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v R . W . Thomas James Quinton , G . Treas . ' R . W . John E . Htndman , G . Sec . R . W . the Rev . HenryH . J . Westby , and '¦ R . W . the Rev . D , Henry Elrington , G . Chaplains . W . Arthur Bushe , S . G . D . W . the Hon . George Handcock , J . G . D . W . William White , G . Org . W . Lucius H . Deering , Deputy G . - ' . Sec ., Q ^ ce—Freemasons' Hall , Dublin Bro . Chables T . Walmisle y , Deputy Assistant Sec . Bro . James Adams , G . Purs ., Crow-street . Bro . William Clancy , G . Tyler , Gommercial-buildings .
Representative from the Grand Lodge of England , R . W . Godfrey Brereton . „ at the Grand Lodge of England , R . W . LorpNaas . „ from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , R . W . Hon . A- * G . Jooelyn . „ at theGrand Lodge of Scotland , R . W . S . Somerville , M . D . ,, from the Grand-Orient of France , R . W . J . F . Townsend , D . G . M „ at the Grand Orient of France , R . W . Bro . Heullant ,
„ from the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , R . W . Rev . D . H . Elrington . ,, at the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , R . W . Frederick Weber . „ at the Grand Lodge of Virginia , R . W . Peyton Johnson . ,, at the Grand Lodge of Berlin , R . W . Frederick . WilhelmSaust . ,, from the Grand Lodge of Canada , R . W . Michael Furnell . „ at the Grand Lodge of Canada , R . W . KiVAS Tully . ,, from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Lisbon , Worshipful J ^ -H . Goddard . The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of -Ireland meets at the Grand Lodge-rooms , Freemasons'Hall , on the First Thursday in every month , at eight o ' clock in the
evening . , Committee of Charity and Inspection meets on the Fridays next following the regular monthly meetings of the Grand Lodge , at the Grand Lodge-rooms , at four o ' clock , p . m . The Lodge of Inst rue / ion meets on the Fourth Friday in January , February , March , April , and May , at eight o ' clock , p . m ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Damestreet , Dublin .
The Grand Royal Arch Chapter meets on the Third Wednesday in February , May , August , and November , at eight o ' clock in the eveni ng . The Grand Encampment of High Knights Templar , & c , meets on the Third Wednesday in January , April , July , and October , at eight o ' clock in the evening . The Supreme Grand Council of Rites meets on the Third Wednesday in March , June , September , and Dece *> > at four o ' clock , p . m .
Masonic Festivities.
On Wednesday evening , January 19 th , a grand ball , in aid of the Masonic and local charities , took place in the large room of the Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent , Staffordshire . A numerous and fashionable company assembled . The large room , which is 90 feet long by 42 feet wide , and 25 feet high , and will seat in comfort upwards of 800 persons , has , we believe , been used on more than one occasion previously , but in an unfinished state , and only on the previous Saturday the ball
stewards had it handed over to them with all the debris of a workshop encumbering the floors . Through the indefatigable exertions of these gentlemen , however , who set themselves resolutely to work to conquer difficulties , all was in most exquisite order for the occasion . The upper end of the hall was tastefully adorned with evergreens , orange-trees , and choice exotics , contributed by C . M . Campbell , Esq ., and Messrs . Burgesa and Kent , of Penkhull ; and the standard of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
v R . W . Thomas James Quinton , G . Treas . ' R . W . John E . Htndman , G . Sec . R . W . the Rev . HenryH . J . Westby , and '¦ R . W . the Rev . D , Henry Elrington , G . Chaplains . W . Arthur Bushe , S . G . D . W . the Hon . George Handcock , J . G . D . W . William White , G . Org . W . Lucius H . Deering , Deputy G . - ' . Sec ., Q ^ ce—Freemasons' Hall , Dublin Bro . Chables T . Walmisle y , Deputy Assistant Sec . Bro . James Adams , G . Purs ., Crow-street . Bro . William Clancy , G . Tyler , Gommercial-buildings .
Representative from the Grand Lodge of England , R . W . Godfrey Brereton . „ at the Grand Lodge of England , R . W . LorpNaas . „ from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , R . W . Hon . A- * G . Jooelyn . „ at theGrand Lodge of Scotland , R . W . S . Somerville , M . D . ,, from the Grand-Orient of France , R . W . J . F . Townsend , D . G . M „ at the Grand Orient of France , R . W . Bro . Heullant ,
„ from the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , R . W . Rev . D . H . Elrington . ,, at the Grand Lodge of Hamburgh , R . W . Frederick Weber . „ at the Grand Lodge of Virginia , R . W . Peyton Johnson . ,, at the Grand Lodge of Berlin , R . W . Frederick . WilhelmSaust . ,, from the Grand Lodge of Canada , R . W . Michael Furnell . „ at the Grand Lodge of Canada , R . W . KiVAS Tully . ,, from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Lisbon , Worshipful J ^ -H . Goddard . The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of -Ireland meets at the Grand Lodge-rooms , Freemasons'Hall , on the First Thursday in every month , at eight o ' clock in the
evening . , Committee of Charity and Inspection meets on the Fridays next following the regular monthly meetings of the Grand Lodge , at the Grand Lodge-rooms , at four o ' clock , p . m . The Lodge of Inst rue / ion meets on the Fourth Friday in January , February , March , April , and May , at eight o ' clock , p . m ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Damestreet , Dublin .
The Grand Royal Arch Chapter meets on the Third Wednesday in February , May , August , and November , at eight o ' clock in the eveni ng . The Grand Encampment of High Knights Templar , & c , meets on the Third Wednesday in January , April , July , and October , at eight o ' clock in the evening . The Supreme Grand Council of Rites meets on the Third Wednesday in March , June , September , and Dece *> > at four o ' clock , p . m .
Masonic Festivities.
On Wednesday evening , January 19 th , a grand ball , in aid of the Masonic and local charities , took place in the large room of the Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent , Staffordshire . A numerous and fashionable company assembled . The large room , which is 90 feet long by 42 feet wide , and 25 feet high , and will seat in comfort upwards of 800 persons , has , we believe , been used on more than one occasion previously , but in an unfinished state , and only on the previous Saturday the ball
stewards had it handed over to them with all the debris of a workshop encumbering the floors . Through the indefatigable exertions of these gentlemen , however , who set themselves resolutely to work to conquer difficulties , all was in most exquisite order for the occasion . The upper end of the hall was tastefully adorned with evergreens , orange-trees , and choice exotics , contributed by C . M . Campbell , Esq ., and Messrs . Burgesa and Kent , of Penkhull ; and the standard of the