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the St . Mary ' s Lodge . " The visitors promptly obeyed Bro . Hervey ' s call , and with a hearty fire hailed the toast . " The Healths of the Brethren recently initiated" was received with due honour . Bro . Burton , B . M ., solicited the W . M . to beg Bro . Skelton would gratify the Brethren by singing their old favourite song of " Troll , troll , the bonny brown bowl , " which that worthy Brother did to the great delight of every one . " The Treasurer and Secretary" was duly honoured and responded to . To " The ¦ 'Charities , " Bro . Crew was , as he at all times is , most
eloquent ; and more especially addressing his observations to those members who had recently entered the Order , that from the earliest date In Masonry there had always been a thought for charity , and the true Mason , amidst troubles and difficulties , never forgot this , the greatest claim oh his sympathy . He therefore desired to impress on the minds of those young Masons , that hi entering into Masonry they had a . great duty to discharge . " You may say you are of a grade not likely to require its benefit—but I say , and could bring forward many cases that have come to my knowledge—but that they do not need to be pressed
herethat no one knows when he or his children may require the aid of the charities . In speaking of the Girls' School , with which I am particularly connected , I acknowledge , W . M ., with gratitude , the benefits we have from No . 76 ; I am pleased to be present on this occasion , and gratified at seeing the number of excellent Masons assembled to greet you . " After the customary concluding toast , the Brethren separated , every one highly gratified with the evening ' s proceedings . We are not able to furnish the names of all the visitors , but besides Bros . Giraud , Hervey , and Crewe , Bros . B . W . Wheeler , W . B . Graham , E . E . Leeks , J . How , Neltner , Biehardson , W . P . Scott , Ambronsoni , Measor , & c .
Lodge of Brospeeitt ( No . 7 S ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Friday , 20 th March , at the White Hart Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , when the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Palmer , very ably initiated a gentleman into our Order , and then resigned the chair to Bro . II . A . Isaacs , P . M . No . 247 , who raised a Brother to the 3 rd Degree in a manner , rarely equalled , certainly never surpassed . A testimonial was presented to Bro . H . Thomas , P . M ., written by Bro . Barnes , and most beautifully 2 nounted by Bro . Leman . The Brethren then adjourned to the banquet , to which ample justice was done . After the usual toasts and some very excellent singing , they separated , highly pleased with all they had seen and heard .
Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —The Brethren met on Tuesday , April 7 , when two gentlemen were initiated , two Brothers passed to the 2 nd Degree , and a third raised . The Honorary Secretary , Bro . Beard , informed the W . M . and Brethren that he had a surplus from the late ball of £ 18 15 s . for Masonic charities , and a proposition was unanimously carried , agreeing to divide that sum between the Boys' School and the Asylum . A proposition was made by Bro . Christie , and
unanimously adopted , awarding a vote of thanks to the Secretary and the Stewards of the ball for their exertions in connection therewith . Upwards of forty Brethren banqueted together , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Charles Bloman , W . Carpenter , Haydon , Brett , Saqui , and Foster . The evening was much enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Charles Sloman , Newhy , and Tutill .
London Lodge ( No . 125 ) .- —The monthly meeting- of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Saturday , the 4 th April , Bro . Bowman . in the chair , who initiated a gentleman from Liverpool into the Order , passed Bro . Carey to the Degree of a B . C ., and raised Bro . Cox to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The whole of the ceremonies were performed by the W . M . with his accustomed ability and taste . The office of S . W ., which had been left open for Bro . Biehardson , was , in consequence of that Brother ' s non-attendance , transferred to Bro . Fawcett , who was also absent ; the W . M . then appointed Bro . Cox , S . I ) ., and Bro . Oram , J . D .
Lodqk of Goon Report ( Fo . 158 ) . —The members of this Lodge mot on Thursday , the 2 nd of April , at Radley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street , for thorns tallation of the W . M " . elect , Bro . Newman Ward . At six o ' clock there was a goodly muster of Brethren , and amongst others the worthy Bro . O-. W . K . Totter ,
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the St . Mary ' s Lodge . " The visitors promptly obeyed Bro . Hervey ' s call , and with a hearty fire hailed the toast . " The Healths of the Brethren recently initiated" was received with due honour . Bro . Burton , B . M ., solicited the W . M . to beg Bro . Skelton would gratify the Brethren by singing their old favourite song of " Troll , troll , the bonny brown bowl , " which that worthy Brother did to the great delight of every one . " The Treasurer and Secretary" was duly honoured and responded to . To " The ¦ 'Charities , " Bro . Crew was , as he at all times is , most
eloquent ; and more especially addressing his observations to those members who had recently entered the Order , that from the earliest date In Masonry there had always been a thought for charity , and the true Mason , amidst troubles and difficulties , never forgot this , the greatest claim oh his sympathy . He therefore desired to impress on the minds of those young Masons , that hi entering into Masonry they had a . great duty to discharge . " You may say you are of a grade not likely to require its benefit—but I say , and could bring forward many cases that have come to my knowledge—but that they do not need to be pressed
herethat no one knows when he or his children may require the aid of the charities . In speaking of the Girls' School , with which I am particularly connected , I acknowledge , W . M ., with gratitude , the benefits we have from No . 76 ; I am pleased to be present on this occasion , and gratified at seeing the number of excellent Masons assembled to greet you . " After the customary concluding toast , the Brethren separated , every one highly gratified with the evening ' s proceedings . We are not able to furnish the names of all the visitors , but besides Bros . Giraud , Hervey , and Crewe , Bros . B . W . Wheeler , W . B . Graham , E . E . Leeks , J . How , Neltner , Biehardson , W . P . Scott , Ambronsoni , Measor , & c .
Lodge of Brospeeitt ( No . 7 S ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Friday , 20 th March , at the White Hart Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , when the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Palmer , very ably initiated a gentleman into our Order , and then resigned the chair to Bro . II . A . Isaacs , P . M . No . 247 , who raised a Brother to the 3 rd Degree in a manner , rarely equalled , certainly never surpassed . A testimonial was presented to Bro . H . Thomas , P . M ., written by Bro . Barnes , and most beautifully 2 nounted by Bro . Leman . The Brethren then adjourned to the banquet , to which ample justice was done . After the usual toasts and some very excellent singing , they separated , highly pleased with all they had seen and heard .
Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —The Brethren met on Tuesday , April 7 , when two gentlemen were initiated , two Brothers passed to the 2 nd Degree , and a third raised . The Honorary Secretary , Bro . Beard , informed the W . M . and Brethren that he had a surplus from the late ball of £ 18 15 s . for Masonic charities , and a proposition was unanimously carried , agreeing to divide that sum between the Boys' School and the Asylum . A proposition was made by Bro . Christie , and
unanimously adopted , awarding a vote of thanks to the Secretary and the Stewards of the ball for their exertions in connection therewith . Upwards of forty Brethren banqueted together , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Charles Bloman , W . Carpenter , Haydon , Brett , Saqui , and Foster . The evening was much enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Charles Sloman , Newhy , and Tutill .
London Lodge ( No . 125 ) .- —The monthly meeting- of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Saturday , the 4 th April , Bro . Bowman . in the chair , who initiated a gentleman from Liverpool into the Order , passed Bro . Carey to the Degree of a B . C ., and raised Bro . Cox to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The whole of the ceremonies were performed by the W . M . with his accustomed ability and taste . The office of S . W ., which had been left open for Bro . Biehardson , was , in consequence of that Brother ' s non-attendance , transferred to Bro . Fawcett , who was also absent ; the W . M . then appointed Bro . Cox , S . I ) ., and Bro . Oram , J . D .
Lodqk of Goon Report ( Fo . 158 ) . —The members of this Lodge mot on Thursday , the 2 nd of April , at Radley ' s Hotel , in New Bridge-street , for thorns tallation of the W . M " . elect , Bro . Newman Ward . At six o ' clock there was a goodly muster of Brethren , and amongst others the worthy Bro . O-. W . K . Totter ,