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The New Masonic Hall At Philadelphia.
No . Kama . Memberhip , Master . 134 Franklin 168 David B . Taylor 135 Boxborougk 179 Saml . Thornton 155 Mount Moriah 387 D . W . Heppard 158 Meridian Sun 427 Michael Kelley 186 Eastern Star 414 Chas . S . Ulrich
187 Integrity 267 Ken'rd H . Jones 311 Kensington 347 Alfred Clegg 230 Bichmoncl 246 J . E . Christian 246 Shelrinah 364 Alex . E . NeAvitt 271 Keystone 213 Samuel Davis 274 Hamilton 182 Benj . F . Bitner
289 Orient 161 Geo . H . Griffith 292 Frankford 279 Alf . W . Gaised 295 Molita 191 S . M . Clement 2 % Mitchell 217 Amos H . Hall 359 Humboldt 89 Victor Kaick
368 Corinthian . 68 Alfred Smith 369 WiUiamson 214 A . J . Macarty 380 Pennsylvania 90 P . B . Calvert 384 Bichard Yaux 68 Jno . J . Bedifer 385 Oriental 120 B . F . Pierson 386 Apollo 250 Jas . T . Lindsey
393 Vaux 210 A . W . Gayley 402 Perkins 142 E . McCambridge 419 W . B . Schneiderl 92 L . W . Wallazz 432 No . 432 82 John B . Tobin 436 Mozart 106 Wm . Steffe 441 Potter 179 Ezra E . Griffith
444 Philo 46 J . W . Hampton 449 Ivanhoe 71 George Bennett 450 Stephen Girard 110 Henry H . Kirk 453 Welcome 75 Frank LaAvronce 456 Covenant 67 F . C . Garrigues 470 Palestine 46 Fred . Stehlo
481 St . Paul 88 C . Matthews , Jr . 482 Athelstan 61 J . D . Miller 487 E . A . Lamberton 47 Jas . E . Kryder 491 Excelsior 90 John L . Benson 493 Crescent 74 Horace F . Brum 500 W . C . Hamilton 61 George Carnell 506 Jerusalem — George F . Borie
59 Lodges 10 , 848 Members Jerusalem Lodge , No . 506 , at Frankford was organized since the report Avas made , and therefore no statement of membership is given . It was the offshoot of another
lodge , its membership being elseAvhere included in the above schedule . This total of nearlyeleven thousand Freemasons represent the strength of the order in . Philadelphia and the jieople Avho have united in building the Teniple . They
number among them , men in every Avalk of life —the clergy , the bar , the medical profession , merchants , manufacturers , tradesmen , mechanics and Avorking men—all banded together in Avhat is probably the strongest and most influential combination in the
civilized world , and is based upon a broad and substantial' foundation of charity and mutual help . As a description of it in detail appeared in the "Freemason , " Aveneed not repeat it to day , but Ave think , tho editor of the " Masonic Keystone , " also
published in Philadelphia , and purely a Masonic paper , and admirably edited , is fully justified Avhen he says there never before have been such immense gatherings of the Craft , from so many and distant
jurisdictions . There has never been , since our Grand Master , King Solomon ' s time , so gorgeous a Temple erected ; and we are confident there AA as never exhibited such unbounded enthusiasm by Brethren ,
Companions and Knights , as each in turn entered in possession of their respective parts of the neAV Masonic Temple . The grandest scene of all , and the one Avhich attracted universal attention , Avas the procession , Avhich on Friday jireceded the dedication . Tivelve thousand Brethren
stood six abreast in a line which extended for the distance of some three miles on Broad Street , from Spruce Street up to and beyond Columbia A venue . It was a magnificent body of men . All the best classes of the community Avas represented . There
Avere governors and ex-governors , congressmen and ex-congressmen , mayors and exmayors , merchants and . tradesmen , clergymen , ; and physicians , lawyers , and journalists —representatives of every leading calling ,
and exemplars of eminence in eA ery profession . The Avisdom and Avealth of King Solomon , and the ability of the artificers of Hiram , King of Tyre , seemed both to have descended to modern times , and been represented by individuals in the ranks . There Avas Aveight of character as Avell as of Avealth
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Masonic Hall At Philadelphia.
No . Kama . Memberhip , Master . 134 Franklin 168 David B . Taylor 135 Boxborougk 179 Saml . Thornton 155 Mount Moriah 387 D . W . Heppard 158 Meridian Sun 427 Michael Kelley 186 Eastern Star 414 Chas . S . Ulrich
187 Integrity 267 Ken'rd H . Jones 311 Kensington 347 Alfred Clegg 230 Bichmoncl 246 J . E . Christian 246 Shelrinah 364 Alex . E . NeAvitt 271 Keystone 213 Samuel Davis 274 Hamilton 182 Benj . F . Bitner
289 Orient 161 Geo . H . Griffith 292 Frankford 279 Alf . W . Gaised 295 Molita 191 S . M . Clement 2 % Mitchell 217 Amos H . Hall 359 Humboldt 89 Victor Kaick
368 Corinthian . 68 Alfred Smith 369 WiUiamson 214 A . J . Macarty 380 Pennsylvania 90 P . B . Calvert 384 Bichard Yaux 68 Jno . J . Bedifer 385 Oriental 120 B . F . Pierson 386 Apollo 250 Jas . T . Lindsey
393 Vaux 210 A . W . Gayley 402 Perkins 142 E . McCambridge 419 W . B . Schneiderl 92 L . W . Wallazz 432 No . 432 82 John B . Tobin 436 Mozart 106 Wm . Steffe 441 Potter 179 Ezra E . Griffith
444 Philo 46 J . W . Hampton 449 Ivanhoe 71 George Bennett 450 Stephen Girard 110 Henry H . Kirk 453 Welcome 75 Frank LaAvronce 456 Covenant 67 F . C . Garrigues 470 Palestine 46 Fred . Stehlo
481 St . Paul 88 C . Matthews , Jr . 482 Athelstan 61 J . D . Miller 487 E . A . Lamberton 47 Jas . E . Kryder 491 Excelsior 90 John L . Benson 493 Crescent 74 Horace F . Brum 500 W . C . Hamilton 61 George Carnell 506 Jerusalem — George F . Borie
59 Lodges 10 , 848 Members Jerusalem Lodge , No . 506 , at Frankford was organized since the report Avas made , and therefore no statement of membership is given . It was the offshoot of another
lodge , its membership being elseAvhere included in the above schedule . This total of nearlyeleven thousand Freemasons represent the strength of the order in . Philadelphia and the jieople Avho have united in building the Teniple . They
number among them , men in every Avalk of life —the clergy , the bar , the medical profession , merchants , manufacturers , tradesmen , mechanics and Avorking men—all banded together in Avhat is probably the strongest and most influential combination in the
civilized world , and is based upon a broad and substantial' foundation of charity and mutual help . As a description of it in detail appeared in the "Freemason , " Aveneed not repeat it to day , but Ave think , tho editor of the " Masonic Keystone , " also
published in Philadelphia , and purely a Masonic paper , and admirably edited , is fully justified Avhen he says there never before have been such immense gatherings of the Craft , from so many and distant
jurisdictions . There has never been , since our Grand Master , King Solomon ' s time , so gorgeous a Temple erected ; and we are confident there AA as never exhibited such unbounded enthusiasm by Brethren ,
Companions and Knights , as each in turn entered in possession of their respective parts of the neAV Masonic Temple . The grandest scene of all , and the one Avhich attracted universal attention , Avas the procession , Avhich on Friday jireceded the dedication . Tivelve thousand Brethren
stood six abreast in a line which extended for the distance of some three miles on Broad Street , from Spruce Street up to and beyond Columbia A venue . It was a magnificent body of men . All the best classes of the community Avas represented . There
Avere governors and ex-governors , congressmen and ex-congressmen , mayors and exmayors , merchants and . tradesmen , clergymen , ; and physicians , lawyers , and journalists —representatives of every leading calling ,
and exemplars of eminence in eA ery profession . The Avisdom and Avealth of King Solomon , and the ability of the artificers of Hiram , King of Tyre , seemed both to have descended to modern times , and been represented by individuals in the ranks . There Avas Aveight of character as Avell as of Avealth