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their duties by those Brethren he had had the pleasure of appointing , by which ijhey had rendered themselves useful to the Lodge , and gained their reward by being advanced nearer to the chair . All Brethren desirous of office should emulate their conduct . The toast of the P . Ms , was responded to by Bros . Clements and Watson . A variety of other toasts having been drunk , the Brethren separated at an early hour in the utmost harmony , which was much assisted by Bros . Taylor ( who presided at the pianoforte ) , Lawleiy W . Adams , and others too numerous to mention .
Gihon Lodge ( No . 57 ) . — The Brethren of this ancient and honourable Lodge mustered to the number of nearly fifty , on Thursday , December 17 . The ceremonies of initiation , of passing , and of raising , were performed by the W . M ., Bro . J . P . Sheriff , in the most perfect and impressive manner ; he also installed his immediate successor the "W . M . elect , Bro . H . Sowdon , a practice which cannot be too strongly recommended for adoption in the Craft . Another pleasing feature in the proceedings , was the recognition of the services of an old and worthy Mason ,
Bro . Edmonds , Secretary of the Lodge , to whose activity and perseverance , it was stated , much of its success was attributable . The Lodge not only tendered to Mm its earnest thanks , but voted the sum of Twenty Guineas for the purchase of a suitable testimonial as a mark of the value set on his sendees . At the banquet , a number of visitors were hospitably received at the invitation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Sowdon , among wbom were Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and some professional Brethren , who enlivened the company by their excellent singing . Bro . G . Sweet was warmly welcomed back to the Lodge after an absence of some years .
St . Luke ' s Lodqe ( No . 168 ) . —This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Monday , 7 th December , ( for the first time ) at the Commercial Hall , King ' s Boad , Chelsea , the Lodge having removed to that house for better accommodation . The business consisted of one raising and two initiations ; and when we say that Bro . Collard , P . M . No . 209 , is the W . M ,, no comment is needed on our part as to how the business of the evening was conducted ; suffice it to say , Bro . Collard was quite at home , and the Lodge spent one of the most ' / Masonic
evenings" it has done for many years . Solemn music was introduced into the various ceremonies . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Taylor , No . 18 ; Carter , W . M . No . 165 ; Whale , No . 165 ; Levinson , W . M . No . 209 ; Tull , Prov . G . Org . of Berks ; Robinson , No . 237 ; Cook , P . M . No . 745 , & c . Bros . Taylor and Bobinson , in responding to the toast of "The ^ Visitors , ' * were pleased to acknowledge the pleasure they had derived in being present , and expressed their conviction that under such auspices the Lodge of St . Luke must prosper .
Lodge op Industry ( No . 219 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled on the 22 nd December , at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-street , Bro . Orelei , W . M ., presided , and initiated Messrs . Thomas Dyer and Alfred Brown into the mysteries of this most valuable Order ; after which Bros . Cotton , Charles Stocks , Henry Sutton , W . H . Smith , and J . S . Gates , were introduced , and having satisfactorily replied to the usual questions , passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Howell , under similar favourable circumstances , was raised to the 3 rd Degree , and expressed his delight at the beauty of that Degree , which enabled him to be
enrolled among the Master Masons of the Order . Bro , Froud , of Lodge No . 91 , was then balloted for , having been proposed at the last meeting by Bro , Carpenter , P . M ., to become a joining member , the result of which was pronounced unanimous . This being also the night of election , a ballot was taken for W . M . to preside during the next twelve months , the election falling upon Bro . Guy , the S . W . The Treasurer , was unanimously re-elected . These matters disposed of , the Brethren sat down to mi excellent banquet , at tho conclusion of which the W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft , " the toast being responded to with tho usual enthusiasm which has ever characterized the true Mason . The healths of " The
G . M ., and " The D . G . M . " followed . The toasts of the « Initiates" and " Viaitors' ' were then given , introduced by Bro . Orelli , in his usual kindly terms , thanking the initiates for the honour they hod vouchsafed the Lodge by selecting it for their lirnt entrance to Masonic light . Although a Brother was strictly and properly
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their duties by those Brethren he had had the pleasure of appointing , by which ijhey had rendered themselves useful to the Lodge , and gained their reward by being advanced nearer to the chair . All Brethren desirous of office should emulate their conduct . The toast of the P . Ms , was responded to by Bros . Clements and Watson . A variety of other toasts having been drunk , the Brethren separated at an early hour in the utmost harmony , which was much assisted by Bros . Taylor ( who presided at the pianoforte ) , Lawleiy W . Adams , and others too numerous to mention .
Gihon Lodge ( No . 57 ) . — The Brethren of this ancient and honourable Lodge mustered to the number of nearly fifty , on Thursday , December 17 . The ceremonies of initiation , of passing , and of raising , were performed by the W . M ., Bro . J . P . Sheriff , in the most perfect and impressive manner ; he also installed his immediate successor the "W . M . elect , Bro . H . Sowdon , a practice which cannot be too strongly recommended for adoption in the Craft . Another pleasing feature in the proceedings , was the recognition of the services of an old and worthy Mason ,
Bro . Edmonds , Secretary of the Lodge , to whose activity and perseverance , it was stated , much of its success was attributable . The Lodge not only tendered to Mm its earnest thanks , but voted the sum of Twenty Guineas for the purchase of a suitable testimonial as a mark of the value set on his sendees . At the banquet , a number of visitors were hospitably received at the invitation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Sowdon , among wbom were Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., and some professional Brethren , who enlivened the company by their excellent singing . Bro . G . Sweet was warmly welcomed back to the Lodge after an absence of some years .
St . Luke ' s Lodqe ( No . 168 ) . —This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Monday , 7 th December , ( for the first time ) at the Commercial Hall , King ' s Boad , Chelsea , the Lodge having removed to that house for better accommodation . The business consisted of one raising and two initiations ; and when we say that Bro . Collard , P . M . No . 209 , is the W . M ,, no comment is needed on our part as to how the business of the evening was conducted ; suffice it to say , Bro . Collard was quite at home , and the Lodge spent one of the most ' / Masonic
evenings" it has done for many years . Solemn music was introduced into the various ceremonies . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Taylor , No . 18 ; Carter , W . M . No . 165 ; Whale , No . 165 ; Levinson , W . M . No . 209 ; Tull , Prov . G . Org . of Berks ; Robinson , No . 237 ; Cook , P . M . No . 745 , & c . Bros . Taylor and Bobinson , in responding to the toast of "The ^ Visitors , ' * were pleased to acknowledge the pleasure they had derived in being present , and expressed their conviction that under such auspices the Lodge of St . Luke must prosper .
Lodge op Industry ( No . 219 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled on the 22 nd December , at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-street , Bro . Orelei , W . M ., presided , and initiated Messrs . Thomas Dyer and Alfred Brown into the mysteries of this most valuable Order ; after which Bros . Cotton , Charles Stocks , Henry Sutton , W . H . Smith , and J . S . Gates , were introduced , and having satisfactorily replied to the usual questions , passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Howell , under similar favourable circumstances , was raised to the 3 rd Degree , and expressed his delight at the beauty of that Degree , which enabled him to be
enrolled among the Master Masons of the Order . Bro , Froud , of Lodge No . 91 , was then balloted for , having been proposed at the last meeting by Bro , Carpenter , P . M ., to become a joining member , the result of which was pronounced unanimous . This being also the night of election , a ballot was taken for W . M . to preside during the next twelve months , the election falling upon Bro . Guy , the S . W . The Treasurer , was unanimously re-elected . These matters disposed of , the Brethren sat down to mi excellent banquet , at tho conclusion of which the W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft , " the toast being responded to with tho usual enthusiasm which has ever characterized the true Mason . The healths of " The
G . M ., and " The D . G . M . " followed . The toasts of the « Initiates" and " Viaitors' ' were then given , introduced by Bro . Orelli , in his usual kindly terms , thanking the initiates for the honour they hod vouchsafed the Lodge by selecting it for their lirnt entrance to Masonic light . Although a Brother was strictly and properly