Article FREEMASONRY IN GERMANY. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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Freemasonry In Germany.
while the German lodge "Pestalozzi , " at Naples , is on the one hand distinguished by the unusual efficiency of its zealous and cultivated members , and on the other , like the German lodge at Milan forms a new link between the
now closely allied Italian and German nations , leagued as they are in their struggle against Bome and in their efforts to preserve the peace of the world .
It may not be uninteresting to our English brethren to learn that for some time past the society of Odd Fellows , hitherto unknown in Germany , has been introduced here . Odd Fellows' lodges have been founded in Berlin , Dresden , Hanover and Stuttgart , consisting as in America , chiefly of members of the lower classes . This fact has no
influence on the condition of the Masonic brotherhood , the two being strictly separated , nay , the Grand Lodge at Dresden even forbids its members to belong simultaneously to the Odd Fellows' lodges . The Grand Lodge league , consisting of the German Grand Masters and
some ireely chosen deputies , held its annual meeting last Whitsuntide . The order of business being settled , it was resolved to acknowledge the Grand Lodge of Hungary ( symbolical rite ) and that of British Columbia ; in addition to this , the meeting of Grand Masters declared that race or colour of the skin should form no barrier to
reception , and that the ( coloured ) Prince Hall Grand Lodge at Boston should be acknowledged next year , provided its constitution and increasing efficiency shall have been ascertained . The mother lodge of all coloured Masons of
America—the African lodge at Boston —has , as is well known , received a warrant from the Grand Lodge of England , and for a long time maintained a brotherly connection with it , until a number of forei lodgeswhich had
gn , iiieanwhile made themselves independent , were struck from the list . The Prince Hall Grand Lodge , that of Who , under the excellent presidency of
the grand master , Bro . Boyd , and the rest of the coloured lodges . 'work according to ancient usages and the universal principles of Masonry , and should be acknowledged as just and perfect corporations wherever Freemasons are
at work . Nevertheless , injustice , unworthy prejudice , hatred of race , and unbrotheriy sentiment , reject this link from the chain which is to encircle the whole globe in brotherly love , and testify that within the sacred square of
the Temple of Solomon there reigns a loftier and nobler spirit than in profane lite , in opposition to whose divisions , prejudices , and acerbities , our Craft , as an asylum of peace , amity , and universal philanthropy , is established . May the
Grand Lodge of England remember that the African lodge was its offspring , and ( hat , above all , it should act according to the five points of a master mason , and take the grand lodges of coloured brethren under its powerful protection . To the German Grand Lodge League a petition for acknowledgment has again been
addressed , and it is expected to be granted with certainty in the ) r ear 1874 . What kind of spirit pervades the Masonic workshops of Germany , and what are the aspirations of the brotherhood , may be most accurately gathered
from the proceedings of the " Society of German Freemasons , " which , at the end of July last , held its annual meeting at Carlsruhe ( Baden ) . The BauhvMe reports on it as follows : — " The chairmanBro . Dr . C . van Dalenopened the
, , meeting by welcoming the brethren and the representatives of foreign lodges who were present on the occasion , and who by their attendance , notwithstanding the tropical heat of the weather , had manifested their interest in Masonry .
Bro . Findel , of Leipsic , then read a missive from the members of the German lodge "Pestalozzi , " at Naples , and stated that the lodge "Humanitas , " in Neudorfl-Vienna ( in case of its deputy being prevented ) had appointed Bro . Patzig , of
Lancy , near Geneva , to be its official representative , and that this appointment continued in force although Bro . F . J .
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Freemasonry In Germany.
while the German lodge "Pestalozzi , " at Naples , is on the one hand distinguished by the unusual efficiency of its zealous and cultivated members , and on the other , like the German lodge at Milan forms a new link between the
now closely allied Italian and German nations , leagued as they are in their struggle against Bome and in their efforts to preserve the peace of the world .
It may not be uninteresting to our English brethren to learn that for some time past the society of Odd Fellows , hitherto unknown in Germany , has been introduced here . Odd Fellows' lodges have been founded in Berlin , Dresden , Hanover and Stuttgart , consisting as in America , chiefly of members of the lower classes . This fact has no
influence on the condition of the Masonic brotherhood , the two being strictly separated , nay , the Grand Lodge at Dresden even forbids its members to belong simultaneously to the Odd Fellows' lodges . The Grand Lodge league , consisting of the German Grand Masters and
some ireely chosen deputies , held its annual meeting last Whitsuntide . The order of business being settled , it was resolved to acknowledge the Grand Lodge of Hungary ( symbolical rite ) and that of British Columbia ; in addition to this , the meeting of Grand Masters declared that race or colour of the skin should form no barrier to
reception , and that the ( coloured ) Prince Hall Grand Lodge at Boston should be acknowledged next year , provided its constitution and increasing efficiency shall have been ascertained . The mother lodge of all coloured Masons of
America—the African lodge at Boston —has , as is well known , received a warrant from the Grand Lodge of England , and for a long time maintained a brotherly connection with it , until a number of forei lodgeswhich had
gn , iiieanwhile made themselves independent , were struck from the list . The Prince Hall Grand Lodge , that of Who , under the excellent presidency of
the grand master , Bro . Boyd , and the rest of the coloured lodges . 'work according to ancient usages and the universal principles of Masonry , and should be acknowledged as just and perfect corporations wherever Freemasons are
at work . Nevertheless , injustice , unworthy prejudice , hatred of race , and unbrotheriy sentiment , reject this link from the chain which is to encircle the whole globe in brotherly love , and testify that within the sacred square of
the Temple of Solomon there reigns a loftier and nobler spirit than in profane lite , in opposition to whose divisions , prejudices , and acerbities , our Craft , as an asylum of peace , amity , and universal philanthropy , is established . May the
Grand Lodge of England remember that the African lodge was its offspring , and ( hat , above all , it should act according to the five points of a master mason , and take the grand lodges of coloured brethren under its powerful protection . To the German Grand Lodge League a petition for acknowledgment has again been
addressed , and it is expected to be granted with certainty in the ) r ear 1874 . What kind of spirit pervades the Masonic workshops of Germany , and what are the aspirations of the brotherhood , may be most accurately gathered
from the proceedings of the " Society of German Freemasons , " which , at the end of July last , held its annual meeting at Carlsruhe ( Baden ) . The BauhvMe reports on it as follows : — " The chairmanBro . Dr . C . van Dalenopened the
, , meeting by welcoming the brethren and the representatives of foreign lodges who were present on the occasion , and who by their attendance , notwithstanding the tropical heat of the weather , had manifested their interest in Masonry .
Bro . Findel , of Leipsic , then read a missive from the members of the German lodge "Pestalozzi , " at Naples , and stated that the lodge "Humanitas , " in Neudorfl-Vienna ( in case of its deputy being prevented ) had appointed Bro . Patzig , of
Lancy , near Geneva , to be its official representative , and that this appointment continued in force although Bro . F . J .