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The Lasq^
forbidden to solicit gentlemen to enter Freemasonry , it being considered that no one should come among them without a preconceived good opinion of the Order , and a desire to serve his fellow-man , yet when there were so many distinguished Lodges , he ( the W . M . ) must confess the Lodge of Industry felt honoured by the preference . In alluding to the visitors , the Master assured them that it was with feelings of great pleasure he beheld their festive board , as well as Lodge ,
graced by visitors ; he would conclude by thanking them for the visit , and hoped that the Lodge of Industry would always be in a position to receive as many as could honour it with their company . Bro . Alfred Brown returned thanks for himself and brother initiate in a neat speech , and Bro . Hay day , of No . 183 , was equally happy in responding for the visitors . Bro . Suter , the immediate P . M ., solicited and obtained the privilege of the W . M . to propose the next toast , which was the health of that Master who had presided over them so urbanely and with
so much indulgence during the time he had occupied the chair . Bro . Orelli was soon to be numbered among the P . Ms . ; he would doubtless afford every assistance in that capacity , which he had shown such capability for . during his year of presidency . The toast was received with much Masonic cheering . The Master acknowledged the compliment with a degree of eloquence somewhat surprising in a foreigner , and expressed his determination to carry out the duties of Freemasonry , whether in or out of office , to the best of his ability , and thereby act up
to the obligation that every well-thinking Mason was bound by . Before concluding , he would propose the health of Bro . Guy , the Master elect , and in doing so , assured the Brethren that they had placed the right man in the right place ; he ( Bro . Orelli ) was under great obligations to Bro . Guy , not only for his constant attendance , but for the" admirable way he did his work . A Master , however proficient himself , was awkwardly situated without good Officers . The Master
elect was every way calculated to carry out the true principles of morality , brotherly love , relief , and truth , which were the characteristics of genuine Freemasonry . Bro . Guy returned thanks , and said that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interests of the Order , and he trusted that the confidence which the Brethren had placed in him would not be forfeited by any want of zeal on his part . Several other toasts and speeches followed , and the Brethren adjourned until the installation night , the 26 th .
Lodge of United Pilgrims , ( No . 745 ) . — -This Lodge met at the Manor House Tavern , Walworth-road , on the 23 rd December , and after the usual business had been disposed of a goodly number of Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , at which Bro . J . Tl . Warren , the immediate P . M ., presided . That banquet was specially given by the friends of Bro . Warren , in order to afford them a fitting opportunity of presenting to him a beautiful Past Master ' s Jewel , with the following inscription engraved thereon : — << : Presented to Bro . J . B . Warren ,
P . M ., by a few members of the United Pilgrims Lodge , No . 745 , as a token of their approbation of his Masonic abilities , December 1857- " Although the Lodge of United Pilgrims passed a resolution some time ago to present Jewels to their Past Masters on the satisfactory performance of their duties in the chair , no sucb Jewels have been presented for several years back . It was felt that no exception could be made in favour of Bro . Warren , without prejudice to other Past Masters ,
many of whom have discharged their duties in a most satisfactory manner . Bro . Warrens zeal and abilities in Freemasonry , have , however , elicited so strong a feeling of respect and esteem , that his friends resolved to jiresent him with the . Jewel above alluded to at a special banquet given by them on the occasion . The visitors were Bros . Plummer , No . 15 ; James , No . 85 ; Lascells , No . 80 ; Bower , No . 108 ; Super , No . 1 , 000 ; and Bromley ,
D Jt
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Lasq^
forbidden to solicit gentlemen to enter Freemasonry , it being considered that no one should come among them without a preconceived good opinion of the Order , and a desire to serve his fellow-man , yet when there were so many distinguished Lodges , he ( the W . M . ) must confess the Lodge of Industry felt honoured by the preference . In alluding to the visitors , the Master assured them that it was with feelings of great pleasure he beheld their festive board , as well as Lodge ,
graced by visitors ; he would conclude by thanking them for the visit , and hoped that the Lodge of Industry would always be in a position to receive as many as could honour it with their company . Bro . Alfred Brown returned thanks for himself and brother initiate in a neat speech , and Bro . Hay day , of No . 183 , was equally happy in responding for the visitors . Bro . Suter , the immediate P . M ., solicited and obtained the privilege of the W . M . to propose the next toast , which was the health of that Master who had presided over them so urbanely and with
so much indulgence during the time he had occupied the chair . Bro . Orelli was soon to be numbered among the P . Ms . ; he would doubtless afford every assistance in that capacity , which he had shown such capability for . during his year of presidency . The toast was received with much Masonic cheering . The Master acknowledged the compliment with a degree of eloquence somewhat surprising in a foreigner , and expressed his determination to carry out the duties of Freemasonry , whether in or out of office , to the best of his ability , and thereby act up
to the obligation that every well-thinking Mason was bound by . Before concluding , he would propose the health of Bro . Guy , the Master elect , and in doing so , assured the Brethren that they had placed the right man in the right place ; he ( Bro . Orelli ) was under great obligations to Bro . Guy , not only for his constant attendance , but for the" admirable way he did his work . A Master , however proficient himself , was awkwardly situated without good Officers . The Master
elect was every way calculated to carry out the true principles of morality , brotherly love , relief , and truth , which were the characteristics of genuine Freemasonry . Bro . Guy returned thanks , and said that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interests of the Order , and he trusted that the confidence which the Brethren had placed in him would not be forfeited by any want of zeal on his part . Several other toasts and speeches followed , and the Brethren adjourned until the installation night , the 26 th .
Lodge of United Pilgrims , ( No . 745 ) . — -This Lodge met at the Manor House Tavern , Walworth-road , on the 23 rd December , and after the usual business had been disposed of a goodly number of Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , at which Bro . J . Tl . Warren , the immediate P . M ., presided . That banquet was specially given by the friends of Bro . Warren , in order to afford them a fitting opportunity of presenting to him a beautiful Past Master ' s Jewel , with the following inscription engraved thereon : — << : Presented to Bro . J . B . Warren ,
P . M ., by a few members of the United Pilgrims Lodge , No . 745 , as a token of their approbation of his Masonic abilities , December 1857- " Although the Lodge of United Pilgrims passed a resolution some time ago to present Jewels to their Past Masters on the satisfactory performance of their duties in the chair , no sucb Jewels have been presented for several years back . It was felt that no exception could be made in favour of Bro . Warren , without prejudice to other Past Masters ,
many of whom have discharged their duties in a most satisfactory manner . Bro . Warrens zeal and abilities in Freemasonry , have , however , elicited so strong a feeling of respect and esteem , that his friends resolved to jiresent him with the . Jewel above alluded to at a special banquet given by them on the occasion . The visitors were Bros . Plummer , No . 15 ; James , No . 85 ; Lascells , No . 80 ; Bower , No . 108 ; Super , No . 1 , 000 ; and Bromley ,
D Jt