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Masonet And Her Mission;
W . M . arid Brethren , —! thank yo ^ i for the kind attention you have given me whilst discoursing on the objects , requirements , privileges , and glories of our venerable institution . I trust that earnestness of purpose and zeal for the cause have compensated for my lack of knowledge and eloquence . Whatever may be your verdict on my labours , I feel most painfully the imperfect manner in which I have realized my conceptions . One point 1 have kept in view throughout , viz ., truth ; and I have striven
without fear , favour , compromise or evasion , to enumerate and propagate the principles of Masonic truth . The result is , if we will cleanse Masonry from the vanity that clings to her , that her glory he not obscured ; if we take her for the law of an intellectual life ; if we practically a . eknowledge the dignity and benevolences of her mission- — though the material feature of Masonry will yvith all terrestrial things be destroyed , her spirit and principles will still survive ; the veil will he lifted up , and we shall see the light , and the tree of knowledge will yield its fruit for food .
Tidings Prom The Craft In The United States.
Prepared for The Freemasons' Magazine by the B . W . Bro . Rob . Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , and 335 , Broadway , New York , late Editor of The American Freemason . ^
Mississipi Kivee , January 4 , 1858 . The principal season for Grand Lodge Sessions in the United States is from October to February . . Those which meet in October are Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Georgia , and Tenessee . Arkansas meets in November . The December month is
appropriated by the Grand Lodges of Virginia , Alabama , Arkansas , and South Carolina . January is used by Louisiana , Texas , Florida , Minnesota , Vermont , and Michigan . February by Mississippi . The other Grand Lodges meet later . None of these bodies have quarterly communications . I will some day furnish you with a statistical table , giving time of meeting , number of subordinate Lodges , membership , date of organization , & c . & c . of each .
Until lately , our Grand Lodges have been chary of making appropriations for honorariums to the living , or testimonials to the dead ; but now I have to record several recent instances , in proof that a more liberal spirit is breaking through the crust of a rather parsimonious usage . The Grand Lodge of Georgia in 1856 voted 1 , 200 dols . to erect " a monument of white marble" in memory of a
muchlamented Brother , their G . M . Hon . William 0 . Dawsou ; and in the month of Dec . 1857 , the good act is imitated by that of Alabama , in appropriating 500 dols . to erect a monument over the remains of their late G . Sec , Amand P . Pfister . The same Grand Lodge ( Alabama ) ordered elegant jewels of gold for presentation to the following P . G . Ms , in that jurisdiction respectively : S . A . M . Wood , David Clopton , William A . Terrell , and Wm . Herndon . The Freemasons of Western Kentucky , my own vicinity , are making up a subscription to procure a monument in honour of our late estimable neighbour and
devoted Mason , Jesse Edmonston . We propose to raise 500 dols . for this purpose . The Masonic fraternity at Ionia , Michigan , laid in November , 1857 , with Masonic honours , the corner stone of a monument in memory of one of their oldest Masters . The services were enlivened by two of the Odes prepared for such oc-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonet And Her Mission;
W . M . arid Brethren , —! thank yo ^ i for the kind attention you have given me whilst discoursing on the objects , requirements , privileges , and glories of our venerable institution . I trust that earnestness of purpose and zeal for the cause have compensated for my lack of knowledge and eloquence . Whatever may be your verdict on my labours , I feel most painfully the imperfect manner in which I have realized my conceptions . One point 1 have kept in view throughout , viz ., truth ; and I have striven
without fear , favour , compromise or evasion , to enumerate and propagate the principles of Masonic truth . The result is , if we will cleanse Masonry from the vanity that clings to her , that her glory he not obscured ; if we take her for the law of an intellectual life ; if we practically a . eknowledge the dignity and benevolences of her mission- — though the material feature of Masonry will yvith all terrestrial things be destroyed , her spirit and principles will still survive ; the veil will he lifted up , and we shall see the light , and the tree of knowledge will yield its fruit for food .
Tidings Prom The Craft In The United States.
Prepared for The Freemasons' Magazine by the B . W . Bro . Rob . Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , and 335 , Broadway , New York , late Editor of The American Freemason . ^
Mississipi Kivee , January 4 , 1858 . The principal season for Grand Lodge Sessions in the United States is from October to February . . Those which meet in October are Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Georgia , and Tenessee . Arkansas meets in November . The December month is
appropriated by the Grand Lodges of Virginia , Alabama , Arkansas , and South Carolina . January is used by Louisiana , Texas , Florida , Minnesota , Vermont , and Michigan . February by Mississippi . The other Grand Lodges meet later . None of these bodies have quarterly communications . I will some day furnish you with a statistical table , giving time of meeting , number of subordinate Lodges , membership , date of organization , & c . & c . of each .
Until lately , our Grand Lodges have been chary of making appropriations for honorariums to the living , or testimonials to the dead ; but now I have to record several recent instances , in proof that a more liberal spirit is breaking through the crust of a rather parsimonious usage . The Grand Lodge of Georgia in 1856 voted 1 , 200 dols . to erect " a monument of white marble" in memory of a
muchlamented Brother , their G . M . Hon . William 0 . Dawsou ; and in the month of Dec . 1857 , the good act is imitated by that of Alabama , in appropriating 500 dols . to erect a monument over the remains of their late G . Sec , Amand P . Pfister . The same Grand Lodge ( Alabama ) ordered elegant jewels of gold for presentation to the following P . G . Ms , in that jurisdiction respectively : S . A . M . Wood , David Clopton , William A . Terrell , and Wm . Herndon . The Freemasons of Western Kentucky , my own vicinity , are making up a subscription to procure a monument in honour of our late estimable neighbour and
devoted Mason , Jesse Edmonston . We propose to raise 500 dols . for this purpose . The Masonic fraternity at Ionia , Michigan , laid in November , 1857 , with Masonic honours , the corner stone of a monument in memory of one of their oldest Masters . The services were enlivened by two of the Odes prepared for such oc-