown at the head of his recruiting party , beating up for Volunteers for the Athol Highlanders , and , accordingly , marched from the Lodge in
procession through the town , and , at the same time , offered a bounty of three guineas over his Majesty ' s allowance to every man who should enlist in that corps within one month from this date nuclei- any sergeant or officer commissioned by Lieut .-Col . Brown . Every person so enlisting having a certificate from Lieut .-Col . Brown of his having enlisted according to , the true intendment of this offer , on producing which to the Right Worshipful Master ,
he will authorise the treasurer to pay the said bounty . The Brethren also resolved that printed advertisement to this purpose should be handed about and pasted up in different parts of tbe town . On returning to the Lodge-room , Brother Brown requested he might be assumed a member of this Lodge , and proper trial having been previously taken before admitting him to the Lod he was assumed a memberand paid
ge , , his clues , being five shillings to the Lodge ancl a shilling to the officer . " The loyalty and patriotism of these old Brethren were rewarded b y a letter of thanks from the Most Noble and Worshipful Grand Master , the Duke of Athol . In my next I intend bringing down the records of " Freemasonry in Kelso " to the present clay . ( To be continued ) .
The Poet.
TyHO is the Poet ?—He wdio reads » » Romances in the budding flowers , Who smallest things of Nature heeds , Sees life in death , ancl sun in showers ; Delights to wander in a glade Where sweetest songbirds loud are singing ,
Or listen to the music made By peals of thunder loudly ringing . He loves the solemn ocean ' s shore , Ou ocean ' s mysteries loves to ponder ; He loves to hear the cat'racts roar ; By murm ' ring rills delights to wander .