Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
road East , on Thursday evening , January 21 . Present , Comp . William Edwards , M . E . Z ., and several Companions . Comp . George Biggs , P . Z ., who had been for a second time elected First Principal , then installed Comp . C . A . Beltger as H ., and Comp . James Kindred as J . ; and invested Comp . Williams the re-elected Treas . ;
Comp . John Purdy the re-elected Scribe E . ; Comp . Taylor N . ; Comp . Bay P . Soj . ; and Comp . Hookey , Janitor . The ceremonial of installation was most . ' efficiently performed . Comp . H . J . Thompson , of the Scotch Chapter No . 1 , was admitted a joining member , and Bro , Mills was balloted for , and approved for exaltation . An agreeable repast closed the business of the evening .
Liverpool , ( Lancashire ) . —^ . John Jerusalem apter ( No . 245 ) . — -This prosperous and well-conducted Chapter met at the Hoyai Hotel , Dale-street , on the 4 th instant , principally for the purpose of installing Comp . Mason as its First Principal . The Chapter having been opened in an efficient manner by Comp . Pinkess , and the minutes of the previous Chapter having been read and confirmed , a conversation ensued respecting the intended new Masonic Hall , and
the desirability of aiding in its erection . Comp ; Alpass , assisted by ME . Comps . Ladmore and Pinkess , afterwards very ' ably and impressively installed Comp , Mason First Principal for the ensuing year . The Companions returned , and after an exchange of congratulations the Chapter was closed by the newlyinstalled M . E . Z ., Comp . Mason . The Companions then retired to refreshment , and , after spending a pleasant evening , separated at an early hour , much gratified with the happy hours they had spent together .
Knights Templar.
Manchester . — Jerusalem Encampment . —The usual quarterly meeting of this well-conducted Encampment was held on the 21 st January , at the Masonic Lodge 'room , Cross-street Chambers , when Sir Knt . Lyons Wright , the E . C . elect , was ably installed into that office by the Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . for Lancashire , Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , after which the new Commander appointed the following Knights to office : —John Merrill , Prelate ; H . A . Bennett ( P . E . C . of the Wm . De la More ) , 1 st Cap . ; B . B . Labrey , 2 nd Cap . ; Charles Clay , M . I ) ., P . E . C , Treas . ( elected at the previous meeting ) ; John Yarker , Beg . ; John
Smith , Expert ; W . B . Callender , jun ., 1 st Standard-bearer ; B . St . John B . Joule , 2 nd Standard-bearer and Org . ; J . J . Lundy , Almoner ; J . 0 . Surtees , Ccip . of Lines ; Capt . Henry Hargreave , 1 st Herald ; Joseph Bowker , 2 nd Herald . Comps . Bobinson and Collinge were then duly installed Knights of the Order , the new Officers deserving much praise for the correct and able manner in which they acquitted themselves ; after which the Fratres adjourned to refreshment , and spent the evening very agreeably together . We are glad to find that this Encampment , the oldest in the province , is steadily progressing in numbers , as well as efficiency in working .
The following is a list of the Grand Officers , from the 27 th of December , 1857 , to the 24 th of June , 1858 : — M . W . His Grace Autiustuh Frederic , Duke of Leinster , G . M . R . W . John Fitzhenky Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M . E . W . the Earl of Donoughmore , S . G . W . R / W . Sir Join * S , Robinson , Bart ., J . G . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
road East , on Thursday evening , January 21 . Present , Comp . William Edwards , M . E . Z ., and several Companions . Comp . George Biggs , P . Z ., who had been for a second time elected First Principal , then installed Comp . C . A . Beltger as H ., and Comp . James Kindred as J . ; and invested Comp . Williams the re-elected Treas . ;
Comp . John Purdy the re-elected Scribe E . ; Comp . Taylor N . ; Comp . Bay P . Soj . ; and Comp . Hookey , Janitor . The ceremonial of installation was most . ' efficiently performed . Comp . H . J . Thompson , of the Scotch Chapter No . 1 , was admitted a joining member , and Bro , Mills was balloted for , and approved for exaltation . An agreeable repast closed the business of the evening .
Liverpool , ( Lancashire ) . —^ . John Jerusalem apter ( No . 245 ) . — -This prosperous and well-conducted Chapter met at the Hoyai Hotel , Dale-street , on the 4 th instant , principally for the purpose of installing Comp . Mason as its First Principal . The Chapter having been opened in an efficient manner by Comp . Pinkess , and the minutes of the previous Chapter having been read and confirmed , a conversation ensued respecting the intended new Masonic Hall , and
the desirability of aiding in its erection . Comp ; Alpass , assisted by ME . Comps . Ladmore and Pinkess , afterwards very ' ably and impressively installed Comp , Mason First Principal for the ensuing year . The Companions returned , and after an exchange of congratulations the Chapter was closed by the newlyinstalled M . E . Z ., Comp . Mason . The Companions then retired to refreshment , and , after spending a pleasant evening , separated at an early hour , much gratified with the happy hours they had spent together .
Knights Templar.
Manchester . — Jerusalem Encampment . —The usual quarterly meeting of this well-conducted Encampment was held on the 21 st January , at the Masonic Lodge 'room , Cross-street Chambers , when Sir Knt . Lyons Wright , the E . C . elect , was ably installed into that office by the Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . for Lancashire , Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , after which the new Commander appointed the following Knights to office : —John Merrill , Prelate ; H . A . Bennett ( P . E . C . of the Wm . De la More ) , 1 st Cap . ; B . B . Labrey , 2 nd Cap . ; Charles Clay , M . I ) ., P . E . C , Treas . ( elected at the previous meeting ) ; John Yarker , Beg . ; John
Smith , Expert ; W . B . Callender , jun ., 1 st Standard-bearer ; B . St . John B . Joule , 2 nd Standard-bearer and Org . ; J . J . Lundy , Almoner ; J . 0 . Surtees , Ccip . of Lines ; Capt . Henry Hargreave , 1 st Herald ; Joseph Bowker , 2 nd Herald . Comps . Bobinson and Collinge were then duly installed Knights of the Order , the new Officers deserving much praise for the correct and able manner in which they acquitted themselves ; after which the Fratres adjourned to refreshment , and spent the evening very agreeably together . We are glad to find that this Encampment , the oldest in the province , is steadily progressing in numbers , as well as efficiency in working .
The following is a list of the Grand Officers , from the 27 th of December , 1857 , to the 24 th of June , 1858 : — M . W . His Grace Autiustuh Frederic , Duke of Leinster , G . M . R . W . John Fitzhenky Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M . E . W . the Earl of Donoughmore , S . G . W . R / W . Sir Join * S , Robinson , Bart ., J . G . W .