Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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he had for a series of years discharged the arduous duties of Dir . of Oers ., was proposed / passed by acclamation , and ordered to be placed oh thev rninutes a compliment ^ siicjbly merited was then presented as W . M . elect , and ^ w of ILS ., in t ^ formed by Bros . P . Ms . Binckes , Matthews , and Temple The officers appointed 7
and invested were Bros . Pain , B , W . ; Grerman , J ; W . ; W . Williams ( P . M . ) Treas . ; p ; to Dir . of Ger . ; Ruely I . Q >; and Grawrey , Tyler . Forty-six Brethren sat down to banquet provided by ; Messrsv Elkingtoh and Co ., in their accustomed style . Some excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Donald / King , G . Tedder ^ and J C . L Watson ; atid some most ^ mirth-provbkin ditties by the inimitable Bro . . . Toole >
the effect of which was sufficient to send ^ the hearers laughmg to their beds . " Amongst the visitors we remarked Bros . Major Skinner , X > . Gr . M ,, Essex ; W . Paas , W . M . No . SO / Em Essex ; D ur ^^ Ko . 25 r M 6 rris > ^ k most effectively , was veiy warn were the wishes that were Wafted to him for a happy and prosperous rule ^^
Royaii Ara ^ the 13 th inst . at fe A Brother having been duly raised / the [ Brethren were gratified by the cohsummation of a Jong-cherished desire to see Bro . Stone regularly installed according to ancient custom into the chair of this Lodge / of which he has been a distinguished member for many years , his public duties having hitherto caused him to decline the distinguished honour which has now been imposed on Iiim . In the course of the evening , the W » M <>
in an eloquent and Appropriate speech ) presented Bro - Gale , P . M „ with a testimonial on his retiring from the office of Treasurer , after a long period of office , during which he has filled that arduous post alike creditably to himself and ad vantag'eously to the Lodge . The ' . . testimonial was in the form of a ring , suitably and handsomely ornamented , and was supplied by Bro . George Lambert of the firm of Lambert and Rawlings , of Coventry Street . 0 n the inside was engraved the following inscription : — " Boyal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 . Presented to Bro , Samuel
Gale , P . M ., in appreciation of the efficient manner in which for nine years he faithfully discharged the duties of Treasurer . 1858 . " Other business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed , not however without a resolution being come to in support of the testimonial about to be presented to Bro . S . Barton Wilson , whom this Lodge has the distinguished honour of claiming as a Son and a P . M . Bro . Haynes may be congratulated upon the happy results of his best efforts to provide a banquet worthy the occasion .
Lodg-e of Regularity ( No . 108 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 14 th inst ., to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the ballot was unanimous in favour of Bro . P . M , Haward , who has served the office of S . W . in the above Lodge for the last year . Mr . Edward Walker was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony was most ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Grosjean , who does the Lodge great credit by the very efficient way in which he discharges his Masonic duties . The Brethren afterwards sat down to an
excellent banquet , and were favoured with the company of Bro . F . Haward , No . 349 , Worcester , and Bro . Herr Wilhelm Ganz , the celebrated pianist , No . 630 . A very spirited evening was spent ; and we feel bound to say that Bro . Ganz contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening ; so much so , that it was the unanimous wish of the Lodge that he would favour it with his company on the 11 th February , when the installation of the W . M . elect will take place , Bro . Ganz kindly accepted the invitation ; and we look forward to a rich treat on that occasion .
Eastern Stab Lodge ( No . 112 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting , held on Wednesday , the 13 th of January , at the Wade ' s Arms , East-India Koad , Poplar , Bro . G . F . Grimes , W . M ., Mr , Joseph Pattrick was initiated into Masonry . Bro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he had for a series of years discharged the arduous duties of Dir . of Oers ., was proposed / passed by acclamation , and ordered to be placed oh thev rninutes a compliment ^ siicjbly merited was then presented as W . M . elect , and ^ w of ILS ., in t ^ formed by Bros . P . Ms . Binckes , Matthews , and Temple The officers appointed 7
and invested were Bros . Pain , B , W . ; Grerman , J ; W . ; W . Williams ( P . M . ) Treas . ; p ; to Dir . of Ger . ; Ruely I . Q >; and Grawrey , Tyler . Forty-six Brethren sat down to banquet provided by ; Messrsv Elkingtoh and Co ., in their accustomed style . Some excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Donald / King , G . Tedder ^ and J C . L Watson ; atid some most ^ mirth-provbkin ditties by the inimitable Bro . . . Toole >
the effect of which was sufficient to send ^ the hearers laughmg to their beds . " Amongst the visitors we remarked Bros . Major Skinner , X > . Gr . M ,, Essex ; W . Paas , W . M . No . SO / Em Essex ; D ur ^^ Ko . 25 r M 6 rris > ^ k most effectively , was veiy warn were the wishes that were Wafted to him for a happy and prosperous rule ^^
Royaii Ara ^ the 13 th inst . at fe A Brother having been duly raised / the [ Brethren were gratified by the cohsummation of a Jong-cherished desire to see Bro . Stone regularly installed according to ancient custom into the chair of this Lodge / of which he has been a distinguished member for many years , his public duties having hitherto caused him to decline the distinguished honour which has now been imposed on Iiim . In the course of the evening , the W » M <>
in an eloquent and Appropriate speech ) presented Bro - Gale , P . M „ with a testimonial on his retiring from the office of Treasurer , after a long period of office , during which he has filled that arduous post alike creditably to himself and ad vantag'eously to the Lodge . The ' . . testimonial was in the form of a ring , suitably and handsomely ornamented , and was supplied by Bro . George Lambert of the firm of Lambert and Rawlings , of Coventry Street . 0 n the inside was engraved the following inscription : — " Boyal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 . Presented to Bro , Samuel
Gale , P . M ., in appreciation of the efficient manner in which for nine years he faithfully discharged the duties of Treasurer . 1858 . " Other business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed , not however without a resolution being come to in support of the testimonial about to be presented to Bro . S . Barton Wilson , whom this Lodge has the distinguished honour of claiming as a Son and a P . M . Bro . Haynes may be congratulated upon the happy results of his best efforts to provide a banquet worthy the occasion .
Lodg-e of Regularity ( No . 108 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 14 th inst ., to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the ballot was unanimous in favour of Bro . P . M , Haward , who has served the office of S . W . in the above Lodge for the last year . Mr . Edward Walker was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony was most ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Grosjean , who does the Lodge great credit by the very efficient way in which he discharges his Masonic duties . The Brethren afterwards sat down to an
excellent banquet , and were favoured with the company of Bro . F . Haward , No . 349 , Worcester , and Bro . Herr Wilhelm Ganz , the celebrated pianist , No . 630 . A very spirited evening was spent ; and we feel bound to say that Bro . Ganz contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening ; so much so , that it was the unanimous wish of the Lodge that he would favour it with his company on the 11 th February , when the installation of the W . M . elect will take place , Bro . Ganz kindly accepted the invitation ; and we look forward to a rich treat on that occasion .
Eastern Stab Lodge ( No . 112 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting , held on Wednesday , the 13 th of January , at the Wade ' s Arms , East-India Koad , Poplar , Bro . G . F . Grimes , W . M ., Mr , Joseph Pattrick was initiated into Masonry . Bro ,