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Evans , W . M . No . 965 ; Neville , W . M . No . 880 ; Wood , No . 263 ; Atherton , No . 294 ; and Lyoh , No . 263 . The enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by the singing of Bros . Wood , Jones , Atherton , and Barton . Manchester . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 399 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated at the Masonic Lodge-rooms , Cross-street Chambers , on Thursday , the 7 th January . The Lodge was opened for business at four o ' clock , when a candidate was initiated into the Order . After which the solemn ceremony of installing
as W . M . for the ensuing year Bro . John Higginbottom , was performed by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M . Nos . 39 ^ -and 623 , assisted by Bros . John J . Lundy , P . M . No . 399 ; Charles Ellis , P . M . No . 246 ; Thomas Ledward , P . M . No . 407 ; J . L . Hine , P . M . No . 407 ; and . John Yarker , P . M . No . 623 . The Brethren having formed in procession , and saluted their new Master according to ancient
custom , he was pleased to appoint Bros . W . H . Bowers , S . W ., and Daniell , J . W . ; after which the Brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where a splendid banquet had been provided by Mrs . Hiley . As usual the Lodge was honoured by the presence of a number of distinguished Brethren from the sister Lodges in the neighbourhood . The Brethren separated at eleven o ' clock , after spending the evening in the greatest harmony .
SouTHPOET . —Lodge of Unity ( No . 889 ) . —On Monday , 28 th December , the Brethren belonging to this Lodge met to instal their newly-elected W . M ., Bro . George Woods , and to celebrate their festival of St . John . The Lodge , from the time of its institution , has been successful and flourishing both in numbers and attainments , and we understand that the Officers of the province who were in attendance highly- complimented the younger members on their efficiency . The election of Bro . Woods to the position of presiding officer , was welcomed as an honour due to that gentleman ' s warm interest in the Craft , and as an
acquisition to the influence and intelligence of the Lodge .. The imposing ceremony of installation was ably conducted by Bros . Bridson , Hamar , and Lambert , and the W . M . appointed and duly invested the following Officers : — Bros . Balph Holding , S . W . ; Gr . B . Scholes , J . W . ; John Aughton , S . D . ; Richard Johnson , J . D . ; James Hunt , Treas . ; John A . Robinson , Sec ; Henry Bailey , I . G . ; and J . Moyster , Tyler . Among the visiting Brethren were Bros . Henry Bridson , Bolton ; Rev . E . J . Lolling , Bolton ; H . Walter , Liverpool ; Robert Crenves , Liverpool ; J . Spencer , Ormskirk ; James Hamar , Prov . Gr . Dir . of Cer . ; Capt . Mawdsley , M . Simcock ,. J . Jones , & c . & c .
The banquet was quite worthy of the Scarisbrick Arms and its worthy host . Thirty Brethren sat down to dinner , several who had attended the Lodge being prevented from attending by private engagements , and by the circumstance of the railway time not suiting- their arrangements . Bro . Woods presided , and the subordinate Officers occupied their respective places in the Lodge . As the president , the W . M . proposed in succession the usual toasts . Bro . Lambert , betweerrthe toasts , sang " Come ye Masons , hither bring , " and Bro . James Hunt one of his favourite songs .
Bro . Hamar said that he rose with a great deal of pleasure to submit to the assembled Brethren the next toast , because in the course of his peregrinations in Masonry he had frequently visited the Lodge and associated with the individuals to whom he was about to refer . He had , with some slight exceptions—and there were always exceptions to every rule—found the greatest unanimity to prevail , and especially at the present time they seemed to be making most satisfactory progress in numbers and ability . He was glad to see the younger members
anxious to undertake and studious to qualify themselves for the principal offices , for it gave them a deeper interest in the institution when they had before them , as an object of laudable ambition , the honours of the chair . He wished the Lodge of Unity , No . 889 , every prosperity . He was happy to find that their funds were in a very flourishing condition , and he was proud to speak of his own personal cognisance of the high position which the Lodge and its members had attained . The Lodge had made one of its members a Life Governor of the Houthport Strangers' Charity in the person of the Rev . V . A . Mocatta , who was initiated ,
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Evans , W . M . No . 965 ; Neville , W . M . No . 880 ; Wood , No . 263 ; Atherton , No . 294 ; and Lyoh , No . 263 . The enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by the singing of Bros . Wood , Jones , Atherton , and Barton . Manchester . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 399 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated at the Masonic Lodge-rooms , Cross-street Chambers , on Thursday , the 7 th January . The Lodge was opened for business at four o ' clock , when a candidate was initiated into the Order . After which the solemn ceremony of installing
as W . M . for the ensuing year Bro . John Higginbottom , was performed by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M . Nos . 39 ^ -and 623 , assisted by Bros . John J . Lundy , P . M . No . 399 ; Charles Ellis , P . M . No . 246 ; Thomas Ledward , P . M . No . 407 ; J . L . Hine , P . M . No . 407 ; and . John Yarker , P . M . No . 623 . The Brethren having formed in procession , and saluted their new Master according to ancient
custom , he was pleased to appoint Bros . W . H . Bowers , S . W ., and Daniell , J . W . ; after which the Brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where a splendid banquet had been provided by Mrs . Hiley . As usual the Lodge was honoured by the presence of a number of distinguished Brethren from the sister Lodges in the neighbourhood . The Brethren separated at eleven o ' clock , after spending the evening in the greatest harmony .
SouTHPOET . —Lodge of Unity ( No . 889 ) . —On Monday , 28 th December , the Brethren belonging to this Lodge met to instal their newly-elected W . M ., Bro . George Woods , and to celebrate their festival of St . John . The Lodge , from the time of its institution , has been successful and flourishing both in numbers and attainments , and we understand that the Officers of the province who were in attendance highly- complimented the younger members on their efficiency . The election of Bro . Woods to the position of presiding officer , was welcomed as an honour due to that gentleman ' s warm interest in the Craft , and as an
acquisition to the influence and intelligence of the Lodge .. The imposing ceremony of installation was ably conducted by Bros . Bridson , Hamar , and Lambert , and the W . M . appointed and duly invested the following Officers : — Bros . Balph Holding , S . W . ; Gr . B . Scholes , J . W . ; John Aughton , S . D . ; Richard Johnson , J . D . ; James Hunt , Treas . ; John A . Robinson , Sec ; Henry Bailey , I . G . ; and J . Moyster , Tyler . Among the visiting Brethren were Bros . Henry Bridson , Bolton ; Rev . E . J . Lolling , Bolton ; H . Walter , Liverpool ; Robert Crenves , Liverpool ; J . Spencer , Ormskirk ; James Hamar , Prov . Gr . Dir . of Cer . ; Capt . Mawdsley , M . Simcock ,. J . Jones , & c . & c .
The banquet was quite worthy of the Scarisbrick Arms and its worthy host . Thirty Brethren sat down to dinner , several who had attended the Lodge being prevented from attending by private engagements , and by the circumstance of the railway time not suiting- their arrangements . Bro . Woods presided , and the subordinate Officers occupied their respective places in the Lodge . As the president , the W . M . proposed in succession the usual toasts . Bro . Lambert , betweerrthe toasts , sang " Come ye Masons , hither bring , " and Bro . James Hunt one of his favourite songs .
Bro . Hamar said that he rose with a great deal of pleasure to submit to the assembled Brethren the next toast , because in the course of his peregrinations in Masonry he had frequently visited the Lodge and associated with the individuals to whom he was about to refer . He had , with some slight exceptions—and there were always exceptions to every rule—found the greatest unanimity to prevail , and especially at the present time they seemed to be making most satisfactory progress in numbers and ability . He was glad to see the younger members
anxious to undertake and studious to qualify themselves for the principal offices , for it gave them a deeper interest in the institution when they had before them , as an object of laudable ambition , the honours of the chair . He wished the Lodge of Unity , No . 889 , every prosperity . He was happy to find that their funds were in a very flourishing condition , and he was proud to speak of his own personal cognisance of the high position which the Lodge and its members had attained . The Lodge had made one of its members a Life Governor of the Houthport Strangers' Charity in the person of the Rev . V . A . Mocatta , who was initiated ,