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All communications for the Editor , to insure insertion in the next week ' s numher , should be forwarded not later than Saturday . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
Emblematic covers for the volume of 1857 will he ready in a few days , price Is . 6 cZ . A few volumes may also be had , price lis . § d . each . The January number of 1857 having been reprinted , the Brethren may now complete their sets without inconvenience . We shall in an early number publish as complete a list of all the Lodges , Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , & c ., as it is in our power to obtain . The Brethren are therefore requested to fill up the forms circulated with -our last number ( and forwarded to every Lodge ) , aud return theni to our office with as little delay as possible .
TO COEEESPOKDEN ^^ Special Notice .- —Our correspondents who so kindly furnish « s with reports of meetings , & e . ; iire earnestly requested in every case to write oil one side only of the paper they use . In future , the non-observance of this rule will necessitate our passing over communications which we should otherwise gladly insert , and
which the Craft would be benefited by having presented to them ; but , in order to produce our Magazine at the proper time , we are obliged to facilitate the operations of the printer , who knows no worse impediment than backed copy , not always legibly written .
We are requested to publisn tlje tollowing : — A Pseudo-Entered Apprentice . —A young man , wearing light mustachios , of short stature , giving the name of W . M ., of Calais , pretending to be a Frenchman , but unable to speak his own mother tongue , nor in possession of a certificate , referring to the Sussex Lodge , N " o . 2 , London ( not existing ) , tries to obtain money from the Fraternity ; may this be a warning to those whom he favours with a call . Our country Masonic Appointments are as yet too imperfect for publication ,
<( J . J . " is thanked . We hope to hear from him in a few days . a Justitia . "—Never . We should only be creating discord w ere we to publish your letter . Such is , not the mission of the Magazine . e < M .-M . "—The second in England is the first in France ; and the second in France the first in England .
The Masonic Messenger of New York , and the Masonic Journal , Mass ., came to hand just as we were going to press . Bro . W . Biggs will please to accept our best thanks for his kindness . 4 e Curio . "—Next week . Bro . M . F ., Dublin . —Your suggeetion shall be attended to . "J , L ., " Orrnskirk , —Your communication arrived too late for our present number .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
All communications for the Editor , to insure insertion in the next week ' s numher , should be forwarded not later than Saturday . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at the latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
Emblematic covers for the volume of 1857 will he ready in a few days , price Is . 6 cZ . A few volumes may also be had , price lis . § d . each . The January number of 1857 having been reprinted , the Brethren may now complete their sets without inconvenience . We shall in an early number publish as complete a list of all the Lodges , Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , & c ., as it is in our power to obtain . The Brethren are therefore requested to fill up the forms circulated with -our last number ( and forwarded to every Lodge ) , aud return theni to our office with as little delay as possible .
TO COEEESPOKDEN ^^ Special Notice .- —Our correspondents who so kindly furnish « s with reports of meetings , & e . ; iire earnestly requested in every case to write oil one side only of the paper they use . In future , the non-observance of this rule will necessitate our passing over communications which we should otherwise gladly insert , and
which the Craft would be benefited by having presented to them ; but , in order to produce our Magazine at the proper time , we are obliged to facilitate the operations of the printer , who knows no worse impediment than backed copy , not always legibly written .
We are requested to publisn tlje tollowing : — A Pseudo-Entered Apprentice . —A young man , wearing light mustachios , of short stature , giving the name of W . M ., of Calais , pretending to be a Frenchman , but unable to speak his own mother tongue , nor in possession of a certificate , referring to the Sussex Lodge , N " o . 2 , London ( not existing ) , tries to obtain money from the Fraternity ; may this be a warning to those whom he favours with a call . Our country Masonic Appointments are as yet too imperfect for publication ,
<( J . J . " is thanked . We hope to hear from him in a few days . a Justitia . "—Never . We should only be creating discord w ere we to publish your letter . Such is , not the mission of the Magazine . e < M .-M . "—The second in England is the first in France ; and the second in France the first in England .
The Masonic Messenger of New York , and the Masonic Journal , Mass ., came to hand just as we were going to press . Bro . W . Biggs will please to accept our best thanks for his kindness . 4 e Curio . "—Next week . Bro . M . F ., Dublin . —Your suggeetion shall be attended to . "J , L ., " Orrnskirk , —Your communication arrived too late for our present number .