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who warmly eulogized the valuable services of Bro . Hunt in supplying funds when required . * Bro . Hunt , in a characteristic response , congratulated the Lodge on the present financial prosperity which they enjoyed , and assured them he should never be found a backslider . Bro . Ralph Holding then proposed the Secretary , and Bro . Robinson made a brief and effective reply . ¦
' " Our Absent Brethren was the last toast ; but prior to the closing of the Lodge , Bro . Lambert proposed that the best thanks of the members be presented to Bro . John Aughton , for the kind and affectionate memorial which he had , in a spirit of brotherly kindness , caused to be placed over the last resting-place of their deceased Bro . Towers , and that as a mark of the Lodge ' s appreciation of this truly Masonic act , this resolution be entered upon their ininutes . The resolution was duly seconded , and carried unanimously .
In the course of the evening , Bro . Professor Ewart gave the company some striking exhibitions of his surprising powers as a ventriloquist and a magician . So successfully did he imitate the voice of a suppositious messenger requiring one gentleman outside the door , that the Brother , not aware who the professor was , requested temporary leave of absence , and actually quitted the room , to return again amidst shouts of laughter .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Boston . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 339 ) . —At the monthly communication of this Lodge , holden on the 8 th ult ., Bro . Pocklington , W . M ., in the chair , Bro . Bo well was raised to the 3 rd Degree by the W . M . ; after which a discussion took place as to the proper mode of voting by ballot for the W . M ., some contending that the proper course was to propose and second such Brethren as were considered eligible , and then ballot for each separately , whilst others were of opinion
that the proper mode was for each Brother to write on a slip of paper , to be delivered to the W . M ., the name of the Brother he wished to vote for : and it was ultimately decided to take the ballot in that way , when Bro . S . B . Roberts ( S . W . ) , was , with one dissentient , unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . D . Jackson , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Clayton , P . M ., Tyler . It was also unanimously resolved that Brethren , on taking office , should pay certain fees on investment , such fees to be exclusively applied for the purchase of regalia , furniture , & c .
The festival of St . John was celebrated on the 30 th ult . ; Bro . Roberts was installed W . M . of the Lodge by Bro . Pocklington , W . M ' ., who then immediately invested Bro . Pocklington as the immediate P . M ., and the following Brethren his other officers , W . Clegg , S . W . ; Waghorn , J . W . ; Hackford , Sec . ; Kent , S . D . ; Bland , J . D . ; Lewin and Lock , Stewards , * and Marjason , I . G . The Brethren then adjourned to Bro . Jackson ' s , host of the Peacock Hotel , where upwards of thirty sat down to a most splendid banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in harmony and fraternal festivity .
Spalding . —Hundred ofEUoe Lodge ( No . 690 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated on the 28 th ult . by the installation of Bro . Charles Ridgway as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Pocklington , P . M . of the Lodge , and W . M . of 339 ( Boston ) . The W . M . appointed Bros . Bates ( P . M . ) , S . W . ; Preston , J . W . ; and Williamson ( P . M . ) , Sec . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to Bro . Bingham ' s , host of the White Hart Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet .
Sklsby . —Slialccspear Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —This Lodge met on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., in due form , to instal Bro , Fred . Bainey as W . M . for the ensuing year , lie afterwards appointed as his Officers Bros . S . Shaw , S . W . ; S . Brown , J . W . ; J . Cholmeley , S . D . ; J . Cocking , J . D . ; Geo . Smith , Sec . ; and P . Lincoln , I . G . After the ceremony the Brethren assembled at the White Hart Inn , and , after an hour or two of unalloyed enjoyment , separated in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
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who warmly eulogized the valuable services of Bro . Hunt in supplying funds when required . * Bro . Hunt , in a characteristic response , congratulated the Lodge on the present financial prosperity which they enjoyed , and assured them he should never be found a backslider . Bro . Ralph Holding then proposed the Secretary , and Bro . Robinson made a brief and effective reply . ¦
' " Our Absent Brethren was the last toast ; but prior to the closing of the Lodge , Bro . Lambert proposed that the best thanks of the members be presented to Bro . John Aughton , for the kind and affectionate memorial which he had , in a spirit of brotherly kindness , caused to be placed over the last resting-place of their deceased Bro . Towers , and that as a mark of the Lodge ' s appreciation of this truly Masonic act , this resolution be entered upon their ininutes . The resolution was duly seconded , and carried unanimously .
In the course of the evening , Bro . Professor Ewart gave the company some striking exhibitions of his surprising powers as a ventriloquist and a magician . So successfully did he imitate the voice of a suppositious messenger requiring one gentleman outside the door , that the Brother , not aware who the professor was , requested temporary leave of absence , and actually quitted the room , to return again amidst shouts of laughter .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Boston . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 339 ) . —At the monthly communication of this Lodge , holden on the 8 th ult ., Bro . Pocklington , W . M ., in the chair , Bro . Bo well was raised to the 3 rd Degree by the W . M . ; after which a discussion took place as to the proper mode of voting by ballot for the W . M ., some contending that the proper course was to propose and second such Brethren as were considered eligible , and then ballot for each separately , whilst others were of opinion
that the proper mode was for each Brother to write on a slip of paper , to be delivered to the W . M ., the name of the Brother he wished to vote for : and it was ultimately decided to take the ballot in that way , when Bro . S . B . Roberts ( S . W . ) , was , with one dissentient , unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . D . Jackson , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Clayton , P . M ., Tyler . It was also unanimously resolved that Brethren , on taking office , should pay certain fees on investment , such fees to be exclusively applied for the purchase of regalia , furniture , & c .
The festival of St . John was celebrated on the 30 th ult . ; Bro . Roberts was installed W . M . of the Lodge by Bro . Pocklington , W . M ' ., who then immediately invested Bro . Pocklington as the immediate P . M ., and the following Brethren his other officers , W . Clegg , S . W . ; Waghorn , J . W . ; Hackford , Sec . ; Kent , S . D . ; Bland , J . D . ; Lewin and Lock , Stewards , * and Marjason , I . G . The Brethren then adjourned to Bro . Jackson ' s , host of the Peacock Hotel , where upwards of thirty sat down to a most splendid banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in harmony and fraternal festivity .
Spalding . —Hundred ofEUoe Lodge ( No . 690 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated on the 28 th ult . by the installation of Bro . Charles Ridgway as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Pocklington , P . M . of the Lodge , and W . M . of 339 ( Boston ) . The W . M . appointed Bros . Bates ( P . M . ) , S . W . ; Preston , J . W . ; and Williamson ( P . M . ) , Sec . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to Bro . Bingham ' s , host of the White Hart Hotel , and partook of an excellent banquet .
Sklsby . —Slialccspear Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —This Lodge met on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., in due form , to instal Bro , Fred . Bainey as W . M . for the ensuing year , lie afterwards appointed as his Officers Bros . S . Shaw , S . W . ; S . Brown , J . W . ; J . Cholmeley , S . D . ; J . Cocking , J . D . ; Geo . Smith , Sec . ; and P . Lincoln , I . G . After the ceremony the Brethren assembled at the White Hart Inn , and , after an hour or two of unalloyed enjoyment , separated in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .