Article A MEMORABLE DAY IN JERSEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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A Memorable Day In Jersey.
r \ N Friday , the 7 th of June , AA'as a memorable and mournful day in the annals of ^ Freemasonry in the Province ; for on that clay a beloved and esteemed Brother Ai'as borne to his last place of rest . It was an event AA'hich will be engraven on the hearts of all those who Avere present , for it Avas the last sad duty of friendship and love paid to Wor . Bro . Albert Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . Z . 244 , 491 , 590 ; P . P . G . S . W . & P . G . Scribe E . For some time past Bro . A . Schmitt had shown signs of ill health , but little did his friends think that his end Avas so near at hand . On Thursday , the 30 th of Mayhe
, Avas present at his Mother Lodge , " La Cesarie , " and installed the ne \ v W . M . in the chair , and did all the duties relative thereto . The ceremony of installation being over , he was obliged to leave the Lodge , and the banquet was deprived of his presence ; from that day bronchitis set in , and on the 3 rd of June he breathed his last . At the IIBAVS of his death it is needless to say that there Avas but one general \ A * ish in the Pi'OA'ince , and that Avas that he should be buried AA'ith Masonic honoursto Avhich request the Very
, Wor . the D . P . Grand Master willingly ga \ 'e his assent . And on Friday , the 7 th of June , all the respect that can be paid to . mortal man Avas done that day by tie Craft . On Thursday evening the body was lying in state from 7 to 9 . 30 p . m ., and on the Friday morning , from 10 to 12 a . m ., upwards of a thousand people came to Avitness the scene . It Avas of a most imposin g nature .
The coffin , which was covered AA'ith blue cloth , ornamented Avith ormolu handles , lay in the centre of the Lodge Room , supported on a white pedestal : all the jewels of the deceased , as AArell as regalia , were exquisitely arranged on the lid ; four croAvns of immortelles were tying at the base of the pedestal , and a beautiful bouquet of orangeblossoms on a small pedestal at the end of the coflm ; the twelve Royal Arch ensigns encircled the Avhole , with the Provincial Grand Tyler to keep watch . The gas Avas
lowered in order to bring out the Star in the East , which was lit up ; the ensemble g iving such an impression of solemnity and grandeur that it Avill not be forgotten by those who came to witness it . The Brethren met at the Masonic Temple , and all the Lodges of the ProA'ince AA'ere fairly represented by the members present . The Provincial G . T . " Avas very numerous . At two o ' clock the Lodge Avas opened by the newly installed W . M . Avho receh'ed the
, Very Wor . the Deputy P . G . M . and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , after winch the care of the ceremony Avas entrusted to the P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Wor . Bro . W . II . Chapman , assisted by Wor . Bros . Moss and Le Sueur . The procession started from the Temple shortly after three o ' clock , in the following order :
Two Tylers Avitli dr , wn swords . Band of music . Visitors who Avere not members of any Lodge in the ProA'ince . Prince of Wales' Zodrje , No . 1003 . Banner of Lodge , carried by the Junior Member . Inner Guard . Members two by two .
Junior aud Senior Deacon . Treasurer and Secretary . Junior and Senior Warden . Worshipful Master . St . Aubin ' s Lodge , No , D 58 . Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 491 . Mechanics' Lodge , No . 245 .
Yarlorough Lodge , No . 244 . AH the aoove-mentioned in the same order ' as the Prince of AVales' Lodge .
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A Memorable Day In Jersey.
r \ N Friday , the 7 th of June , AA'as a memorable and mournful day in the annals of ^ Freemasonry in the Province ; for on that clay a beloved and esteemed Brother Ai'as borne to his last place of rest . It was an event AA'hich will be engraven on the hearts of all those who Avere present , for it Avas the last sad duty of friendship and love paid to Wor . Bro . Albert Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . Z . 244 , 491 , 590 ; P . P . G . S . W . & P . G . Scribe E . For some time past Bro . A . Schmitt had shown signs of ill health , but little did his friends think that his end Avas so near at hand . On Thursday , the 30 th of Mayhe
, Avas present at his Mother Lodge , " La Cesarie , " and installed the ne \ v W . M . in the chair , and did all the duties relative thereto . The ceremony of installation being over , he was obliged to leave the Lodge , and the banquet was deprived of his presence ; from that day bronchitis set in , and on the 3 rd of June he breathed his last . At the IIBAVS of his death it is needless to say that there Avas but one general \ A * ish in the Pi'OA'ince , and that Avas that he should be buried AA'ith Masonic honoursto Avhich request the Very
, Wor . the D . P . Grand Master willingly ga \ 'e his assent . And on Friday , the 7 th of June , all the respect that can be paid to . mortal man Avas done that day by tie Craft . On Thursday evening the body was lying in state from 7 to 9 . 30 p . m ., and on the Friday morning , from 10 to 12 a . m ., upwards of a thousand people came to Avitness the scene . It Avas of a most imposin g nature .
The coffin , which was covered AA'ith blue cloth , ornamented Avith ormolu handles , lay in the centre of the Lodge Room , supported on a white pedestal : all the jewels of the deceased , as AArell as regalia , were exquisitely arranged on the lid ; four croAvns of immortelles were tying at the base of the pedestal , and a beautiful bouquet of orangeblossoms on a small pedestal at the end of the coflm ; the twelve Royal Arch ensigns encircled the Avhole , with the Provincial Grand Tyler to keep watch . The gas Avas
lowered in order to bring out the Star in the East , which was lit up ; the ensemble g iving such an impression of solemnity and grandeur that it Avill not be forgotten by those who came to witness it . The Brethren met at the Masonic Temple , and all the Lodges of the ProA'ince AA'ere fairly represented by the members present . The Provincial G . T . " Avas very numerous . At two o ' clock the Lodge Avas opened by the newly installed W . M . Avho receh'ed the
, Very Wor . the Deputy P . G . M . and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , after winch the care of the ceremony Avas entrusted to the P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Wor . Bro . W . II . Chapman , assisted by Wor . Bros . Moss and Le Sueur . The procession started from the Temple shortly after three o ' clock , in the following order :
Two Tylers Avitli dr , wn swords . Band of music . Visitors who Avere not members of any Lodge in the ProA'ince . Prince of Wales' Zodrje , No . 1003 . Banner of Lodge , carried by the Junior Member . Inner Guard . Members two by two .
Junior aud Senior Deacon . Treasurer and Secretary . Junior and Senior Warden . Worshipful Master . St . Aubin ' s Lodge , No , D 58 . Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 491 . Mechanics' Lodge , No . 245 .
Yarlorough Lodge , No . 244 . AH the aoove-mentioned in the same order ' as the Prince of AVales' Lodge .