Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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greatest pride was the wearing the jew would again than ^ therh . But , before » sitting down , it gave hiui much pleasure in saying that Bro < W . H . Boberts , wlio gave ten guineas to the Girls ^ School last year , had signified his intentio rr of being a Steward at the n ext festivaL The Masters health was then proposed ^ Bro . Grofton neatly replied ^ soliciting the
indulgence of the Brethren foi his shortcomings ^ and expressihghis determ ^ endeavour ^ 0 ; perforin the duties allotted to him in a manner which lie hoped would prove satisfactory . Bro . Orofton said he had another toast to propose , that of the riewly-appomted O and amiable Secretary ) . His officers weireyonng , His true , but he knew they
were up to the ^^ m alluded , to acknowledged the compliment . The meeting soon afterwards broke "up , a delightful evening having been passed . The musical arrangements y ? ere Tinder the direction of Brp . ^ G ^ Haydn Corri was encored in afforded great delight by the excellence of their duet singing
Jobdan Lodge ( No . 23 ^) . ^ This Lodge me [ Fridays the 15 th instant , wheri Bro . Arliss , W . M ., initiated agentleman into the Prefer , and passed two Bros , to the 2 nd Degree , after which Bro . Patten presented Bro . -R . Watts as W . M . elect ; to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony was efficiently and ably perfbrmed by Bro . Spooher , P ; 3 M > and Sec . of the Lodgd . The W . M . appointed Bros . Bobinson , S . W . ; Laughton ^ J . W . ; Pral l , & 1 X ;
Goldsboroughj J . D . ; Dyer , J . G . ; and Dawe ^ for upwards of thirty-three years . Business concluded , and the Lodge closed ,: the Brethren ( twenty-two in number ) a ^ ourne visitors we observed Bros , ferryman , W . M . No . 9 1 Burton ; P . M . No . 9 ; Mitchell , No . 9 ; Newsom , No . 3 , and several others . A . more pleasant or happier evening could not have been spent .
Lodge of Feiendship ( No . 248 ) . —The annual installation festival of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 14 th January , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leaderihall-street . The W . M ., Bro . Edmund Guest , presided , and raised Bro . Bramston to the 3 rd Degree . Afterwards , Bro . D . S . Potts , P . M ., took the chair , and Bro . W . S . Guest , W . M . elect , being presented , was ( in the presence of several P . Ms . ) duly installed in the chair . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren Officers for the ensuing year : —D . S . Frampton , S . W " . ; W . CarpenteiyJ . W . ; JohnBumsey , Sec . ; S . Braithwaite , S . D . ; G . Stokes , J . D .:
G . Harvey , I . G . Bro . W . Eumsey , P . M ., who had been re-elected Treas ., was also invested ; as was , likewise , Bro . Holt , the Tyler . The W . M ., Officers , and Brethren were afterwards addressed by Bro . Potts , on their several duties and deportment , in a manner that called forth warm commendation . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed ; and the Brethren , under the presidency of the new Master , adjourned to a banquet which did credit to Bro . Painter ' s establishment , o Peace and harmony and brotherly love ended a most pleasant meeting . There were * several visitors present on the occasion , among whom were Bros . Grant , How , Pitcairn , Lucas , Itawles , Wright , & c .
Wellington Lodge No . 805 ) . —This Lodge met at its usual place , the Bull Inn , Lewisham , on Tuesday , the 12 th January , when the W . M ., Bro . Simmons , having opened the Lodge , Bro . Ireland , P . M ., proceeded to the installation of Bro . Bay ley , —the ceremony being performed in a most admirable manner . He afterwards presented the retiring W . M . with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , and initiated two gentlemen , and raised a Brother . At the close of the business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , and enjoyed the feast of reason and the flow of soul for the rest of the evening .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this now i ^ apidly rising Lodge was held at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , Star and Garter , ILew , on Thursday , January 15 , Bro . 0 . Potter , W . M ., presiding . The business was somewhat heavy , but was all well gone through . Messrs . E . J . Oliver , 0 . C , Amos , J , Hunter . H , T . Thompson , and J . Parser , were initiated into the Order ; Bros ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
greatest pride was the wearing the jew would again than ^ therh . But , before » sitting down , it gave hiui much pleasure in saying that Bro < W . H . Boberts , wlio gave ten guineas to the Girls ^ School last year , had signified his intentio rr of being a Steward at the n ext festivaL The Masters health was then proposed ^ Bro . Grofton neatly replied ^ soliciting the
indulgence of the Brethren foi his shortcomings ^ and expressihghis determ ^ endeavour ^ 0 ; perforin the duties allotted to him in a manner which lie hoped would prove satisfactory . Bro . Orofton said he had another toast to propose , that of the riewly-appomted O and amiable Secretary ) . His officers weireyonng , His true , but he knew they
were up to the ^^ m alluded , to acknowledged the compliment . The meeting soon afterwards broke "up , a delightful evening having been passed . The musical arrangements y ? ere Tinder the direction of Brp . ^ G ^ Haydn Corri was encored in afforded great delight by the excellence of their duet singing
Jobdan Lodge ( No . 23 ^) . ^ This Lodge me [ Fridays the 15 th instant , wheri Bro . Arliss , W . M ., initiated agentleman into the Prefer , and passed two Bros , to the 2 nd Degree , after which Bro . Patten presented Bro . -R . Watts as W . M . elect ; to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony was efficiently and ably perfbrmed by Bro . Spooher , P ; 3 M > and Sec . of the Lodgd . The W . M . appointed Bros . Bobinson , S . W . ; Laughton ^ J . W . ; Pral l , & 1 X ;
Goldsboroughj J . D . ; Dyer , J . G . ; and Dawe ^ for upwards of thirty-three years . Business concluded , and the Lodge closed ,: the Brethren ( twenty-two in number ) a ^ ourne visitors we observed Bros , ferryman , W . M . No . 9 1 Burton ; P . M . No . 9 ; Mitchell , No . 9 ; Newsom , No . 3 , and several others . A . more pleasant or happier evening could not have been spent .
Lodge of Feiendship ( No . 248 ) . —The annual installation festival of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 14 th January , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leaderihall-street . The W . M ., Bro . Edmund Guest , presided , and raised Bro . Bramston to the 3 rd Degree . Afterwards , Bro . D . S . Potts , P . M ., took the chair , and Bro . W . S . Guest , W . M . elect , being presented , was ( in the presence of several P . Ms . ) duly installed in the chair . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren Officers for the ensuing year : —D . S . Frampton , S . W " . ; W . CarpenteiyJ . W . ; JohnBumsey , Sec . ; S . Braithwaite , S . D . ; G . Stokes , J . D .:
G . Harvey , I . G . Bro . W . Eumsey , P . M ., who had been re-elected Treas ., was also invested ; as was , likewise , Bro . Holt , the Tyler . The W . M ., Officers , and Brethren were afterwards addressed by Bro . Potts , on their several duties and deportment , in a manner that called forth warm commendation . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed ; and the Brethren , under the presidency of the new Master , adjourned to a banquet which did credit to Bro . Painter ' s establishment , o Peace and harmony and brotherly love ended a most pleasant meeting . There were * several visitors present on the occasion , among whom were Bros . Grant , How , Pitcairn , Lucas , Itawles , Wright , & c .
Wellington Lodge No . 805 ) . —This Lodge met at its usual place , the Bull Inn , Lewisham , on Tuesday , the 12 th January , when the W . M ., Bro . Simmons , having opened the Lodge , Bro . Ireland , P . M ., proceeded to the installation of Bro . Bay ley , —the ceremony being performed in a most admirable manner . He afterwards presented the retiring W . M . with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , and initiated two gentlemen , and raised a Brother . At the close of the business , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , and enjoyed the feast of reason and the flow of soul for the rest of the evening .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 002 ) . —An emergency meeting of this now i ^ apidly rising Lodge was held at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , Star and Garter , ILew , on Thursday , January 15 , Bro . 0 . Potter , W . M ., presiding . The business was somewhat heavy , but was all well gone through . Messrs . E . J . Oliver , 0 . C , Amos , J , Hunter . H , T . Thompson , and J . Parser , were initiated into the Order ; Bros ,