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THE CKTIKCH OF ST . OUENV TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE ANDMASONIC MIKROE . Bear Slit and Beother ,- —! find iaa ^ interesting and well-written ^ a your number for 18 th January , entitled " Freemasonry Illustrated / ' an allusion , to the Abbey Church of St , Ouen in Houen which the writer states was designed by Alexander deBernevaV " the Freemason , " & C ; Permit me to remark , that some
few years ago , whilst m France , Fvisited Bouen , and as a matter of course went to view this as well as the cathedral and other churches in that interesting town . "Whilst in the church of St . Ouen , I was somewhat surprised at perceiving that the top portion of the large windows on the north side was made to resemble a well-known Masonic jewel , and I was induced to make a drawing of the same . The stonework of the window is as follows : —I at once came to the conclusion that that portion of the building was the work of a Freemason ; and it is now to me a gratification to find that my surmise was a correct one . Should you think
fit to insert this as a corroboration of the fact stated by the writer of the article in question , you are at perfect liberty to do so . —And I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Doncaster , Jan . 21 , 1858 . G . B ., W . M . No . 298 .
THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —As you have published the decree of the Supreme Council 33 rd Degree , deposing and expelling me from their body , you will , I hope , permit me to say a few words in reply to that document .
I might reasonably complain of the insolent and unbecoming manner in which that decree speaks of myself , a Sovereign Grand Inspector General , one of the original founders of the Supreme Council , and the Grand Secretary of the Order during its period of difficulty—but I pass on to a more substantial ground of complaint .
I say that the preamble of the decree of the . Supreme Council is false , and that Dr . Leeson is well aware that it is so . It may be true to the letter , but it is untrue in spirit . In my long correspondence on this subject with Dr . Leeson , I have repeatedly urged him to pursue an honourable and straightforward course in this matter , and not to allow himself and the Supreme Council to be employed
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[ The Editqe does not JioldMmself responsible fof a / Mj opmtons e ^ eri
THE CKTIKCH OF ST . OUENV TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE ANDMASONIC MIKROE . Bear Slit and Beother ,- —! find iaa ^ interesting and well-written ^ a your number for 18 th January , entitled " Freemasonry Illustrated / ' an allusion , to the Abbey Church of St , Ouen in Houen which the writer states was designed by Alexander deBernevaV " the Freemason , " & C ; Permit me to remark , that some
few years ago , whilst m France , Fvisited Bouen , and as a matter of course went to view this as well as the cathedral and other churches in that interesting town . "Whilst in the church of St . Ouen , I was somewhat surprised at perceiving that the top portion of the large windows on the north side was made to resemble a well-known Masonic jewel , and I was induced to make a drawing of the same . The stonework of the window is as follows : —I at once came to the conclusion that that portion of the building was the work of a Freemason ; and it is now to me a gratification to find that my surmise was a correct one . Should you think
fit to insert this as a corroboration of the fact stated by the writer of the article in question , you are at perfect liberty to do so . —And I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , Doncaster , Jan . 21 , 1858 . G . B ., W . M . No . 298 .
THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —As you have published the decree of the Supreme Council 33 rd Degree , deposing and expelling me from their body , you will , I hope , permit me to say a few words in reply to that document .
I might reasonably complain of the insolent and unbecoming manner in which that decree speaks of myself , a Sovereign Grand Inspector General , one of the original founders of the Supreme Council , and the Grand Secretary of the Order during its period of difficulty—but I pass on to a more substantial ground of complaint .
I say that the preamble of the decree of the . Supreme Council is false , and that Dr . Leeson is well aware that it is so . It may be true to the letter , but it is untrue in spirit . In my long correspondence on this subject with Dr . Leeson , I have repeatedly urged him to pursue an honourable and straightforward course in this matter , and not to allow himself and the Supreme Council to be employed