Article PROVIBTCIAL. ← Page 5 of 13 →
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" The Queen , . the Prince Consort , and the rest of the Boyal Family" having been given , the W . M . stated that as this would be the last time they should meet prior to the marriage of the Princess Boyal , he asked them to fill a bumper , and drink " Success and long life to the Princess Boyal , and happiness to herself and affianced husband . " The call of the W . M . was cheerfully acceded to . The regular Masonic toasts to the M . W . G . M ., the B . W . D . G . M ., and the rest
of the Grand Officers having been drunk , Bro . Edw . Barlow , Prov . G . Treas ., proposed ¦ ' . " The health of Bro . Stephen Blair , B . W ; Prov . G . M ., " eulogizing his character as a gentleman and Mason , expressing at the same time the pleasure he and other Brethren experienced in serving under him as Officers in the province . The musical Brethren sang the glee , ' Honour and fortune to every Mason , " a piece composed by the late lamented Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Jno , Fawcett , a P . M . of this Lodge , and sung at the last annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , and highly
applauded by the Brethren present . Bro . Dawes , P . Prov . S . G . W ., proposed " The health of Bro . A . H . Boyds , D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , " stating , that from long personal acquaintance with that Brother he could fearlessly say that a more industrious and persevering Mason did not fill any office in the Prov . Grand Lodge or elsewhere , and a more worthy man did not exist . ¦ " The Prov . G . Officers , past and present , " was then given by the W . M ., who congratulated the Province on the accession of strength it had attained since the infusion of new
blood into its ranks , and predicted under the auspices of the present Grand Officers a bright and flourishing future . Bro . Dawes responded in humorous terms on behalf of the Past G . Officers , regretting that there should have been sins of omission to atone for ; excusing himself , however , from being classed with those who had neglected their duty . He had endeavoured to perform his task faithfully , and had never omitted to support his chief during his term of office . Bro . Dawes was warmly cheered during the delivery of his remarks , and on resuming his seat was
loudly applauded . Bro . Barlow replied on behalf of the present Officers in a few brief observations . Bro . Stephen Smith , P . M . of No . 52 Lodge , Manchester , proposed "The W . M ., Bro . W . H . Wright , " and spoke of his high Masonic character and attainments , anticipating for the old No . 44 Lodge a year of great prosperity under his able and judicious management . The toast was warmly responded to . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the Brethren for their invariable kindness and courtesy to himself , and expressed his wish that as they had unanimously elected
him . - to preside over them , they would also support him by their attendance during his term of office . He expressed his regret that Lodges should be held at taverns , a circumstance which caused the Order to be lightly esteemed by persons whose social position entitled them to respect , and which caused many persons who had an anxiety to join the Craft to abstain from doing so , in consequence of this , to them , insuperable objection ; the holding of meetings under the present circumstances was attended with considerable unnecessary expense and many inconveniences
which were highly objectionable . As a first step towards popularizing the idea of erecting a Masonic Hall , he had himself recently taken at his own expense a suitable room in the centre of the borough , which it was his intention to fit up in the most comfortable manner , which could be used as a news and reading room , to be supplied with the weekly Magazine and other Masonic and general publications , and which would be open to the members of the Craft at a small payment to cover the costs of keeping it in order—say about 2 s . 6 d . each per
annum . He also intended to apply for a dispensation to hold the instruction meetings at the same place , so as to avoid the necessity of attending too frequently the Lodge-house , and thereby entailing unnecessary expense on the Brethren . The W . M . earnestly exhorted the Brethren to assist in this undertaking , and to agitate the question of meeting in Masonic Hall until that object was attained , and concluded by again soliciting the support of the Brethren to
work the Lodge effectively and as became the position of Lodge No . 44 , during the current year . The worthy Brother ' s remarks were well received , and his opinions endorsed by the Manchester Brethren present , who have themselves adopted the plan of meeting in chambers in preference to taverns . The Brethren wore now called from refreshment to labour , and the Lodge forthwith closed ; after winch , " The "V isiting Brethren" wan proposed by the W . M ., and briefly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" The Queen , . the Prince Consort , and the rest of the Boyal Family" having been given , the W . M . stated that as this would be the last time they should meet prior to the marriage of the Princess Boyal , he asked them to fill a bumper , and drink " Success and long life to the Princess Boyal , and happiness to herself and affianced husband . " The call of the W . M . was cheerfully acceded to . The regular Masonic toasts to the M . W . G . M ., the B . W . D . G . M ., and the rest
of the Grand Officers having been drunk , Bro . Edw . Barlow , Prov . G . Treas ., proposed ¦ ' . " The health of Bro . Stephen Blair , B . W ; Prov . G . M ., " eulogizing his character as a gentleman and Mason , expressing at the same time the pleasure he and other Brethren experienced in serving under him as Officers in the province . The musical Brethren sang the glee , ' Honour and fortune to every Mason , " a piece composed by the late lamented Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Jno , Fawcett , a P . M . of this Lodge , and sung at the last annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , and highly
applauded by the Brethren present . Bro . Dawes , P . Prov . S . G . W ., proposed " The health of Bro . A . H . Boyds , D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , " stating , that from long personal acquaintance with that Brother he could fearlessly say that a more industrious and persevering Mason did not fill any office in the Prov . Grand Lodge or elsewhere , and a more worthy man did not exist . ¦ " The Prov . G . Officers , past and present , " was then given by the W . M ., who congratulated the Province on the accession of strength it had attained since the infusion of new
blood into its ranks , and predicted under the auspices of the present Grand Officers a bright and flourishing future . Bro . Dawes responded in humorous terms on behalf of the Past G . Officers , regretting that there should have been sins of omission to atone for ; excusing himself , however , from being classed with those who had neglected their duty . He had endeavoured to perform his task faithfully , and had never omitted to support his chief during his term of office . Bro . Dawes was warmly cheered during the delivery of his remarks , and on resuming his seat was
loudly applauded . Bro . Barlow replied on behalf of the present Officers in a few brief observations . Bro . Stephen Smith , P . M . of No . 52 Lodge , Manchester , proposed "The W . M ., Bro . W . H . Wright , " and spoke of his high Masonic character and attainments , anticipating for the old No . 44 Lodge a year of great prosperity under his able and judicious management . The toast was warmly responded to . The W . M ., in reply , thanked the Brethren for their invariable kindness and courtesy to himself , and expressed his wish that as they had unanimously elected
him . - to preside over them , they would also support him by their attendance during his term of office . He expressed his regret that Lodges should be held at taverns , a circumstance which caused the Order to be lightly esteemed by persons whose social position entitled them to respect , and which caused many persons who had an anxiety to join the Craft to abstain from doing so , in consequence of this , to them , insuperable objection ; the holding of meetings under the present circumstances was attended with considerable unnecessary expense and many inconveniences
which were highly objectionable . As a first step towards popularizing the idea of erecting a Masonic Hall , he had himself recently taken at his own expense a suitable room in the centre of the borough , which it was his intention to fit up in the most comfortable manner , which could be used as a news and reading room , to be supplied with the weekly Magazine and other Masonic and general publications , and which would be open to the members of the Craft at a small payment to cover the costs of keeping it in order—say about 2 s . 6 d . each per
annum . He also intended to apply for a dispensation to hold the instruction meetings at the same place , so as to avoid the necessity of attending too frequently the Lodge-house , and thereby entailing unnecessary expense on the Brethren . The W . M . earnestly exhorted the Brethren to assist in this undertaking , and to agitate the question of meeting in Masonic Hall until that object was attained , and concluded by again soliciting the support of the Brethren to
work the Lodge effectively and as became the position of Lodge No . 44 , during the current year . The worthy Brother ' s remarks were well received , and his opinions endorsed by the Manchester Brethren present , who have themselves adopted the plan of meeting in chambers in preference to taverns . The Brethren wore now called from refreshment to labour , and the Lodge forthwith closed ; after winch , " The "V isiting Brethren" wan proposed by the W . M ., and briefly