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Mitchell , Prov . G- .. S . B . of East Lancashire , who eulogized Bro . Blair as one deserving of every honour that the Craft could bestow upon him , behaving conducted the business of the province to his own credit and the satisfaction of the Brethren . The next toast was " Bro . Albert H . Boyds , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , " proposed by Bro . W . H . Wright , Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . Wright spoke in terms of admiration of the energy and untiring exertions of Bro . Boyds , in his
attention to the business of tire province . " The Provincial Grand Officers , Past and Present , " was proposed by . Bro . Peter Charlton , S . D ., he observing that he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , more especially as they had the honour of having a Provincial Officer belonging to this Lodge , Bro . Mitchell replied in a neat and appropriate speech . In proposing the next toast , •'' The Health of the Worshi p ful Master , '' Bro . W . H . Wright , Dir . of Cers . observed , that the W . M . had arrived at the station he now occupied through that industry which every
Brother ought to imitate who intended to progress in Masonry * he had no doubt but the W . M . would uphold the honour and dignity of the Lodge as his predecessors before him had done . He had risen from the lowest to the highest office , acquitting himself in each progressive position to the entire satisfaction of the Lodge , and was deserving the full support oi ^ the Lodge , which he ( Bro . Wright ) hoped they would award to so deserving a W . M . as Bro . Thos . Edge . The W . M . replied in an effective manner . " The Past Masters " was given by the W . M .,
Bros . Baythorp , Mitchell , and W . H . Wright responding . This was followed by " The Officers of the Lodge , " by the W . M . ; in proposing this toast he said , " It is one which affects me deeply . The Brethren having honoured me by placing me in the high position I now occupy , I trust the officers I have appointed will consider it their bounden duty to attend and support me as they have theW . M . before me , and I have no doubt but the Lodge will go on in its proper course , as I shall do all in my power to discharge the duties of my exalted position to the best of
my abilities . Bro . Scowcroft , P . S ., said he had great pleasure in proposing " Success to the Benevolent and Annuity Fund of East Lancashire , " as it was a toast that appealed to the best feelings of every Mason . The Lodge had opened a subscription list , which , when it reached a certain sum , was intended to be presented in the name of the Lodge to the charity ; he ( Bro . Scowcroft ) also thought the present a good opportunity of appealing to the Brethren . The appeal was responded to by the Brethren immediately contributing to the amount
required . Brother Hope had great pleasure in proposing the toast of "The Ladies , " as no one could have a greater respect for the fair sex than himself , and he hoped that every good wife , and especially a Mason ' s wife , might have a comfortable home , and that all single ladies might each obtain a good husband . The Lodge then passed from refreshment to labour , when a gentleman was proposed
as a candidate for initiation . One of the ancient charges being read , the Lodge was closed in form , after which the last toast was given , "To all poor and distressed Masons , " when the Brethren departed , highly gratified . Before leaving , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . and Mrs . Sharp , for the ample banquet prepared for the Brethren .
Liverpool . —Merchants' Lodge ( No . 294 ) . —This well-conducted Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Boyal Hotel , Bale-street , when four candidates were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , in a very efficient manner , by Bro . Martin CondlhT , W . M . Three Brethren were afterwards raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , by Bro . Pepper , P . M . A committee was formed for the revision of the by-laws ; and , on the motion of Bro . Molyneux , the W . M . was requested to order new clothing for the Lodge . The Lodge afterwards voted the sum of three guineas to an unfortunate Brother .
Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 368 ) . —On Monday , the lltli instant , this flourishing Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Adelphi Hotel . This being the evening for the installation of the W . M ., there was an unusually large number of tlie Brethren belonging to the Lodge present , as well as visiting Brethren , among whom were : ¦—Bros . Horatio G . Gam bell , Prov . ( 1 , Puis ., Sec . to the West Lancashire Masonic Institution , and Sec , to the Masonic Hall Fund ; D . Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; W . Green , No . 263 ; Jos . Bennett , No . 368 ; C . Sampson
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Mitchell , Prov . G- .. S . B . of East Lancashire , who eulogized Bro . Blair as one deserving of every honour that the Craft could bestow upon him , behaving conducted the business of the province to his own credit and the satisfaction of the Brethren . The next toast was " Bro . Albert H . Boyds , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , " proposed by Bro . W . H . Wright , Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . Wright spoke in terms of admiration of the energy and untiring exertions of Bro . Boyds , in his
attention to the business of tire province . " The Provincial Grand Officers , Past and Present , " was proposed by . Bro . Peter Charlton , S . D ., he observing that he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , more especially as they had the honour of having a Provincial Officer belonging to this Lodge , Bro . Mitchell replied in a neat and appropriate speech . In proposing the next toast , •'' The Health of the Worshi p ful Master , '' Bro . W . H . Wright , Dir . of Cers . observed , that the W . M . had arrived at the station he now occupied through that industry which every
Brother ought to imitate who intended to progress in Masonry * he had no doubt but the W . M . would uphold the honour and dignity of the Lodge as his predecessors before him had done . He had risen from the lowest to the highest office , acquitting himself in each progressive position to the entire satisfaction of the Lodge , and was deserving the full support oi ^ the Lodge , which he ( Bro . Wright ) hoped they would award to so deserving a W . M . as Bro . Thos . Edge . The W . M . replied in an effective manner . " The Past Masters " was given by the W . M .,
Bros . Baythorp , Mitchell , and W . H . Wright responding . This was followed by " The Officers of the Lodge , " by the W . M . ; in proposing this toast he said , " It is one which affects me deeply . The Brethren having honoured me by placing me in the high position I now occupy , I trust the officers I have appointed will consider it their bounden duty to attend and support me as they have theW . M . before me , and I have no doubt but the Lodge will go on in its proper course , as I shall do all in my power to discharge the duties of my exalted position to the best of
my abilities . Bro . Scowcroft , P . S ., said he had great pleasure in proposing " Success to the Benevolent and Annuity Fund of East Lancashire , " as it was a toast that appealed to the best feelings of every Mason . The Lodge had opened a subscription list , which , when it reached a certain sum , was intended to be presented in the name of the Lodge to the charity ; he ( Bro . Scowcroft ) also thought the present a good opportunity of appealing to the Brethren . The appeal was responded to by the Brethren immediately contributing to the amount
required . Brother Hope had great pleasure in proposing the toast of "The Ladies , " as no one could have a greater respect for the fair sex than himself , and he hoped that every good wife , and especially a Mason ' s wife , might have a comfortable home , and that all single ladies might each obtain a good husband . The Lodge then passed from refreshment to labour , when a gentleman was proposed
as a candidate for initiation . One of the ancient charges being read , the Lodge was closed in form , after which the last toast was given , "To all poor and distressed Masons , " when the Brethren departed , highly gratified . Before leaving , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . and Mrs . Sharp , for the ample banquet prepared for the Brethren .
Liverpool . —Merchants' Lodge ( No . 294 ) . —This well-conducted Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Boyal Hotel , Bale-street , when four candidates were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , in a very efficient manner , by Bro . Martin CondlhT , W . M . Three Brethren were afterwards raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , by Bro . Pepper , P . M . A committee was formed for the revision of the by-laws ; and , on the motion of Bro . Molyneux , the W . M . was requested to order new clothing for the Lodge . The Lodge afterwards voted the sum of three guineas to an unfortunate Brother .
Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 368 ) . —On Monday , the lltli instant , this flourishing Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Adelphi Hotel . This being the evening for the installation of the W . M ., there was an unusually large number of tlie Brethren belonging to the Lodge present , as well as visiting Brethren , among whom were : ¦—Bros . Horatio G . Gam bell , Prov . ( 1 , Puis ., Sec . to the West Lancashire Masonic Institution , and Sec , to the Masonic Hall Fund ; D . Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; W . Green , No . 263 ; Jos . Bennett , No . 368 ; C . Sampson