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The Craft And The Irish Peasantry.
BY BE 0 . THE BEV . J . KINGSTON " . Strange notions respecting Freemasonry prevail in the Emerald Isle . Some months since , when spending a few days with a clerical brother in the picturesque neighbourhood of Baatry Bay , I was solicited by hirn to exhibit a few of the phenomena of mesmerisma science to which , I may remark en passant . I am very much
attached , and which , I hesitate not to assert , demands the calm and dispassionate investigation of every member of a brotherhood which , like ours , has for its object the advancement of the human race in * light" and knowledge . Great was the astonishment of the simple rustics whom the good clergyman had permitted to fill his parlour and to gaze in at the open window , when they saw individual after individual brought under a potent influence which , at one time
" charmed the blood with pleading heaviness , " at another , evoked tears and smiles , at the will of the operator ; now , causing the subject to beliey ^ himself one of the domestic animals , and anon , to fancy himself a policeman , a soldier , a prima donna , a dandy , a beggarman , a lawyer , a physician—and all these wondrous effects produced upon their fathers , brothers , sisters , daughters , sons . By what power were these astounding contradictions to their every day experience accomplished—was it of this world , or the next ? Was it from heaven , or from hell— -from Cod or Beelzebub ? No one who has witnessed
the awe inspiring facts of animal magnetism , will be astonished to find that such questionings as these occupied the minds of the simple peasants . Ancl how do you think they solved the mighty mystery ? Why , the discovery by one of the lucky wights that the operator was a Freemason cleared away all the difficulties from the subject . " Sure , a Freemason can raise the devil , " is a common saying in the south of
Ireland . I had , therefore , henceforth , the unenviable reputation of performing miracles by Satanic authority conferred upon me when I became a Freemason . These poor creatures have also the most unbounded credulity in the power of their priests , which they assert is always used for the good and true ; whilst , on the contrary , ours ( the Freemasons' ) is wielded for evil . Let us endeavour to show them their mistake by the lovo which
we manifest for their never dying souls , in disseminating amongst them that volume of the Sacred Law , which always lies open on our altar , and which we are desirous should be read by every son and daughter of Adam .
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The Craft And The Irish Peasantry.
BY BE 0 . THE BEV . J . KINGSTON " . Strange notions respecting Freemasonry prevail in the Emerald Isle . Some months since , when spending a few days with a clerical brother in the picturesque neighbourhood of Baatry Bay , I was solicited by hirn to exhibit a few of the phenomena of mesmerisma science to which , I may remark en passant . I am very much
attached , and which , I hesitate not to assert , demands the calm and dispassionate investigation of every member of a brotherhood which , like ours , has for its object the advancement of the human race in * light" and knowledge . Great was the astonishment of the simple rustics whom the good clergyman had permitted to fill his parlour and to gaze in at the open window , when they saw individual after individual brought under a potent influence which , at one time
" charmed the blood with pleading heaviness , " at another , evoked tears and smiles , at the will of the operator ; now , causing the subject to beliey ^ himself one of the domestic animals , and anon , to fancy himself a policeman , a soldier , a prima donna , a dandy , a beggarman , a lawyer , a physician—and all these wondrous effects produced upon their fathers , brothers , sisters , daughters , sons . By what power were these astounding contradictions to their every day experience accomplished—was it of this world , or the next ? Was it from heaven , or from hell— -from Cod or Beelzebub ? No one who has witnessed
the awe inspiring facts of animal magnetism , will be astonished to find that such questionings as these occupied the minds of the simple peasants . Ancl how do you think they solved the mighty mystery ? Why , the discovery by one of the lucky wights that the operator was a Freemason cleared away all the difficulties from the subject . " Sure , a Freemason can raise the devil , " is a common saying in the south of
Ireland . I had , therefore , henceforth , the unenviable reputation of performing miracles by Satanic authority conferred upon me when I became a Freemason . These poor creatures have also the most unbounded credulity in the power of their priests , which they assert is always used for the good and true ; whilst , on the contrary , ours ( the Freemasons' ) is wielded for evil . Let us endeavour to show them their mistake by the lovo which
we manifest for their never dying souls , in disseminating amongst them that volume of the Sacred Law , which always lies open on our altar , and which we are desirous should be read by every son and daughter of Adam .