Article JOTTINGS AT HIGH XII. IN THE HOLY LAND. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE CARBONARI. Page 1 of 2 →
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Jottings At High Xii. In The Holy Land.
remain , five feet in diameter and sixty foet high . The Jews at Hebron believe that the large rabbeted stones in the old mosque over Abraham ' s grave came originally from the walls of Solomon ' s Temple . In considering the difficulty of cutting out great blocks from the quarry , it naturally occurs to us what a saving of human life has been the use of nitroo-lycerineor even common gunpowderto these workmen . A single blast of
, , powder in the quarry of Mount Sorrel , England , has been made to throw clown twenty thousand tons of granite . Three hundred such blasts would have sufficed for the supply of materials for the Pyramid of Cheops or the Temple of Solomon . Observing the accumulation of these costly materials , porphyry , syenite , marbleetc . brought in such enormous quantities from distant localitieswe
, , , beo-in to see both how rich and how luxurious the ancient inhabitants must have been , and to what a degree the loA'e of elegant architecture had affected them . As Isaiah says ( xi ., 7 ) , " Their land was full of silver and gold , and there was no end of their treasures . " The remains of ancient roads in Palestine are mostly Roman , built so solidland engineered so wisely for the speedy and easy transportation of her
y soldiers , the glory of her arms , and the perpetuation of her power . Many remains of this road abound here . Could we trace up every fragment of Roman road in the world , we should find its commencement at Rome . Lepsius informs us that the finer materials used in Solomon ' s Temple all abound in or near Egyp t ; alabaster at Elosra opposite Suit , sandstone at Selseleh , chalk at Turahgranite at AssuenVerd antique at Hammamatred granite at Jebel
, , , , Fatireh , and Dochan . As to the locality of porphyry quarries , a feiv isolated facts suggest that possibly they may be nearer than Sinai . For instance , Dr . Robinson found large fragments of porphyry brought down from the hills by torrents near the south-end of the Dead Sea , and he alludes briefly ( in A O 1 . 2 , p . 123 , " Biblical Researches , " ) to a cliff of porphyry .
The Carbonari.
[ We take this interesting- article from the Freemason ' s Monthly , Sept ., 1879 . —ED . ] THE one objection which the Church of Rome popularl y makes against Freemasonry is that it has given rise to political and anarchial associations . This theory was not broached until after Romanism had formed secret societies , notably among them the Jesuits , for the occult aggrandisement of the Church .
It is a fact that the Jesuits attempted the appropriation of Masonry—their agents became members of the society ancl intermingled with the Fraternity , vitiating the ancient landmarks and . corrupting symbolism ; but , wearied with their task , they resorted to terrorism to extirpate an institution beyond their power to control . The Illuminatiaccredited as a primary cause for the revolutionary irit
, sp of Europe , were claimed to have been of Masonic origin . Some Masons were undoubtedly Illuminati . Some Masons are Sons of Temperance , but Freemasons and the symbolic or secret Temperance Societ y are yet not one and the same organisation . So , in the War of the Liberation of the German people . True , the Tug-end-Bund ( Union of Virtues ) , may be considered by some the off-shoot of Masonic
morality ; yet none pretended that the murder of Kotzebue could be sanctioned by those of its members adhering to the restored temples of Freemasonry . The execution of his fanatical assassin , Charles Louis Sand , was productive of benefit in the searching inquiries as to the Masonic society .
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Jottings At High Xii. In The Holy Land.
remain , five feet in diameter and sixty foet high . The Jews at Hebron believe that the large rabbeted stones in the old mosque over Abraham ' s grave came originally from the walls of Solomon ' s Temple . In considering the difficulty of cutting out great blocks from the quarry , it naturally occurs to us what a saving of human life has been the use of nitroo-lycerineor even common gunpowderto these workmen . A single blast of
, , powder in the quarry of Mount Sorrel , England , has been made to throw clown twenty thousand tons of granite . Three hundred such blasts would have sufficed for the supply of materials for the Pyramid of Cheops or the Temple of Solomon . Observing the accumulation of these costly materials , porphyry , syenite , marbleetc . brought in such enormous quantities from distant localitieswe
, , , beo-in to see both how rich and how luxurious the ancient inhabitants must have been , and to what a degree the loA'e of elegant architecture had affected them . As Isaiah says ( xi ., 7 ) , " Their land was full of silver and gold , and there was no end of their treasures . " The remains of ancient roads in Palestine are mostly Roman , built so solidland engineered so wisely for the speedy and easy transportation of her
y soldiers , the glory of her arms , and the perpetuation of her power . Many remains of this road abound here . Could we trace up every fragment of Roman road in the world , we should find its commencement at Rome . Lepsius informs us that the finer materials used in Solomon ' s Temple all abound in or near Egyp t ; alabaster at Elosra opposite Suit , sandstone at Selseleh , chalk at Turahgranite at AssuenVerd antique at Hammamatred granite at Jebel
, , , , Fatireh , and Dochan . As to the locality of porphyry quarries , a feiv isolated facts suggest that possibly they may be nearer than Sinai . For instance , Dr . Robinson found large fragments of porphyry brought down from the hills by torrents near the south-end of the Dead Sea , and he alludes briefly ( in A O 1 . 2 , p . 123 , " Biblical Researches , " ) to a cliff of porphyry .
The Carbonari.
[ We take this interesting- article from the Freemason ' s Monthly , Sept ., 1879 . —ED . ] THE one objection which the Church of Rome popularl y makes against Freemasonry is that it has given rise to political and anarchial associations . This theory was not broached until after Romanism had formed secret societies , notably among them the Jesuits , for the occult aggrandisement of the Church .
It is a fact that the Jesuits attempted the appropriation of Masonry—their agents became members of the society ancl intermingled with the Fraternity , vitiating the ancient landmarks and . corrupting symbolism ; but , wearied with their task , they resorted to terrorism to extirpate an institution beyond their power to control . The Illuminatiaccredited as a primary cause for the revolutionary irit
, sp of Europe , were claimed to have been of Masonic origin . Some Masons were undoubtedly Illuminati . Some Masons are Sons of Temperance , but Freemasons and the symbolic or secret Temperance Societ y are yet not one and the same organisation . So , in the War of the Liberation of the German people . True , the Tug-end-Bund ( Union of Virtues ) , may be considered by some the off-shoot of Masonic
morality ; yet none pretended that the murder of Kotzebue could be sanctioned by those of its members adhering to the restored temples of Freemasonry . The execution of his fanatical assassin , Charles Louis Sand , was productive of benefit in the searching inquiries as to the Masonic society .