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The Masonic Mirror
APPOINTMENTS . Wednesday * i 5 £ ft .- ~ lodges , St . ( xebrge ' s ( 164 ) , Trafalgar Tavern , Greenwiclt ; Beadon ( 902 ) , Star and Cfe ^ TkwMay , l 6 £ / i . ~ Chapter , Y ^ Friday , 17 ^ . ^ rosperity ( 78 ) , White 5 Saturday , lS £# . ^ Paih ] a ^ Monday . 2 Qta . — -Lodge , Panmure ( 1022 ) , Swan Inn , Stbekwell . Chapter , Joppa ( 223 ) , Seyd ' s
Hotel / Emshury . ; y / y *; -y-yVyy Tuesdayy 21 s 2 . —• Lodges , Miount Lebanon ( 87 ) , Green Man ^ Tooley Street ; Camden ( 1006 ) Assembly Souse , Kentish Town . Chapter , Mount Sinai ( # ) / Windsor Castie , V ^ iixhall Road , Board of G-erieral Purposes , at 3 . Wednesday ^ House , Walworth . Lodge of Benevolencej at 7 . '¦ :, ' ., : ¦ ... ¦ - ¦¦ ; Thursday , 23 rd .- —House Committee Girls School , at 4 Friday , 24 . ^ . —House Committee Boys School , at 4 .
[ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month .
Vitruvian Lodge . ( No . 103 ) . —This Lodge met , for the first night of the season , at Bro . HeppeTs , White Hart , College Street , Lambeth , on Wednesday , September 8 th . There was , for this Lodge , rather a scarcity of work , owing to the departure of the Brother who stood on the books for raising , to Constantinople , and the gentleman who was expected for initiation not beingjable to attend ; the W . M . had therefore only Bro . Johnston to pass to the degree of Fellow Craft , which ceremony was ably performed . After labour the Brethren proceeded to refresh themselves with
that substantial cheer in which it is saifi our ancient Brethren so much delighted . When the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , the W . M . Bro . Harnor proposed the health of a visitor , Bro . Poletti , of the Domatie Lodge , whom the Brethren had met so frequently and always met with the greatest pleasure . Bro . Poletti in returning thanks expressed the very great pleasure he felt in revisiting the Lodge , it being composed of some of his oldest and most valued friends in Freemasonry . After drinking the healths ofthe W . M ., Officers , and Past Masters , which toasts were interspersed with some excellent singing , the Brethren separated , each pleased in seeing his fellows so happy around him .
St . Luke ' s Lodge ( No . 168 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , Sept . 6 th , at the ( jjommercial Hall , Chelsea , Bro . B . Collard , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bro . Tyrrell , P . M . ; Bro . Piatt , S . D . ; and by visitors , Bro . Watson , P . M . 23 ; Woodstock , W . M ., No . 1 , 051 ; P . Christensen , P . M ., No . 204 ; Turner , ( Westbourne Lodge ) , and others . Lodge being opened , the following business was transacted : —Mr . W . John Gross was initiated , Bros . W . Smith and Heather advanced to the second degree , and Bros . Denny and Haskins raised to the degree of W . M ., the ceremonies being admirably performed b y the W . M ., whose Masonic ability is too well known to need comment . The election of Master for the ensuing twelve
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The Masonic Mirror
APPOINTMENTS . Wednesday * i 5 £ ft .- ~ lodges , St . ( xebrge ' s ( 164 ) , Trafalgar Tavern , Greenwiclt ; Beadon ( 902 ) , Star and Cfe ^ TkwMay , l 6 £ / i . ~ Chapter , Y ^ Friday , 17 ^ . ^ rosperity ( 78 ) , White 5 Saturday , lS £# . ^ Paih ] a ^ Monday . 2 Qta . — -Lodge , Panmure ( 1022 ) , Swan Inn , Stbekwell . Chapter , Joppa ( 223 ) , Seyd ' s
Hotel / Emshury . ; y / y *; -y-yVyy Tuesdayy 21 s 2 . —• Lodges , Miount Lebanon ( 87 ) , Green Man ^ Tooley Street ; Camden ( 1006 ) Assembly Souse , Kentish Town . Chapter , Mount Sinai ( # ) / Windsor Castie , V ^ iixhall Road , Board of G-erieral Purposes , at 3 . Wednesday ^ House , Walworth . Lodge of Benevolencej at 7 . '¦ :, ' ., : ¦ ... ¦ - ¦¦ ; Thursday , 23 rd .- —House Committee Girls School , at 4 Friday , 24 . ^ . —House Committee Boys School , at 4 .
[ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month .
Vitruvian Lodge . ( No . 103 ) . —This Lodge met , for the first night of the season , at Bro . HeppeTs , White Hart , College Street , Lambeth , on Wednesday , September 8 th . There was , for this Lodge , rather a scarcity of work , owing to the departure of the Brother who stood on the books for raising , to Constantinople , and the gentleman who was expected for initiation not beingjable to attend ; the W . M . had therefore only Bro . Johnston to pass to the degree of Fellow Craft , which ceremony was ably performed . After labour the Brethren proceeded to refresh themselves with
that substantial cheer in which it is saifi our ancient Brethren so much delighted . When the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , the W . M . Bro . Harnor proposed the health of a visitor , Bro . Poletti , of the Domatie Lodge , whom the Brethren had met so frequently and always met with the greatest pleasure . Bro . Poletti in returning thanks expressed the very great pleasure he felt in revisiting the Lodge , it being composed of some of his oldest and most valued friends in Freemasonry . After drinking the healths ofthe W . M ., Officers , and Past Masters , which toasts were interspersed with some excellent singing , the Brethren separated , each pleased in seeing his fellows so happy around him .
St . Luke ' s Lodge ( No . 168 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , Sept . 6 th , at the ( jjommercial Hall , Chelsea , Bro . B . Collard , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bro . Tyrrell , P . M . ; Bro . Piatt , S . D . ; and by visitors , Bro . Watson , P . M . 23 ; Woodstock , W . M ., No . 1 , 051 ; P . Christensen , P . M ., No . 204 ; Turner , ( Westbourne Lodge ) , and others . Lodge being opened , the following business was transacted : —Mr . W . John Gross was initiated , Bros . W . Smith and Heather advanced to the second degree , and Bros . Denny and Haskins raised to the degree of W . M ., the ceremonies being admirably performed b y the W . M ., whose Masonic ability is too well known to need comment . The election of Master for the ensuing twelve