Article A MASONIC ADDRESS. Page 1 of 3 →
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A Masonic Address.
From the " Masonic Herald . " r PHB following Avas delivered by W . Bro . J . W . Handley , at the conclusion of the - * - ftuieral sen-ice held by the Members of Lodge " Perfect Unanimity , " in memory of the late District Grand Master of Madras , E . W . Bro . John Miller . It u * as sent to us by our esteemed Brother , P . D . Shaw , Barrister at LaAv , High Court , Madras , AVIIO
lias always eA'inced a kindly feeling towards us , for Avhich Ave are thankful . It would have been published in our last issue , Avith the Obituary Notice , but as it came in a little too laic , it could not therefore be inserted , but for its excellence Ave strongly commend it to attention , as Ave are sure that those Avho read it will not rise unedified . We also hope that the suggestion offered therein will be attended to by the Fraternity at Madras , v \ % ., to build , as a memorial , a Masonic Temple there . The subject is worthy of attention , and Ave trust it Avill be duly considered and carried out .
BnETHKEJf , — Ton have asked me to undertake the melanchol y duty of delivering the address usual on these sad occasions . In such a case your \ A'ord is a command , and to hesitate would have been unbecoming ; so I shall attempt the task , though fully conscious that there are many here present of longer standing in the Craft , and perhaps more intimately acquainted with our deceased brother , AVIIO would have discharged it better . Nonehowe \ 'ercoidd come to the task with deeper feelings of regardand
, , , esteem for our departed brother and friend , nor Avith more heartfelt SOITOAV for the loss which Masonry as an institution , and Ave , both as Masons and members of society , haA'e sustained by the untimely death . And perhaps it is not altogether inappropriate that this tribute of respect and esteem to our departed brother should be paid by myself as being , I believe , tho senior member of his profession , AVIIO is also a member of this Lodge ; for next to being a Mason Bro . John Miller gloried in being a Barrister . He
loved his profession , and took a lively interest in its clef ails , and threw himself into his cases AA'ith an energy and enthusiasm Avhich Avas one great secret of his success . With a natural keen love of justice , and hatred of oppression and wrong , he found in the exercise of his profession , I belieA'e , not merely the satisfaction Avhich all mon feel in that in winch they succeed , but also a means of gratifying those inherent feelings of his nature ; and thuswhenever he had to plead the cause of the poorthe wrongedthe
, , , unfortunate , even the guilty , upon whom he thought the strong hand of poAver Avas bearing hardly and unfairly , he did it AA'ith an enthusiasm and sincerity Avhich impressed all who heard him Avith the feeling that they were listening , not merely to the hired advocate pleading the cause in which he had been retained , but to the lover of truth and justice , the enemy of oppression and Avrong , speaking out of the fulness of his ' own generous heartfor those whom he belieA'ed required his aid in their struggle to obtain
, their rights . It is fitting , therefore , that one of his OAVU profession , —Avho has often been opposed " to him in forensic warfare , but Avho can bear witness that , in that AA'arfare , with all its occasionally irritating and exasperating incidents , never did anything occur to impair for one moment the feelings of closest friendship , —that such a one should be the mouthpiece of the Lodge this evening to express our feelings of loving remembrance of our departed brother , and of deepest sorrow for his loss .
But it is Avith his Masonic career that Ave are principally concerned to-night , for Ave are gathered here together as Masons , upon whom has fallen a SOITOAV such as that AA'hich fell upon King Solomon and the builders of the first temple in the untimely death of their Master-Builder . Masonry in Madras has lost its head and chief rider , and that a head and ruler not merely in name , but one who , ever since he assumed that high
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A Masonic Address.
From the " Masonic Herald . " r PHB following Avas delivered by W . Bro . J . W . Handley , at the conclusion of the - * - ftuieral sen-ice held by the Members of Lodge " Perfect Unanimity , " in memory of the late District Grand Master of Madras , E . W . Bro . John Miller . It u * as sent to us by our esteemed Brother , P . D . Shaw , Barrister at LaAv , High Court , Madras , AVIIO
lias always eA'inced a kindly feeling towards us , for Avhich Ave are thankful . It would have been published in our last issue , Avith the Obituary Notice , but as it came in a little too laic , it could not therefore be inserted , but for its excellence Ave strongly commend it to attention , as Ave are sure that those Avho read it will not rise unedified . We also hope that the suggestion offered therein will be attended to by the Fraternity at Madras , v \ % ., to build , as a memorial , a Masonic Temple there . The subject is worthy of attention , and Ave trust it Avill be duly considered and carried out .
BnETHKEJf , — Ton have asked me to undertake the melanchol y duty of delivering the address usual on these sad occasions . In such a case your \ A'ord is a command , and to hesitate would have been unbecoming ; so I shall attempt the task , though fully conscious that there are many here present of longer standing in the Craft , and perhaps more intimately acquainted with our deceased brother , AVIIO would have discharged it better . Nonehowe \ 'ercoidd come to the task with deeper feelings of regardand
, , , esteem for our departed brother and friend , nor Avith more heartfelt SOITOAV for the loss which Masonry as an institution , and Ave , both as Masons and members of society , haA'e sustained by the untimely death . And perhaps it is not altogether inappropriate that this tribute of respect and esteem to our departed brother should be paid by myself as being , I believe , tho senior member of his profession , AVIIO is also a member of this Lodge ; for next to being a Mason Bro . John Miller gloried in being a Barrister . He
loved his profession , and took a lively interest in its clef ails , and threw himself into his cases AA'ith an energy and enthusiasm Avhich Avas one great secret of his success . With a natural keen love of justice , and hatred of oppression and wrong , he found in the exercise of his profession , I belieA'e , not merely the satisfaction Avhich all mon feel in that in winch they succeed , but also a means of gratifying those inherent feelings of his nature ; and thuswhenever he had to plead the cause of the poorthe wrongedthe
, , , unfortunate , even the guilty , upon whom he thought the strong hand of poAver Avas bearing hardly and unfairly , he did it AA'ith an enthusiasm and sincerity Avhich impressed all who heard him Avith the feeling that they were listening , not merely to the hired advocate pleading the cause in which he had been retained , but to the lover of truth and justice , the enemy of oppression and Avrong , speaking out of the fulness of his ' own generous heartfor those whom he belieA'ed required his aid in their struggle to obtain
, their rights . It is fitting , therefore , that one of his OAVU profession , —Avho has often been opposed " to him in forensic warfare , but Avho can bear witness that , in that AA'arfare , with all its occasionally irritating and exasperating incidents , never did anything occur to impair for one moment the feelings of closest friendship , —that such a one should be the mouthpiece of the Lodge this evening to express our feelings of loving remembrance of our departed brother , and of deepest sorrow for his loss .
But it is Avith his Masonic career that Ave are principally concerned to-night , for Ave are gathered here together as Masons , upon whom has fallen a SOITOAV such as that AA'hich fell upon King Solomon and the builders of the first temple in the untimely death of their Master-Builder . Masonry in Madras has lost its head and chief rider , and that a head and ruler not merely in name , but one who , ever since he assumed that high