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of the M . W . G . M ., Earl of Zetland , " and . " D . G . M ., Lord Panmure . " The W . M . then gave " The Health of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . 0 . P . Cooper ; " and observed , " I venture to think that there is not one Mason present , who will not feel proud to do honour to the Prov . G . M . ( Hear , hear . ) I trust , Brethren , that by our united efforts we shall , at our next annual meeting , be in a position to give him a hearty welcome . " This sentiment was received with rounds of applause . The health of their old and respected P . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Ashley , followed ,
and was also received with great applause . The Prov . P . G . M . in a very neat speech thanked the Brethren for the high compliment passed upon him , and hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare them to meet again next year under the same banner of brotherly love . Bro . Saunders proposed the health of the W . M . The zeal and ability which Bro . Gooley had evinced for the Craft , well merited the honour which the Brethren had conferred upon him he was sure that nothing on his part would be wanting in discharging the duties of W . M . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Cooley in a neat speech thanked the Brethren for the honour conferred , and the warm reception the Brethren had that day given him .
Other toasts followed , including the Past and Present Prov . G . Officers , and responded to ; the Visitors , acknowledged by Bro . Watson , Prov . G . S . B . ; the Officers of the Lodge , responded tp by Bro . Reed , & c . The evening was much enlivened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Isaacs , Driver , Piper , Taylor , and Burn . At a late hour the Brethren retired , well pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . Rams & ate . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , Rarnsgate , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst , at
four o ' clock , to instal Bro . Hodge , who was the re-elected W . M . for the year . The installing Master was Bro . H . Boys , a member of the Lodge , who gave great satisfaction to the numerous Brethren present , by performing his duties in a most efficient manner . He likewise presented on behalf of the Brethren , a silver salver to Bro . B . Z . Hiscock , P . M . and Secretary to the Lodge , as a testimony of their great fraternal regard and respect , for his indefatigable zeal in Freemasonry . The re-election of Officers then took place as follows : —Bros . Stevens , S . W . ; Lefeckin , J . W . ; Beeching , Treas . ; B . Z . Hiscock , Sec . ; Cowley , S . D . ; Pinch , J . D . ; Cullen , I . G . ; Moyne , Tyler ; Newbery and Jensen , Stewards .
Bro . H . Boys's several addresses to the Officers of the Lodge were most impressive , given with great energy and ability , and reflected the greatest credit on the worthy installing Master . The W . M ., Bro . Hodge , initiated Charles James Palmer , Esq ., J . P ., Deputy-Lieutenant of the County of Berks , Dorney Court , Windsor , into the mysteries of Preemasonry . The Brethren , after the business of the evening was finished ,, retired to the banquet prepared for them at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , which gave universal satisfaction ; the Brethren were all delighted with their evening ' s entertainment , and parted in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
LANCASHIRE . Liverpool , — -Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The members of this well-worked Lodge met to celebrate St , John the Evangelist ' s Day , on the 22 nd of December ,, in their Lodge-room , 42 , Duke-street , which has been newly-painted and decorated , and reflects great credit on the artist for the taste and judgment displayed in the arrangements of the various emblems , and the chaste and delicate tints of the walls and furniture . This Lodge is and has been held for several years in private rooms , and will be so until the Masonic Hall is erected , to which
object the Brethren of this Lodge have subscribed the sum of nearly £ 300 . The chair was taken by Bro . ( 1 . Wilson , W . M ., at six o ' clock , and the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous repast , provided by Bro . Chenoweth . After grace , several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to in a manner usual among Masons . After a most delightful evening , spent in the most perfect harmony , the Brethren separated well-pleased with themselves and each other . Visitors : — Bros . Wade , W . M . No . 1026 ; Banister , W . M . No , 267 ; Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; ft 2
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of the M . W . G . M ., Earl of Zetland , " and . " D . G . M ., Lord Panmure . " The W . M . then gave " The Health of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . 0 . P . Cooper ; " and observed , " I venture to think that there is not one Mason present , who will not feel proud to do honour to the Prov . G . M . ( Hear , hear . ) I trust , Brethren , that by our united efforts we shall , at our next annual meeting , be in a position to give him a hearty welcome . " This sentiment was received with rounds of applause . The health of their old and respected P . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Ashley , followed ,
and was also received with great applause . The Prov . P . G . M . in a very neat speech thanked the Brethren for the high compliment passed upon him , and hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare them to meet again next year under the same banner of brotherly love . Bro . Saunders proposed the health of the W . M . The zeal and ability which Bro . Gooley had evinced for the Craft , well merited the honour which the Brethren had conferred upon him he was sure that nothing on his part would be wanting in discharging the duties of W . M . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Cooley in a neat speech thanked the Brethren for the honour conferred , and the warm reception the Brethren had that day given him .
Other toasts followed , including the Past and Present Prov . G . Officers , and responded to ; the Visitors , acknowledged by Bro . Watson , Prov . G . S . B . ; the Officers of the Lodge , responded tp by Bro . Reed , & c . The evening was much enlivened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Isaacs , Driver , Piper , Taylor , and Burn . At a late hour the Brethren retired , well pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . Rams & ate . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , Rarnsgate , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst , at
four o ' clock , to instal Bro . Hodge , who was the re-elected W . M . for the year . The installing Master was Bro . H . Boys , a member of the Lodge , who gave great satisfaction to the numerous Brethren present , by performing his duties in a most efficient manner . He likewise presented on behalf of the Brethren , a silver salver to Bro . B . Z . Hiscock , P . M . and Secretary to the Lodge , as a testimony of their great fraternal regard and respect , for his indefatigable zeal in Freemasonry . The re-election of Officers then took place as follows : —Bros . Stevens , S . W . ; Lefeckin , J . W . ; Beeching , Treas . ; B . Z . Hiscock , Sec . ; Cowley , S . D . ; Pinch , J . D . ; Cullen , I . G . ; Moyne , Tyler ; Newbery and Jensen , Stewards .
Bro . H . Boys's several addresses to the Officers of the Lodge were most impressive , given with great energy and ability , and reflected the greatest credit on the worthy installing Master . The W . M ., Bro . Hodge , initiated Charles James Palmer , Esq ., J . P ., Deputy-Lieutenant of the County of Berks , Dorney Court , Windsor , into the mysteries of Preemasonry . The Brethren , after the business of the evening was finished ,, retired to the banquet prepared for them at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , which gave universal satisfaction ; the Brethren were all delighted with their evening ' s entertainment , and parted in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
LANCASHIRE . Liverpool , — -Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The members of this well-worked Lodge met to celebrate St , John the Evangelist ' s Day , on the 22 nd of December ,, in their Lodge-room , 42 , Duke-street , which has been newly-painted and decorated , and reflects great credit on the artist for the taste and judgment displayed in the arrangements of the various emblems , and the chaste and delicate tints of the walls and furniture . This Lodge is and has been held for several years in private rooms , and will be so until the Masonic Hall is erected , to which
object the Brethren of this Lodge have subscribed the sum of nearly £ 300 . The chair was taken by Bro . ( 1 . Wilson , W . M ., at six o ' clock , and the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous repast , provided by Bro . Chenoweth . After grace , several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to in a manner usual among Masons . After a most delightful evening , spent in the most perfect harmony , the Brethren separated well-pleased with themselves and each other . Visitors : — Bros . Wade , W . M . No . 1026 ; Banister , W . M . No , 267 ; Jones , W . M . No . 263 ; ft 2