Article Our Archaeogical Corner. Page 1 of 1 Article COLLECTANEA CURIOSA, 1781, Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Archaeogical Corner.
Our Archaeogical Corner .
As the Magazine is intended for all communications of an archaiological bearing or of antiquarian interest , and as Ave always learn much from the undoubted records of building operations in this country , I have thought Avell to
reprint the folloAving interesting extract , which has been some time in my possession , as seAreral Areiy striking facts arise out of its perusal as regards the operative crafts in England during the reign of Henry VIII . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Collectanea Curiosa, 1781,
( Vol . 1 , paje 201 , ) OUT OP THE JOURNAL BOOK OP THE EXPENSES OP ALL THE BUILDINGS OP CHRIST CHURCH COLLEGE , OXON , AVHICH I HAD OP MR . PORE , OP BLGCHINTOX . Paid to William Thomas , Plummer , of Oxfordfor hi . lb . of solder at id . the
, pound . Spent about the femerell of the now kitchen , and sundry gutters pertaining to the same , xA hk viiid . It appeareth there that the Avalks about Christ Church Medowe Avere made of the
earth that Avas digged for the foundation of the College Payments made for the making , framing , and kerving of the new A-ault of the roof of the qucre within the aforesaid College . Costs and expences done there from the
xivth day of November , in the xxth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry VIII ., unto the xxixth day of the same month .
Friday ' s Quarry . Quarries at Gottemold , Barrenton , Edlinton , Burford , Stowe tho Old , Blierburne , Brocfajnton , Leper ' s Quarry at Taynton , Lambert ' s Quarry . For mending of a glass Avindow in the
Choristers' Chamber , iiiirf . Paid to Thomas HeAvister , for carriage of earth and rubble from the fayre gate and the neAV stepull , to fill tho ditches on the backside of the College , elvi . loads at a penny tho loadby computation xiik
, Payments there for the making , carving , framing and garnishing the vault of the roof of tho neAV church of the said College . Paid to William Frere , of Oxford , for
the UOAV making , mending and repairing of the highway leading betiveen Boll Shi pton aud tho Cross standing upon Lleclington hills , for the more speedy conveyance of stone , timber , and lime , to be carryed from sundry jdaces to the said Avork , over and
above xvL paid by the hands of Mr . Nick . ToAvnly , Priest , master of the said Avorks , and by a book of parcels thereof , made b y tho said AVilliam Frere , then being purveyor of the said Avorks , doth particularl y appear at large xxxiiii / viiis . vcl .
Item for viii . looks and xvi . keys of sundry sorts and prices , for the doors of the four now lodgings at the liall end , and the south town , and the fish houses , and other doors , XAOS . Unci .
Item , for six plates for the griffin ' s foot standing upon tho femerell of the kitchen , pondering xvii pounds and a half , iis . iid . tpiad . Item , for two stays for the vane of the said griffin , xixt ? .
Item , for a stay bar for tho church door , pondering xvii . pound , iis . hi . oh . Item , lor mending and repairing of old locks and hinges to serve for doors in Peck-Avatcr ' s inn , for the masons' lod gings , XA'iiirf . ob .
Item , to James Fleming , & c , for making scaffolds for the taking doAvn of the old stepull , iii-s . id . Item , to "William Hobbs and Bichard Cooper for bringing in of the bell-frame in their drinkin « time , ihl .
To haymakers for the cart horses m Frideswide Mead , xx-s . Paid to John Adams , Free Mason , for carriage of 12-1 loads of gravel from St . Giles ' s to tho works , at Hid . the load , xxxis . And to Thomas HeAvister for like carriage of 113 loads from St . Edmund ' s
Avell to the Avork , at the like price , xxxvhk To Jo . Norton for xxvi . C . paving tiles of yelloAV and green , for the new hall , at iik viii // . the hundred , vil . sxicl . To James Nicholston , of London , Glazier , for xlvii . of my Lord Grace ' s arms , set of the
up in the Avindows of the new hall said College , at vis . viiicl . the p iece , xvl . xiik viM And for 216 bends or poses , called Dominus mild Acljutor , set up in the same Avindows , at xiid . the piece every one , xh / . s . v ' ul . To Thos . Hastings , & c ., for helping tho Plummer at Wallingford to take down old lead there with other stuff , and set-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Archaeogical Corner.
Our Archaeogical Corner .
As the Magazine is intended for all communications of an archaiological bearing or of antiquarian interest , and as Ave always learn much from the undoubted records of building operations in this country , I have thought Avell to
reprint the folloAving interesting extract , which has been some time in my possession , as seAreral Areiy striking facts arise out of its perusal as regards the operative crafts in England during the reign of Henry VIII . A . F . A . WOODFORD .
Collectanea Curiosa, 1781,
( Vol . 1 , paje 201 , ) OUT OP THE JOURNAL BOOK OP THE EXPENSES OP ALL THE BUILDINGS OP CHRIST CHURCH COLLEGE , OXON , AVHICH I HAD OP MR . PORE , OP BLGCHINTOX . Paid to William Thomas , Plummer , of Oxfordfor hi . lb . of solder at id . the
, pound . Spent about the femerell of the now kitchen , and sundry gutters pertaining to the same , xA hk viiid . It appeareth there that the Avalks about Christ Church Medowe Avere made of the
earth that Avas digged for the foundation of the College Payments made for the making , framing , and kerving of the new A-ault of the roof of the qucre within the aforesaid College . Costs and expences done there from the
xivth day of November , in the xxth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry VIII ., unto the xxixth day of the same month .
Friday ' s Quarry . Quarries at Gottemold , Barrenton , Edlinton , Burford , Stowe tho Old , Blierburne , Brocfajnton , Leper ' s Quarry at Taynton , Lambert ' s Quarry . For mending of a glass Avindow in the
Choristers' Chamber , iiiirf . Paid to Thomas HeAvister , for carriage of earth and rubble from the fayre gate and the neAV stepull , to fill tho ditches on the backside of the College , elvi . loads at a penny tho loadby computation xiik
, Payments there for the making , carving , framing and garnishing the vault of the roof of tho neAV church of the said College . Paid to William Frere , of Oxford , for
the UOAV making , mending and repairing of the highway leading betiveen Boll Shi pton aud tho Cross standing upon Lleclington hills , for the more speedy conveyance of stone , timber , and lime , to be carryed from sundry jdaces to the said Avork , over and
above xvL paid by the hands of Mr . Nick . ToAvnly , Priest , master of the said Avorks , and by a book of parcels thereof , made b y tho said AVilliam Frere , then being purveyor of the said Avorks , doth particularl y appear at large xxxiiii / viiis . vcl .
Item for viii . looks and xvi . keys of sundry sorts and prices , for the doors of the four now lodgings at the liall end , and the south town , and the fish houses , and other doors , XAOS . Unci .
Item , for six plates for the griffin ' s foot standing upon tho femerell of the kitchen , pondering xvii pounds and a half , iis . iid . tpiad . Item , for two stays for the vane of the said griffin , xixt ? .
Item , for a stay bar for tho church door , pondering xvii . pound , iis . hi . oh . Item , lor mending and repairing of old locks and hinges to serve for doors in Peck-Avatcr ' s inn , for the masons' lod gings , XA'iiirf . ob .
Item , to James Fleming , & c , for making scaffolds for the taking doAvn of the old stepull , iii-s . id . Item , to "William Hobbs and Bichard Cooper for bringing in of the bell-frame in their drinkin « time , ihl .
To haymakers for the cart horses m Frideswide Mead , xx-s . Paid to John Adams , Free Mason , for carriage of 12-1 loads of gravel from St . Giles ' s to tho works , at Hid . the load , xxxis . And to Thomas HeAvister for like carriage of 113 loads from St . Edmund ' s
Avell to the Avork , at the like price , xxxvhk To Jo . Norton for xxvi . C . paving tiles of yelloAV and green , for the new hall , at iik viii // . the hundred , vil . sxicl . To James Nicholston , of London , Glazier , for xlvii . of my Lord Grace ' s arms , set of the
up in the Avindows of the new hall said College , at vis . viiicl . the p iece , xvl . xiik viM And for 216 bends or poses , called Dominus mild Acljutor , set up in the same Avindows , at xiid . the piece every one , xh / . s . v ' ul . To Thos . Hastings , & c ., for helping tho Plummer at Wallingford to take down old lead there with other stuff , and set-