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from the heart . It was frequently observed that those who entered the hymeneal state relinquished their former associations , but he could assure them that such would not be his case . He regretted that he had not been able from his connection with another province , to have visited Hampshire as much as he could
have wished , but he took this occasion to thank the members of the Lodge of Economy for the assistance they had given to their Basingstoke Brethren at the consecration and opening of that Lodge , and sincerely hoped that the same kindly and brotherly feeling might ever exist amongst all members of the Order , a feeling he was most anxious to propagate .
Bro . P . M . Russ then proposed in very eulogistic terms , the health of Bro . Portal , congratulating the Brethren in having such a highly distinguished Brother as a member of their Lodge . Bro . Portal , in thanking Bro . Russ for the complimentary manner in which he had introduced his name to the Brethren , wish ed to impress on the menibers the
great necessity of all country Lodges being properly represented in . Grand Lodge . He did not wish any alteration in existing laws that were good , but he wished to see all bad ones reformed ; and if Brethren generally would take that interest in Grand Lodge business they did in their own , it would soon be effected . Many other toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent songs , and the evening terminated much to the enjoyment of all .
HERTFORDSHIRE . Behkhampstead . —Berhhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 7 th of January , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Bro . Thane , W . M . After the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Lodge , the W . M . elect , Bro . John Webber , P . Prov . S . G . D ., was installed into the chair by Bro . J . How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., in the presence of ten other * P . Ms . The W . M . thgn appointed and invested as his officers Bros . H . G . Warren , S . W . ; Shugar , J . W . ; C . H . Law , Sec . ; Henry Lane , S . D . ; Norman , J . D . ; Johnson ,
Dir . of Cers . ; Burton , I . G . Bro . John Lane , who had been unanimously elected Treas ., was invested ., as also was Bro . Thomas , the Tyler . The Brethren , after the conclusion of the business , retired to banquet , which ; , under the catering of Bro . Harvey Lane , the new host of the King ' s Arms , gave great satisfaction . A most pleasant evening was spent by the Brethren assembled to greet Bro . Webber , from the auspicious commencement of whose year of office we anticipate a prosperous result . The happiness of the meeting was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of the members ; especially of the W . M . himself , and Bros . Isaacs and Barringer .
KENT . Bbompton . —United Chatham Lodge of Benevolence ( No . 216 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , January 5 , at the Golden Lion ; and it being the day appointed for the installation , the Brethren assembled at four o ' clock . Bro . Saunders ( W . M . ) P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . G . Treas ., took the chair , and proceeded to business , when he raised Bro . Burn in a most impressive manner . The W . M . then installed Bro . Cooley S . W . and Prov . Gr . Steward , in a
most masterly manner . Bro . Cooley having been duly placed in the chair and saluted according to ancient custom , proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : - — Bros . Saunders , P . M . ; Reed ( staff sergeant ) , S . W . ; Hawtry , J . W . ; H . Morriss , Treas . ; Strouse , Sec . ; Leonard ( staff sergeant in royal engineers ) , S . D . ; Bachelor , J . D . ; Rough ton ( sergeant major ) , I . G . ; Frewer , Tyler . The visitors present were
Bros . Ashley , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Hills , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; C . Isaacs , P . Prov . G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec . ; H . W . Moore , P . Prov . G . D . ; Windeger , Prov . G . S . D . ; Watson , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Dade and Driver , P . Ms . ; Knight , P . M . ( captain 94 th regiment ); Rhodes ( captain 94 th regiment ); Dr . Piper ; Harvey ( assistant surgeon ); Bird and J . J . Everest , No . 91 ; White ; Robertson ( under the Register of Ireland ) .
The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren , to the number of thirty ., retired to banquet , which was well served , smd gave great satisiaction . Upon removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave " The Health of the Queen and the Craft ; " " God Save the < Jueeii , " by Bros . Driver and Ashley ; "The Healths
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from the heart . It was frequently observed that those who entered the hymeneal state relinquished their former associations , but he could assure them that such would not be his case . He regretted that he had not been able from his connection with another province , to have visited Hampshire as much as he could
have wished , but he took this occasion to thank the members of the Lodge of Economy for the assistance they had given to their Basingstoke Brethren at the consecration and opening of that Lodge , and sincerely hoped that the same kindly and brotherly feeling might ever exist amongst all members of the Order , a feeling he was most anxious to propagate .
Bro . P . M . Russ then proposed in very eulogistic terms , the health of Bro . Portal , congratulating the Brethren in having such a highly distinguished Brother as a member of their Lodge . Bro . Portal , in thanking Bro . Russ for the complimentary manner in which he had introduced his name to the Brethren , wish ed to impress on the menibers the
great necessity of all country Lodges being properly represented in . Grand Lodge . He did not wish any alteration in existing laws that were good , but he wished to see all bad ones reformed ; and if Brethren generally would take that interest in Grand Lodge business they did in their own , it would soon be effected . Many other toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent songs , and the evening terminated much to the enjoyment of all .
HERTFORDSHIRE . Behkhampstead . —Berhhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 7 th of January , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Bro . Thane , W . M . After the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding Lodge , the W . M . elect , Bro . John Webber , P . Prov . S . G . D ., was installed into the chair by Bro . J . How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., in the presence of ten other * P . Ms . The W . M . thgn appointed and invested as his officers Bros . H . G . Warren , S . W . ; Shugar , J . W . ; C . H . Law , Sec . ; Henry Lane , S . D . ; Norman , J . D . ; Johnson ,
Dir . of Cers . ; Burton , I . G . Bro . John Lane , who had been unanimously elected Treas ., was invested ., as also was Bro . Thomas , the Tyler . The Brethren , after the conclusion of the business , retired to banquet , which ; , under the catering of Bro . Harvey Lane , the new host of the King ' s Arms , gave great satisfaction . A most pleasant evening was spent by the Brethren assembled to greet Bro . Webber , from the auspicious commencement of whose year of office we anticipate a prosperous result . The happiness of the meeting was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of the members ; especially of the W . M . himself , and Bros . Isaacs and Barringer .
KENT . Bbompton . —United Chatham Lodge of Benevolence ( No . 216 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , January 5 , at the Golden Lion ; and it being the day appointed for the installation , the Brethren assembled at four o ' clock . Bro . Saunders ( W . M . ) P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . G . Treas ., took the chair , and proceeded to business , when he raised Bro . Burn in a most impressive manner . The W . M . then installed Bro . Cooley S . W . and Prov . Gr . Steward , in a
most masterly manner . Bro . Cooley having been duly placed in the chair and saluted according to ancient custom , proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : - — Bros . Saunders , P . M . ; Reed ( staff sergeant ) , S . W . ; Hawtry , J . W . ; H . Morriss , Treas . ; Strouse , Sec . ; Leonard ( staff sergeant in royal engineers ) , S . D . ; Bachelor , J . D . ; Rough ton ( sergeant major ) , I . G . ; Frewer , Tyler . The visitors present were
Bros . Ashley , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Hills , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; C . Isaacs , P . Prov . G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec . ; H . W . Moore , P . Prov . G . D . ; Windeger , Prov . G . S . D . ; Watson , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Dade and Driver , P . Ms . ; Knight , P . M . ( captain 94 th regiment ); Rhodes ( captain 94 th regiment ); Dr . Piper ; Harvey ( assistant surgeon ); Bird and J . J . Everest , No . 91 ; White ; Robertson ( under the Register of Ireland ) .
The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren , to the number of thirty ., retired to banquet , which was well served , smd gave great satisiaction . Upon removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave " The Health of the Queen and the Craft ; " " God Save the < Jueeii , " by Bros . Driver and Ashley ; "The Healths