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Brethren haying fallen him to his well earned dignity w ^ The new W ; M . was then saluted according to ancier ^ pointed and invested the Mlowing officers :- —Br S ; W . ; Kether ^ surer : Clark . S . D . Watson , J . D . ; Nodder , 1 % ; Campbell , Steward . Seven
Brethren were fhen initiated mto the Order in a v ^^ good promise of the future Masonic attainments of 3 Brb . Turmeau . The business of the & to refreshment , when upwards of seventy of them sat down to a sumptous banquet , served in Bro . Radley ' s best style . The cloth being drawn > the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . The W . M . gave < ' The Queen and the Royal Family ; " the "M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " and the ^ R , W . B . G . M ., Lord Panmure . '
He then gave the M . W . G . Ms , of Scotland and Irel a ^^ of Bro . A , N / M to the toast . BroiAlierider ^ whose health was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm ) hi returning thanks , gave . M yery favourable account of the progress made by the Lodge during his year of office , and proposed the toast of the evening , * tf The W . M . Bro . Turaieau , " which was received with full Masonic honours ^ and acknowledged in becoming terms . Other toasts Mlowed ^ including the seven newly admitted Brethren ( responded toseriatim by the initiates ) , the host , GBro . Radley , & c .
the evening was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros , Armstrong , Hornblower , Clark , Campbell , IB ^ usually late hour , highly delighted
LEICESTERSHIRE . Leicester . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 848 . )—The first meeting of this Lodge under the present mastership was held at the Bel ! Hotel , on Wednesday , 13 th instant . There were present Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Windrum , W . M . ( who presided ); Holland , S . W . ; Cummings , J . W . ; Crawford , Kinder , and
Pettifer , P . Ms ., & c . & c . Visitors , Bros . Bankart , W . M ., and Brewih , jun ., I . G ., of the John of Gaunt Lodge ; Holmes , No . 287 ; York and Temple , of Nottingham . Bro . Dr . Sloane was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . After the business of the Lodge was concluded , the Brethren adjourned to supper , when a pleasant evening was spent . The attendance was not so large as usual owing to a ball , of which several members of the Lodge were stewards , taking place on the
same evening
NORFOLK . Norwich . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 258 ) . —This Lodge met at the Lamb Inn on Wednesday , January 6 , when Bro . William Henry Cox Avas installed W . M ., by P . M . Bro . Henry John Mason , in the presence of a numerous meeting of the Brethren . The W . M . appointed Bros . James Dawbern , S . W . ; and Joseph Hyams , J . W * The celebration of St . John will be held on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., at six o ' clock . The next meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter is postponed to the first Tuesday in February next ; there are seven candidates for exaltation .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held at Dick ' s Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , January 12 , but there was not that full attendance of members for which this Chapter is distinguished . We regretted
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Brethren haying fallen him to his well earned dignity w ^ The new W ; M . was then saluted according to ancier ^ pointed and invested the Mlowing officers :- —Br S ; W . ; Kether ^ surer : Clark . S . D . Watson , J . D . ; Nodder , 1 % ; Campbell , Steward . Seven
Brethren were fhen initiated mto the Order in a v ^^ good promise of the future Masonic attainments of 3 Brb . Turmeau . The business of the & to refreshment , when upwards of seventy of them sat down to a sumptous banquet , served in Bro . Radley ' s best style . The cloth being drawn > the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . The W . M . gave < ' The Queen and the Royal Family ; " the "M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " and the ^ R , W . B . G . M ., Lord Panmure . '
He then gave the M . W . G . Ms , of Scotland and Irel a ^^ of Bro . A , N / M to the toast . BroiAlierider ^ whose health was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm ) hi returning thanks , gave . M yery favourable account of the progress made by the Lodge during his year of office , and proposed the toast of the evening , * tf The W . M . Bro . Turaieau , " which was received with full Masonic honours ^ and acknowledged in becoming terms . Other toasts Mlowed ^ including the seven newly admitted Brethren ( responded toseriatim by the initiates ) , the host , GBro . Radley , & c .
the evening was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros , Armstrong , Hornblower , Clark , Campbell , IB ^ usually late hour , highly delighted
LEICESTERSHIRE . Leicester . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 848 . )—The first meeting of this Lodge under the present mastership was held at the Bel ! Hotel , on Wednesday , 13 th instant . There were present Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Windrum , W . M . ( who presided ); Holland , S . W . ; Cummings , J . W . ; Crawford , Kinder , and
Pettifer , P . Ms ., & c . & c . Visitors , Bros . Bankart , W . M ., and Brewih , jun ., I . G ., of the John of Gaunt Lodge ; Holmes , No . 287 ; York and Temple , of Nottingham . Bro . Dr . Sloane was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . After the business of the Lodge was concluded , the Brethren adjourned to supper , when a pleasant evening was spent . The attendance was not so large as usual owing to a ball , of which several members of the Lodge were stewards , taking place on the
same evening
NORFOLK . Norwich . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 258 ) . —This Lodge met at the Lamb Inn on Wednesday , January 6 , when Bro . William Henry Cox Avas installed W . M ., by P . M . Bro . Henry John Mason , in the presence of a numerous meeting of the Brethren . The W . M . appointed Bros . James Dawbern , S . W . ; and Joseph Hyams , J . W * The celebration of St . John will be held on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., at six o ' clock . The next meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter is postponed to the first Tuesday in February next ; there are seven candidates for exaltation .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held at Dick ' s Coffee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , January 12 , but there was not that full attendance of members for which this Chapter is distinguished . We regretted