Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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Plough Tavernj Botherhithe ; Manchester ( 20 p )> Andertpn ' s Hotel . Chapter , Yarborough ( 812 ) . House Commit Frid ( fy ^ 2 Hon . / Artilierv-: Compaiiyi ¦ '••;;;' - ,: ¦•; Saturday , 23 rd . — -Lodge , Unity ( 215 ) , London Tavern . Chapter , St . George ' s ( 5 ) , Freemasons' Tavern .
Monday , 25 ^ . ^ Lodges , Somerset HQUse ( 4 ) , F ^ Thatched House ; Old king ' s Arms ( 30 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Pythagorean ( 93 ) , Globe Tavern , Greenwich -Salisbury { 630 } * Dean-street , Soho . Chapters , Robert Burns ( 25 ) , Freefhasohs ^ Tayerri ; Mount SionXlS ^ yRadley ' s Hotel , Tuesday , 26 £ A . —Lodges , Tuscan ( l 4 ) yFreemasons Tavern ; Moira ( 109 ) , Lomdbh Tavern ; Faith ( l 65 ) , Windsor Castle ^ Tauxhallj Prudent Brethren ( 169 ) , ; . Freemasons' Tavern ; Industry ( 219 ) , Dick ' s Coffee House ; Prince of Wales ( 324 ) , Thatched House . Chapter , Cyrus ( 21 ) , libndofi Coffee House . - ¦' ¦ ' : ^' ' ' -- '' - '' .-: \ v : ' , "' ¦ . ' ! Wednesday , 2 j ?^ . —Lodges , Antiquity ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Mount Morian ( 40 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j United Pilgrims ( 745 ) , Manor House , Walworth . Mark Lodgei—St . Mark ' s
( 1 ) , Freemasons ^ Tavern . Thursday , 2 $ th . — -Lodges , Keptuhe ( 22 )/ Ra ^ Peac e and Harinony (^ 2 ) , London Tavern ; Grenadiers' ( 79 ) , Freemasons ? Tavern ; Shakspeare ( 116 ) 9 Albion Tavern . Chapters , Domatic ( 206 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ^ Hope ( 248 ) , Globe Tavern i Greenwich 5 polish ( 778 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . General Committee Girls Friday , 29 # >~ i 3 mulation Lodge of Instruction Festival . House Cdnimittee Boys' School at 3 [ . The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ]
"Royal Yor ^ L ^^ maneht Committee of this Lodge was held at the preemasohs Tavern ^ for th 6 purpose of auditing the accounts for the past year ; and in conseqyttenee of the immediate departure fo that the jewel voted to him at the last Lodge meeting , in acknowledgirient of his valuable services as Secretary , should he presented to him on that evening , This pleasing duty was intrusted to Bro . J . S . S . Hop wood , P . JVL , and senior member
of the Lodge , who , in an address full of fraternal kindness , gave expression to the feelings of the members of the Lodge . Bro . Wilkinson briefly and appropriatelyreturned thanks , and the proceedings of the evening closed . The jewel , is of chaste and elegant design / and bears the following inscription on its reverse •' :. — Ci Presented by the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No , 73 to Bro . R . E . K . Wilkinson , as a token of esteem and regard , and as a mark of their appreciation of the very satisfactory manner in which he performed his duties as Secretary . — Dec . . 16 / 1857 . "
Enoch Lodge , No . 11 . —As an object of admiration in nature we never know which to prefer—the golden brightness of the rising sun , or the crimson radiance which accompanies the setting of the god of day ! There is something unspeakably beautiful in the appearance of the majestic orb , a , s panoplied in light he starts on his diurnal march ; and there is something unmistakeably grand in the gorgeous tints with which the heavens are spread as he sinks to repose / leaving
" his beauty To the delighted west , which revels in Its hues of dying glory ! "
The one inspires hope , the other begets reflection . These remarks cannot he much out of place at a period of the Masonic year when the chairs of so many Lodges are being vacated by their occupants , and new masters are being introduced amongst the rulers of the Craft , whose attention is specially directed to the grand luminary of nature as a pattern for imitation . How auspicious soever may have been the circumstances under which Bro . W . S . Masterman ' s year of office was inaugurated , he has certainly reason to congratulate himself on a
brilliant termination of it , inasmuch as it fell to his lot while presiding over this Lodge for the last time as W . M ., at its meeting on Wednesday , 13 th instant , to impart the light of Masonry to four candidates , who had been well and worthily recommended ; these were Messrs . II . Garrod , C . Venables , jun ., John Brown , and B . P . O'Hara . The report of the audit committee Vvas read and adopted . A vote of thanks to Bro . Temple , P . M ., for the able and efficient manner in which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Plough Tavernj Botherhithe ; Manchester ( 20 p )> Andertpn ' s Hotel . Chapter , Yarborough ( 812 ) . House Commit Frid ( fy ^ 2 Hon . / Artilierv-: Compaiiyi ¦ '••;;;' - ,: ¦•; Saturday , 23 rd . — -Lodge , Unity ( 215 ) , London Tavern . Chapter , St . George ' s ( 5 ) , Freemasons' Tavern .
Monday , 25 ^ . ^ Lodges , Somerset HQUse ( 4 ) , F ^ Thatched House ; Old king ' s Arms ( 30 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Pythagorean ( 93 ) , Globe Tavern , Greenwich -Salisbury { 630 } * Dean-street , Soho . Chapters , Robert Burns ( 25 ) , Freefhasohs ^ Tayerri ; Mount SionXlS ^ yRadley ' s Hotel , Tuesday , 26 £ A . —Lodges , Tuscan ( l 4 ) yFreemasons Tavern ; Moira ( 109 ) , Lomdbh Tavern ; Faith ( l 65 ) , Windsor Castle ^ Tauxhallj Prudent Brethren ( 169 ) , ; . Freemasons' Tavern ; Industry ( 219 ) , Dick ' s Coffee House ; Prince of Wales ( 324 ) , Thatched House . Chapter , Cyrus ( 21 ) , libndofi Coffee House . - ¦' ¦ ' : ^' ' ' -- '' - '' .-: \ v : ' , "' ¦ . ' ! Wednesday , 2 j ?^ . —Lodges , Antiquity ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Mount Morian ( 40 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j United Pilgrims ( 745 ) , Manor House , Walworth . Mark Lodgei—St . Mark ' s
( 1 ) , Freemasons ^ Tavern . Thursday , 2 $ th . — -Lodges , Keptuhe ( 22 )/ Ra ^ Peac e and Harinony (^ 2 ) , London Tavern ; Grenadiers' ( 79 ) , Freemasons ? Tavern ; Shakspeare ( 116 ) 9 Albion Tavern . Chapters , Domatic ( 206 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ^ Hope ( 248 ) , Globe Tavern i Greenwich 5 polish ( 778 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . General Committee Girls Friday , 29 # >~ i 3 mulation Lodge of Instruction Festival . House Cdnimittee Boys' School at 3 [ . The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ]
"Royal Yor ^ L ^^ maneht Committee of this Lodge was held at the preemasohs Tavern ^ for th 6 purpose of auditing the accounts for the past year ; and in conseqyttenee of the immediate departure fo that the jewel voted to him at the last Lodge meeting , in acknowledgirient of his valuable services as Secretary , should he presented to him on that evening , This pleasing duty was intrusted to Bro . J . S . S . Hop wood , P . JVL , and senior member
of the Lodge , who , in an address full of fraternal kindness , gave expression to the feelings of the members of the Lodge . Bro . Wilkinson briefly and appropriatelyreturned thanks , and the proceedings of the evening closed . The jewel , is of chaste and elegant design / and bears the following inscription on its reverse •' :. — Ci Presented by the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No , 73 to Bro . R . E . K . Wilkinson , as a token of esteem and regard , and as a mark of their appreciation of the very satisfactory manner in which he performed his duties as Secretary . — Dec . . 16 / 1857 . "
Enoch Lodge , No . 11 . —As an object of admiration in nature we never know which to prefer—the golden brightness of the rising sun , or the crimson radiance which accompanies the setting of the god of day ! There is something unspeakably beautiful in the appearance of the majestic orb , a , s panoplied in light he starts on his diurnal march ; and there is something unmistakeably grand in the gorgeous tints with which the heavens are spread as he sinks to repose / leaving
" his beauty To the delighted west , which revels in Its hues of dying glory ! "
The one inspires hope , the other begets reflection . These remarks cannot he much out of place at a period of the Masonic year when the chairs of so many Lodges are being vacated by their occupants , and new masters are being introduced amongst the rulers of the Craft , whose attention is specially directed to the grand luminary of nature as a pattern for imitation . How auspicious soever may have been the circumstances under which Bro . W . S . Masterman ' s year of office was inaugurated , he has certainly reason to congratulate himself on a
brilliant termination of it , inasmuch as it fell to his lot while presiding over this Lodge for the last time as W . M ., at its meeting on Wednesday , 13 th instant , to impart the light of Masonry to four candidates , who had been well and worthily recommended ; these were Messrs . II . Garrod , C . Venables , jun ., John Brown , and B . P . O'Hara . The report of the audit committee Vvas read and adopted . A vote of thanks to Bro . Temple , P . M ., for the able and efficient manner in which