Article MASONIC ANTIQUITIES. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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Masonic Antiquities.
CHI , that of SHIN SHAW , and the Plain Dealer ' s Answer , are all as follows , taken from that Paper of the 14 th of Stptemler , l $ o . ~ L l .. " ' I will not be so partial to my own Brotherhood , I mean the Worshipful Society of Fkee and Accepted MASONS , as to forbear rebuking them , on this Occasion , for the unaccountable Pother and Noise they have lately made in the World . What Stories have been told to amuse , delude , and engage the Credulous ?
And how many have been drawn into the Fraternity th ^ t have no Business there , to the manifest Detriment of their own affairs , and Disadvantage of the Publick ? What Reflections , what Reproach , have we brought upon Ourselves , and upon our Ancient Order , by making so many Proselytes , in so cheap and prostituted a manner ? It afflicts me sensibly , when I see so many idle , vain , and empty coxcombs introduced into our Lodges and made privy to our Secrets . I have often enter'd my Protest against this Abuse , in private Society ; and must use the Freedom to offer this Memorial , in the publick Character I bear . 'Tis my opinion ,
that the late Prostitution of our Order , is next to the betraying of it . The weak head of Vintners , Drawers , Wigmalcers , Weavers , Sec , admi tted into our Fraternity have not only brought Contempt upon the Institution , but do very much endanger it . Complaints have been made against the Abuse , even by strangers and indifferent Persons : And I have heard it ask'd why we don't admit Women , as well as Taylors into our Lodges I I profess , I have met with as sufficient Heads among the Fair Sex , as I have in the Brotherhood : and I have some Reasons to fear , that our Secrets are in Danger of being expos'd . There is , in the Conduct of too many , since their Admission , the << < — ¦ ' , ; ^ ,, ;¦ , . ¦ . —Ccecus Amor sui
" < Et tollens vacuum plusmimio Gloria verkcem tCi' Arcaniqm Fides pvodiga , perlncidior vitro / * which is expressly prohibited by our Excellent Rides and Constitutions ; and which is the very Characteristick of the Fools that were received into the Lodges at Rome in the Days of Augustus Ccesar ; and whereof our Brother Horace complained vehemently in an Ode to Varus ,, who was then the Grand Master , But whatever Freedom others may imagine they may lawfully and discreetly use , my Conscience cannot brook them . " < : N "<) N TWO Tfl — : —
< e ' SUB DlVUM RArTAM . '" t ( l ' My Female Readers , and , I ' m afraid , some ofthe Brotherhood too , may stop here and stare , as if I had blabbed out the whole Mystery in these Lines . My Friend Tony Jyngle , happening to cast his Eye upon this Paper , when I was writing it , asked me , Whether the above Words and Dashes wou'd not be decypher'dmto the famous Mason Word ? But I must leave Folks , that know no
" ' Invitum quattam : nec
better , to their Wonder ; and proceed to assure my guilty Brethren , that they have promoted Superstition , and Babbling , contrary to the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King , by their late Practices and Condescentions . Alarming Reports , and Stories of WITCHES , LADDERS , HALTERS , DRAWN SWORDS , and DARK ROOMS , have spread Confusion and Teror .: | : Trade and Business and Family Daly have been shamefully neglected : And if the Government does not put the Laws against us in Execution , it will be an extraordinary Favour or
v Horace , Book I . Ode xviii , 11—10 . For the benefit of my lady readers , and of those gentlemen who are " rusty " as regards their Latin , I subjoin a translation :- — Blind Self-Love , and Pride raising to excess her empty head , and that u Faith , which , lavish ofthe secret entrusted to it , is more transparent than " glass . "—X . t Horace , Bk . I . Ode xviii , 11—13 . "May I not disturb thee against thy will , nor hurry thee under the open nky . " X . " I- Sic .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities.
CHI , that of SHIN SHAW , and the Plain Dealer ' s Answer , are all as follows , taken from that Paper of the 14 th of Stptemler , l $ o . ~ L l .. " ' I will not be so partial to my own Brotherhood , I mean the Worshipful Society of Fkee and Accepted MASONS , as to forbear rebuking them , on this Occasion , for the unaccountable Pother and Noise they have lately made in the World . What Stories have been told to amuse , delude , and engage the Credulous ?
And how many have been drawn into the Fraternity th ^ t have no Business there , to the manifest Detriment of their own affairs , and Disadvantage of the Publick ? What Reflections , what Reproach , have we brought upon Ourselves , and upon our Ancient Order , by making so many Proselytes , in so cheap and prostituted a manner ? It afflicts me sensibly , when I see so many idle , vain , and empty coxcombs introduced into our Lodges and made privy to our Secrets . I have often enter'd my Protest against this Abuse , in private Society ; and must use the Freedom to offer this Memorial , in the publick Character I bear . 'Tis my opinion ,
that the late Prostitution of our Order , is next to the betraying of it . The weak head of Vintners , Drawers , Wigmalcers , Weavers , Sec , admi tted into our Fraternity have not only brought Contempt upon the Institution , but do very much endanger it . Complaints have been made against the Abuse , even by strangers and indifferent Persons : And I have heard it ask'd why we don't admit Women , as well as Taylors into our Lodges I I profess , I have met with as sufficient Heads among the Fair Sex , as I have in the Brotherhood : and I have some Reasons to fear , that our Secrets are in Danger of being expos'd . There is , in the Conduct of too many , since their Admission , the << < — ¦ ' , ; ^ ,, ;¦ , . ¦ . —Ccecus Amor sui
" < Et tollens vacuum plusmimio Gloria verkcem tCi' Arcaniqm Fides pvodiga , perlncidior vitro / * which is expressly prohibited by our Excellent Rides and Constitutions ; and which is the very Characteristick of the Fools that were received into the Lodges at Rome in the Days of Augustus Ccesar ; and whereof our Brother Horace complained vehemently in an Ode to Varus ,, who was then the Grand Master , But whatever Freedom others may imagine they may lawfully and discreetly use , my Conscience cannot brook them . " < : N "<) N TWO Tfl — : —
< e ' SUB DlVUM RArTAM . '" t ( l ' My Female Readers , and , I ' m afraid , some ofthe Brotherhood too , may stop here and stare , as if I had blabbed out the whole Mystery in these Lines . My Friend Tony Jyngle , happening to cast his Eye upon this Paper , when I was writing it , asked me , Whether the above Words and Dashes wou'd not be decypher'dmto the famous Mason Word ? But I must leave Folks , that know no
" ' Invitum quattam : nec
better , to their Wonder ; and proceed to assure my guilty Brethren , that they have promoted Superstition , and Babbling , contrary to the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King , by their late Practices and Condescentions . Alarming Reports , and Stories of WITCHES , LADDERS , HALTERS , DRAWN SWORDS , and DARK ROOMS , have spread Confusion and Teror .: | : Trade and Business and Family Daly have been shamefully neglected : And if the Government does not put the Laws against us in Execution , it will be an extraordinary Favour or
v Horace , Book I . Ode xviii , 11—10 . For the benefit of my lady readers , and of those gentlemen who are " rusty " as regards their Latin , I subjoin a translation :- — Blind Self-Love , and Pride raising to excess her empty head , and that u Faith , which , lavish ofthe secret entrusted to it , is more transparent than " glass . "—X . t Horace , Bk . I . Ode xviii , 11—13 . "May I not disturb thee against thy will , nor hurry thee under the open nky . " X . " I- Sic .