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toast ,. " To Bro . Keddell , the immediate P . M ., " bearing testimony to his fame not only in * the west but in other parts , observing that he had never heard the beautiful ceremony performed so completely or impressively anywhere as on the present occasion . The rev . Brother also spoke in the highest terms of Bro . Keddell as a Hebrew scholar , considering him an honour to the Lodge and to Masonry . We observe that Bro . Keddell is highly esteemed by liis Brethren of No . 184 . The toast was nobly responded to by Bro . Keddell .
Bro . Keddell next proposed , .. "To Bro . Yeoman , the newly-appointed Chaplain , ' * considering him an acquisition that would materially raise the character of the Lodge , which could never before boast of having a Chaplain . Bro . the Bev . H . E . Yeoman , in response , expressed his desire to promote the interests of Masonry to the utmost of his power . The W . M . then proposed "The newly-appointed Officers of the Lodge , who severally responded . Bro . Keddell next proposed "The visiting Brethren , " especially Bro . the Bev . Dr . Woolley ( who had kindly protracted his
stay in Sheerness to honour the Brethren with his company ) , considering it a high honour to have the presence of that Brother ; speaking also of the ad vantages to Masonry that must arise from an interchange of visits by the Brethren of the different Lodges . The rev . doctor acknowledged the toast in a speech of the highest order , echoing the sentiments- ^ f Bro . Keddell , speaking of the advantage of social intercourse among the Brethren , and expressing the gratification he felt
in meeting the Brethren : he manifested the deepest interest in the advancement of Masonry . , Bro , Hooping ( paymaster K . N . ) , who had come a long distance to show his cheerful face , was next proposed . He met with a most hearty welcome , being held in high esteem at Sheerness . "The health of all poor and distressed Masons" followed , when , after a happy meeting , occasionally amused by songs from the Brethren , some of which—especially Bro . KeddelFs Cornish dittiesexcited roars of laughter , the Brethren separated .
LANCASHIBE . Bolton . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 44 ) . —The monthly meeting of this the senior Lodge in the province of East Lancashire , and the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , was held on Friday , the 8 th January , 1858 , at the Swan Hotel , Bolton , at half-past two o ' clock in the afternoon . The Lodge was opened by Bro . John Musgrave , W . M ., assisted by the Officers , and supported by many members of this and other Lodges in the town and
province . 1 he minutes of the proceedings or the last regular meeting having been confirmed , Bro . William H . Wright , the W . M . elect , was regularly presented to a Board of installed Masters under the presidency of Bro . Tunnah , and afterwards duly installed , proclaimed , and saluted according to ancient form , as W . M . of Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 44 , for the ensuing twelve months . The following Brethren were invested with the collar and jewel of their respective offices : —Bros . Joseph Wood , S . W . ; John Aspinwall ( Prov . Org ., E . L . ) , J . W . ; Thos . Dawson , Sec . ; John Livy , S . D . ; Sam . Isherwood , J . D . : John Robinson , I . G . ; Edwd . Barlow ,
( Prov . G . Treas ., E . L . ) , Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Woodhouse , Org . Bro . John Tunnah ( Prov . G . Sec , E . L . ) , was duly re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Wm . Dawson ( Prov . G . Tyler , E . L . ) re-elected Tyler . The Brethren adjourned to banquet at five o ' clock , under the presidency of Bro . W . H . Wright , W . M ., supported by the following Brethren from other Lodges , viz . —Bros . T . P . Pollitt , Prov . G . Beg ., W . M . No . 177 ; Stephen Smith , P . M . No . 52 ; Benj . Davis , No . 177 ; Henry Hibbert , P . M . No . 177 , Manchester , and W . M . elect of the Eilesmere Lodge , Chorley ; John Mitchell , W . M . No . 268 ; W . B . Birch , P . M . No . 268 ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M . No . 268 , Bolton : Jos . Varev , No . 177 ; Thos . Fowler , No . 177
S . Greenhalgh , No . 177 ; Thos . Hardman , No . 177 ; Thos . Johnson , No . 177 ; Peter Charlton , No . 177 , Bolton , and others . The following members of the Lodge attended banquet : —Broa . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; Edw . Barlow , Prov , G . Treas . ; ANpinwall , Prov . G . Org . ; Matthew Dawes , P . Prov . S . G . W . East Lancashire ; Wood , S . W . ; T . Dawson , Sec ; Dr . Livy and Sam . Isherwood , Deacons ; J . Robinson , I . G . ; R . Patrick , & c . After dinner , " Nou Nobis Domine" was sung by Bros . Hardman , Eowler , Greenhalgh , Johnson , and Yarey . ; n 2
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toast ,. " To Bro . Keddell , the immediate P . M ., " bearing testimony to his fame not only in * the west but in other parts , observing that he had never heard the beautiful ceremony performed so completely or impressively anywhere as on the present occasion . The rev . Brother also spoke in the highest terms of Bro . Keddell as a Hebrew scholar , considering him an honour to the Lodge and to Masonry . We observe that Bro . Keddell is highly esteemed by liis Brethren of No . 184 . The toast was nobly responded to by Bro . Keddell .
Bro . Keddell next proposed , .. "To Bro . Yeoman , the newly-appointed Chaplain , ' * considering him an acquisition that would materially raise the character of the Lodge , which could never before boast of having a Chaplain . Bro . the Bev . H . E . Yeoman , in response , expressed his desire to promote the interests of Masonry to the utmost of his power . The W . M . then proposed "The newly-appointed Officers of the Lodge , who severally responded . Bro . Keddell next proposed "The visiting Brethren , " especially Bro . the Bev . Dr . Woolley ( who had kindly protracted his
stay in Sheerness to honour the Brethren with his company ) , considering it a high honour to have the presence of that Brother ; speaking also of the ad vantages to Masonry that must arise from an interchange of visits by the Brethren of the different Lodges . The rev . doctor acknowledged the toast in a speech of the highest order , echoing the sentiments- ^ f Bro . Keddell , speaking of the advantage of social intercourse among the Brethren , and expressing the gratification he felt
in meeting the Brethren : he manifested the deepest interest in the advancement of Masonry . , Bro , Hooping ( paymaster K . N . ) , who had come a long distance to show his cheerful face , was next proposed . He met with a most hearty welcome , being held in high esteem at Sheerness . "The health of all poor and distressed Masons" followed , when , after a happy meeting , occasionally amused by songs from the Brethren , some of which—especially Bro . KeddelFs Cornish dittiesexcited roars of laughter , the Brethren separated .
LANCASHIBE . Bolton . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 44 ) . —The monthly meeting of this the senior Lodge in the province of East Lancashire , and the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , was held on Friday , the 8 th January , 1858 , at the Swan Hotel , Bolton , at half-past two o ' clock in the afternoon . The Lodge was opened by Bro . John Musgrave , W . M ., assisted by the Officers , and supported by many members of this and other Lodges in the town and
province . 1 he minutes of the proceedings or the last regular meeting having been confirmed , Bro . William H . Wright , the W . M . elect , was regularly presented to a Board of installed Masters under the presidency of Bro . Tunnah , and afterwards duly installed , proclaimed , and saluted according to ancient form , as W . M . of Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 44 , for the ensuing twelve months . The following Brethren were invested with the collar and jewel of their respective offices : —Bros . Joseph Wood , S . W . ; John Aspinwall ( Prov . Org ., E . L . ) , J . W . ; Thos . Dawson , Sec . ; John Livy , S . D . ; Sam . Isherwood , J . D . : John Robinson , I . G . ; Edwd . Barlow ,
( Prov . G . Treas ., E . L . ) , Dir . of Cers . ; Geo . Woodhouse , Org . Bro . John Tunnah ( Prov . G . Sec , E . L . ) , was duly re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Wm . Dawson ( Prov . G . Tyler , E . L . ) re-elected Tyler . The Brethren adjourned to banquet at five o ' clock , under the presidency of Bro . W . H . Wright , W . M ., supported by the following Brethren from other Lodges , viz . —Bros . T . P . Pollitt , Prov . G . Beg ., W . M . No . 177 ; Stephen Smith , P . M . No . 52 ; Benj . Davis , No . 177 ; Henry Hibbert , P . M . No . 177 , Manchester , and W . M . elect of the Eilesmere Lodge , Chorley ; John Mitchell , W . M . No . 268 ; W . B . Birch , P . M . No . 268 ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M . No . 268 , Bolton : Jos . Varev , No . 177 ; Thos . Fowler , No . 177
S . Greenhalgh , No . 177 ; Thos . Hardman , No . 177 ; Thos . Johnson , No . 177 ; Peter Charlton , No . 177 , Bolton , and others . The following members of the Lodge attended banquet : —Broa . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; Edw . Barlow , Prov , G . Treas . ; ANpinwall , Prov . G . Org . ; Matthew Dawes , P . Prov . S . G . W . East Lancashire ; Wood , S . W . ; T . Dawson , Sec ; Dr . Livy and Sam . Isherwood , Deacons ; J . Robinson , I . G . ; R . Patrick , & c . After dinner , " Nou Nobis Domine" was sung by Bros . Hardman , Eowler , Greenhalgh , Johnson , and Yarey . ; n 2