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Curious Old Attack On Freemasonry.
Forehead . —To touch the forehead Avith the right hand , signifies tho member must tie at the LeAnl Tavern , in Fleet Street , at eleA on of the clock in the morning the next day ; and to touch tho forehead Avith the loft hand , signifies he must be at the same
Tavern next day , about nine of the clock at night . Glove . —To hold up a glove with your right hand , signifies tho member must be walking in tho Piazza of St . James ' s Palace next day at ten in the forenoon ; and to hold up a glove with the left hand , signifies he must be walking at the same place next day , about five in the afternoon .
Hat . —To clap either hand upon the crown of the hat , signifies the member must be at the Bell Tavern , in King ' s Street , at Westminster , by eight of the clock next morning ; and to pull the hat off , signifies that he must be at the same Tavern next
day , at seven of the clock in the evening . Heel . —To touch the heel of either shoe , with either hand , by lifting it up , signifies that the member must be at the King ' s Anns , in Southwark , precisely by noon . Inldwrn . —To pull aninkhorn out of the pocket , and hold it up , signifies that the member must be at the Fountain Tavern , in the Strand , by six of the clock in the
evening . Knee . —To touch either knee Avith either hand , signifies the member must bo AvalkinS upon the Parade , in St . James ' s Park , about four of tho clock in the afternoon . Leg . —To shake either leg , signifies the member must be in the Pit of Drury Lane Playhouse , by seven of the clock in the evening .
Zip . —To touch either lip Avith either hand , signifies the member must bo Avalking on the north side of Leicester Scptare , hy three of the clock in tlie afternoon . Money . —To put money out of one hand into t ' other , signifies the member must be
hi the Pit of Lincoln ' s-Inn Playhouse , by half an hour after six in the evening . Neclceloth . —To jilay Avith the neckcloth , Arith either hand , signifies the member must he Avalking in Bloomsbury Square , about three of the clock in the afternoon .
Odd . —To make an odd figure , 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , with chalk , on any place , signifies the Member must . be in the Pit of the Operahouse , in the Haymarket , by seven of the dock in the evening ; but if the figure be even , as 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , then the member must
bo walking on the Tarrass Walk , in York Buildings . Paper . —To send a piece of paper done up like a letter , tho' there is nothing Avrit in it , signifies the member to Avhom it is sent must be at the Buffler's Head Tavern
, by Charing Cross , at four of the clock in the afternoon . Queen . —To send a letter Avith only the Avord Queen writ in it , signifies the member to Avhom it is sent , must be at the Queen ' s Head Tavernwithin Temple Barby six of
, , the clock hi the evening . Rufle . —To play Avith one of the ruffles Avith either hand , signifies the member to AAdiom the sign is made , must be near the Fountain , in Lincoln ' s-Inn Square , by tivo of the clock in the afternoon .
Skin . —To rub either shin Avith either hand , signifies the member must be at the One Tun Tavern , in the Strand , betAvixt the hours of seven and eight of the clock at night . Snuff Box . —To toss a snuff-box out of
one hand into t ' other , signifies the member must be Avalking in Guildhall , about three of the clock in the afternoon . Sword . —To put either hand upon the hilt of the sAvord , signifies the member must be at the Half-Moon Tavern , in the Strand ,
by eight of the clock at night . Thumb . —To hold up the thumb , be it of the rig ht or left hand , signifies that the member ( if it is not term time , ) must be Avalking against the Court of Common Pleas , about tAVO of the clock in the afternoon .
Vincent . —To send a letter Avith only the word Vincent Avrit hi it , signifies the member must be in the Tap-house of the George Inn , hi the Borough of Southwark , about seA en in the evening . Watch— To pull a Avatch out of the fob ,
signifies the member must be walking by Buckingham House , in St . James ' s Park , about one of the clock hi the afternoon . Wig . —To play Avith the bottom of the Avig Avith either hand , signifies the member must be at the Oxford Arms Tavernin
, Ludgate Street , betAveen tho hours of three and four of the clock hi tho afternoon . Xenophon . —To send a letter Avithoidy the Avord Xenophon Avrit in it , signifies the member must be Avalking at the corner of Lhicoln ' s-Inn-Fields , Avliieh is against the
Duke of NeAveastle ' s house , about three of the clock in the afternoon . Youth . —To send a letter Avith the word
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Curious Old Attack On Freemasonry.
Forehead . —To touch the forehead Avith the right hand , signifies tho member must tie at the LeAnl Tavern , in Fleet Street , at eleA on of the clock in the morning the next day ; and to touch tho forehead Avith the loft hand , signifies he must be at the same
Tavern next day , about nine of the clock at night . Glove . —To hold up a glove with your right hand , signifies tho member must be walking in tho Piazza of St . James ' s Palace next day at ten in the forenoon ; and to hold up a glove with the left hand , signifies he must be walking at the same place next day , about five in the afternoon .
Hat . —To clap either hand upon the crown of the hat , signifies the member must be at the Bell Tavern , in King ' s Street , at Westminster , by eight of the clock next morning ; and to pull the hat off , signifies that he must be at the same Tavern next
day , at seven of the clock in the evening . Heel . —To touch the heel of either shoe , with either hand , by lifting it up , signifies that the member must be at the King ' s Anns , in Southwark , precisely by noon . Inldwrn . —To pull aninkhorn out of the pocket , and hold it up , signifies that the member must be at the Fountain Tavern , in the Strand , by six of the clock in the
evening . Knee . —To touch either knee Avith either hand , signifies the member must bo AvalkinS upon the Parade , in St . James ' s Park , about four of tho clock in the afternoon . Leg . —To shake either leg , signifies the member must be in the Pit of Drury Lane Playhouse , by seven of the clock in the evening .
Zip . —To touch either lip Avith either hand , signifies the member must bo Avalking on the north side of Leicester Scptare , hy three of the clock in tlie afternoon . Money . —To put money out of one hand into t ' other , signifies the member must be
hi the Pit of Lincoln ' s-Inn Playhouse , by half an hour after six in the evening . Neclceloth . —To jilay Avith the neckcloth , Arith either hand , signifies the member must he Avalking in Bloomsbury Square , about three of the clock in the afternoon .
Odd . —To make an odd figure , 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , with chalk , on any place , signifies the Member must . be in the Pit of the Operahouse , in the Haymarket , by seven of the dock in the evening ; but if the figure be even , as 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , then the member must
bo walking on the Tarrass Walk , in York Buildings . Paper . —To send a piece of paper done up like a letter , tho' there is nothing Avrit in it , signifies the member to Avhom it is sent must be at the Buffler's Head Tavern
, by Charing Cross , at four of the clock in the afternoon . Queen . —To send a letter Avith only the Avord Queen writ in it , signifies the member to Avhom it is sent , must be at the Queen ' s Head Tavernwithin Temple Barby six of
, , the clock hi the evening . Rufle . —To play Avith one of the ruffles Avith either hand , signifies the member to AAdiom the sign is made , must be near the Fountain , in Lincoln ' s-Inn Square , by tivo of the clock in the afternoon .
Skin . —To rub either shin Avith either hand , signifies the member must be at the One Tun Tavern , in the Strand , betAvixt the hours of seven and eight of the clock at night . Snuff Box . —To toss a snuff-box out of
one hand into t ' other , signifies the member must be Avalking in Guildhall , about three of the clock in the afternoon . Sword . —To put either hand upon the hilt of the sAvord , signifies the member must be at the Half-Moon Tavern , in the Strand ,
by eight of the clock at night . Thumb . —To hold up the thumb , be it of the rig ht or left hand , signifies that the member ( if it is not term time , ) must be Avalking against the Court of Common Pleas , about tAVO of the clock in the afternoon .
Vincent . —To send a letter Avith only the word Vincent Avrit hi it , signifies the member must be in the Tap-house of the George Inn , hi the Borough of Southwark , about seA en in the evening . Watch— To pull a Avatch out of the fob ,
signifies the member must be walking by Buckingham House , in St . James ' s Park , about one of the clock hi the afternoon . Wig . —To play Avith the bottom of the Avig Avith either hand , signifies the member must be at the Oxford Arms Tavernin
, Ludgate Street , betAveen tho hours of three and four of the clock hi tho afternoon . Xenophon . —To send a letter Avithoidy the Avord Xenophon Avrit in it , signifies the member must be Avalking at the corner of Lhicoln ' s-Inn-Fields , Avliieh is against the
Duke of NeAveastle ' s house , about three of the clock in the afternoon . Youth . —To send a letter Avith the word