Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Gurry was passed to the 2 nd Begree , and Bro . Green was ^ raised A ballot wastaken for the Master for th S . W \ , was elected / fero . W « WentwQrth Davis was unanimously re-elected Treas ., and Bro * Hoofceyy Tyler . The Brethren afterwards supped together , and after a couple of hours of enjoyment , separated hi peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
Domatio Lodge ( No . 206 ^ on Monday , the 11 th of January at theM Bro . Ireland ' s , Fetter 4 ane . The W ^ M ., Bro . Ja Longstafly Jones , and JDwhthprn j . W a most impressive manner ; arid afterwards raised Bro . H a . joining member , upon the propo ^ Haydom Business having been disposed o £ about forty Brethren sat down to one of Bro . Ireland ' s liberally- $ erved banquets , and a very pleasant evening was ^ spent .
St . James e s Union Lodge ^ 21 ^ congregated at the above Lodge on Tuesday , the 12 th ihstant > at the FreeirLasons ' Tavern , it being the installation night , coupled with the presentation of a magnificent service of plate ( subscribed for by the Brethren ) to Bro . John Gurtori , the retiring Master , The W . M . took the chair at an early hour , the business of the meeting being exceedin ^ y heavy . All the Officers , it was gratifying toobserve , were present . The Lodge haying been opened , Bro . Jeffe was raised to the
Degree of M . M . Bros . Abrahams , L ) ethier , Reader , anE proofs of proficiency in the former Degree ^ were passed . After this , Messrs . Henry Francis , Henry Robinson , George Martin , and Charles IJuddridge , were balloted for , and initiated into "the Order . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confir ^^ signified his acquiescence in the regulations laid down b ^ stitutions ; " Bro . Gurton proceeded -to install him as W . M . for the year . The
beautiful ceremony was performed arid the various addresses delivered in a manner to call forW eulogiurris from all present . The solemnity of the ceremony was much enhanced by Bro . G . F . Taylor ' s performance on the harmonium , vvhich was acknowledged to be a great acquisition , an d which was also effectively introduced at the initiations . The new Master , being duly installed , proceeded with the investment of Officers . The Brethren appointed were , Bros . Staeey , S . W . ; Aley , J . W . ; Smethurst , S . D . ; Willie , J . D . ; Swainston , I . G . ; John Gurton ( elected
at the last meeting ) , Treas . ; and Bro . Lacon , Sec . This business concluded , several propositions were made for the benefit of Freemasonry and for this particular Lodge , which , being seconded and carried , the Lodge was closed in due form ; the Brethren then adjourned to a banquet , which was admirably served . Bro . Crofton presided , supported on the right by the following visitors :- — Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , G . J . I ) . ; Fred . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; R . Collard , P . M . Nos . 168 and 209 ; Jackson , W . M . No . 201 ; Emmens , P . M . and Sec .
No . 201 ; Nicholson , P . M . No . 201 ; Jefferies , P . M . No . 201 ; C . A . Potter , W . M . No . 902 ; Copus , P . M . No . 752 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; C . F . Musgrove , No . 742 ; James Jackson , No . 228 ; V . S . Fellowes , No . 752 . ; . and Francks , No . 1 of Scotland ; and on the left by a large number of P . Ms of the Lodge , including Bros . Gurton , Leyser , Kennedy , Kelly , and others . Upon the removal of the cloth , grace " For these and all thy mercies" was sung by the Misses Brougham , Bro . P . Corri , Master Corri , Bros . Hart and Taylor ; after which the
W . M . said , in proposing the first toast of the evening , that it was a custom in all well-regulated societies to give " The Queen ; " and , as Masons were always noted for their loyalty , he was certain the toast would be received with that enthusiasm so characteristic of the Order . The illustrious lady was about to become the mother-in-law of a Mason—Prince Frederick , whose sire , the Crown
Prince of Prussia , had endeared himself to the whole Masonic world as protector of Freemasonry in the Prussian kingdom . It was scarcely necessary to remind the Brethren that her Majesty was the daughter of one royal Mason , and niece of several others . She was also patron of our noble Institution . He would conclude by proposing the " Queen and Craft . " The W . M . then proposed " The M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which was responded to with the
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Gurry was passed to the 2 nd Begree , and Bro . Green was ^ raised A ballot wastaken for the Master for th S . W \ , was elected / fero . W « WentwQrth Davis was unanimously re-elected Treas ., and Bro * Hoofceyy Tyler . The Brethren afterwards supped together , and after a couple of hours of enjoyment , separated hi peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
Domatio Lodge ( No . 206 ^ on Monday , the 11 th of January at theM Bro . Ireland ' s , Fetter 4 ane . The W ^ M ., Bro . Ja Longstafly Jones , and JDwhthprn j . W a most impressive manner ; arid afterwards raised Bro . H a . joining member , upon the propo ^ Haydom Business having been disposed o £ about forty Brethren sat down to one of Bro . Ireland ' s liberally- $ erved banquets , and a very pleasant evening was ^ spent .
St . James e s Union Lodge ^ 21 ^ congregated at the above Lodge on Tuesday , the 12 th ihstant > at the FreeirLasons ' Tavern , it being the installation night , coupled with the presentation of a magnificent service of plate ( subscribed for by the Brethren ) to Bro . John Gurtori , the retiring Master , The W . M . took the chair at an early hour , the business of the meeting being exceedin ^ y heavy . All the Officers , it was gratifying toobserve , were present . The Lodge haying been opened , Bro . Jeffe was raised to the
Degree of M . M . Bros . Abrahams , L ) ethier , Reader , anE proofs of proficiency in the former Degree ^ were passed . After this , Messrs . Henry Francis , Henry Robinson , George Martin , and Charles IJuddridge , were balloted for , and initiated into "the Order . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confir ^^ signified his acquiescence in the regulations laid down b ^ stitutions ; " Bro . Gurton proceeded -to install him as W . M . for the year . The
beautiful ceremony was performed arid the various addresses delivered in a manner to call forW eulogiurris from all present . The solemnity of the ceremony was much enhanced by Bro . G . F . Taylor ' s performance on the harmonium , vvhich was acknowledged to be a great acquisition , an d which was also effectively introduced at the initiations . The new Master , being duly installed , proceeded with the investment of Officers . The Brethren appointed were , Bros . Staeey , S . W . ; Aley , J . W . ; Smethurst , S . D . ; Willie , J . D . ; Swainston , I . G . ; John Gurton ( elected
at the last meeting ) , Treas . ; and Bro . Lacon , Sec . This business concluded , several propositions were made for the benefit of Freemasonry and for this particular Lodge , which , being seconded and carried , the Lodge was closed in due form ; the Brethren then adjourned to a banquet , which was admirably served . Bro . Crofton presided , supported on the right by the following visitors :- — Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson , G . J . I ) . ; Fred . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; R . Collard , P . M . Nos . 168 and 209 ; Jackson , W . M . No . 201 ; Emmens , P . M . and Sec .
No . 201 ; Nicholson , P . M . No . 201 ; Jefferies , P . M . No . 201 ; C . A . Potter , W . M . No . 902 ; Copus , P . M . No . 752 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; C . F . Musgrove , No . 742 ; James Jackson , No . 228 ; V . S . Fellowes , No . 752 . ; . and Francks , No . 1 of Scotland ; and on the left by a large number of P . Ms of the Lodge , including Bros . Gurton , Leyser , Kennedy , Kelly , and others . Upon the removal of the cloth , grace " For these and all thy mercies" was sung by the Misses Brougham , Bro . P . Corri , Master Corri , Bros . Hart and Taylor ; after which the
W . M . said , in proposing the first toast of the evening , that it was a custom in all well-regulated societies to give " The Queen ; " and , as Masons were always noted for their loyalty , he was certain the toast would be received with that enthusiasm so characteristic of the Order . The illustrious lady was about to become the mother-in-law of a Mason—Prince Frederick , whose sire , the Crown
Prince of Prussia , had endeared himself to the whole Masonic world as protector of Freemasonry in the Prussian kingdom . It was scarcely necessary to remind the Brethren that her Majesty was the daughter of one royal Mason , and niece of several others . She was also patron of our noble Institution . He would conclude by proposing the " Queen and Craft . " The W . M . then proposed " The M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which was responded to with the