Article THE MASOIIC 1IRE0E ← Page 2 of 4 →
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The Masoiic 1ire0e
months was then proceeded with , and was in favour of Bro . John Todd . Bro . Waite was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . No well > Tyler . Business concluded , the Brethren were invited to banquet by the W . M ., which gave general satisfaction . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) .--This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Holly Bush Tavefri , Kampstead , oii T ^ e ^ day ^ the ? th inst ^ W . Johnson , presided , assisted by Bros . Oorineky S . W . ; J . ft . Smith , J . W . i Hazard , P . M . and Treasurer ; Aldrieh , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; Hart" S . D . ; Pritchard , J . D . ; Houghton , I . G . pro . tern . ; among the Past Masters present we noticed Bros .
Hamilton ; Sherry ; Adams ; Thompson ; Adlarot ; Pitt , & c ., & c . ; Bros . Stopher ; Di \ Winter ; B . Winter ; W . H . Jones ; Mathews ; Redmond ; Giltro ; Dale ; Ware ; Clark ; Capt . Thompson ; Holloway , & c ., & e . Visitors , Bros . J . Smith , G . P . ; G . Smith , No . 23 - Buss , P . M ^¦ ¦ N eb -2 f ; "' fhMp ^ o % No . 306 ; Ireland , & c , & e . The minutes of the last Lodge , and a dispensation from the M . W . Grand Master for initiating six gentlemen that evening , having been read , those gentlemen were
balloted for , and severally elected . The Brethren balloted for W . M . and Treas for the year ensuing , whenBro . Cornick was declared duly elected W . M . ( twenty-two votes being in his iav 0 u ; ry . ^ Bro Hazard , P . M ., was unanimousl y re-elected Treasurer f % o . Matfows was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ; Brb ^ H ^ degree of bellow Craft . Four candidates for initia ^ iOn ^^ Mes srs . John Dav iesV Eich ^
Joseph Slagg , and Thos . Tyrei ^ ^ Order . Some propositions for Mtiatioti the Lodge closed , the Brethren retired from labour to a well ! served bai < pet ; the W „ M * presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts w ere * giterr aiid responded to . Bro . Smith , Q . Burst ., returned tha , nks fbrthb GraM ( M the great satisfaction with which he had observed the excelleht working of the W . M . ; ¦ indeed , he might observe that , jfeqti 6 nt as his visits Bad bfeeii to tliat Lodge , he had never witnessed greater accuracy in performing the ceremonies in any Lodge than in that of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 ; the various Brethren were perfect in their duties and shed ftistfe ' iipon the Lodge . The health of the initiates was responded to by Bro . Slagg , in a neat and becoming speech . Bro . Smith , G . Purst , returned thanks for the visitors in an amusing speech , assuring the Brethren , that he was never more delighted than in visiting St . John ' s Lodge . Bro . Hazard proposed the health of the W . M . and as that respected Brother had
taken unto himself a wife since he last presided at the Lodge , he took obcasion to allude to the subject . The W . M . briefly replied- He said he was wedded to that chair in October last , and since then had spent a ba / ppy year with that wife aiid her very numerous family . He trusted that the bedding to # hi < ih Bro . Hazard had alluded , Would prove quite as happy , and far more lasting . Bro . Hamilton represented the Past Masters ; and Bros . Aldrieh and Pritchard the officers of the Lodge . The health of Bro . Dale , was proposed , and heartily responded to . We understand a large attendance of visiting Brethren is expected at the installation
on the 5 th of O October : several Grand Officers , intend to be present afirl Bro . JJ . T T . on the 5 th ot ctober ; several Grand Officers , intend to be present and Bro . . . Smith , Prov . G . M . for Australia , whom the members highly esteeni , not only for his great knowledge of Freemasonry , but because he has rendered great service to members of the Lodge , whilst acting in the capacity of mayor of Melbourne . ' High Ciioss Lodge ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —This Lodge met , for the first time since its consecration , on Friday , September 10 th , at the Eailway Hotel , Part Station , Tottenham , the W . M ., Bro . I ) . S . Potts presiding , supported by Bros . Wilson , S . W . ; Anderson , J . W . ; Wright , S . D . ; Arliss , J . t > . ; Hart , Secretary ; Dominy , Treasurer ;
and many others . The minutes of the last meeting were read , upon which the W . M . said— "That , prior to putting them for confirmation , it was his duty to read a letter from Grand Lodge ; the G . Sec . stating therein , that he bad had the honour of placing before the E . W . G . M , the amplication for a dispensation for Bi-o . Dominy to hold tlie office of Treasurer . The Book of Constitutions provided thai no office whatever ( without such authority ) should be held by the master of the hotase in which the Lodge was held ; but the Earl of Zetland , " continued the W . M ,, " saw no just cause for such dispensation ^ aiid consequently declined to grant it They had no right to question the tetisom fqv th & 0 . Mv dtfGlMing to accede to tMfc
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The Masoiic 1ire0e
months was then proceeded with , and was in favour of Bro . John Todd . Bro . Waite was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . No well > Tyler . Business concluded , the Brethren were invited to banquet by the W . M ., which gave general satisfaction . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) .--This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Holly Bush Tavefri , Kampstead , oii T ^ e ^ day ^ the ? th inst ^ W . Johnson , presided , assisted by Bros . Oorineky S . W . ; J . ft . Smith , J . W . i Hazard , P . M . and Treasurer ; Aldrieh , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; Hart" S . D . ; Pritchard , J . D . ; Houghton , I . G . pro . tern . ; among the Past Masters present we noticed Bros .
Hamilton ; Sherry ; Adams ; Thompson ; Adlarot ; Pitt , & c ., & c . ; Bros . Stopher ; Di \ Winter ; B . Winter ; W . H . Jones ; Mathews ; Redmond ; Giltro ; Dale ; Ware ; Clark ; Capt . Thompson ; Holloway , & c ., & e . Visitors , Bros . J . Smith , G . P . ; G . Smith , No . 23 - Buss , P . M ^¦ ¦ N eb -2 f ; "' fhMp ^ o % No . 306 ; Ireland , & c , & e . The minutes of the last Lodge , and a dispensation from the M . W . Grand Master for initiating six gentlemen that evening , having been read , those gentlemen were
balloted for , and severally elected . The Brethren balloted for W . M . and Treas for the year ensuing , whenBro . Cornick was declared duly elected W . M . ( twenty-two votes being in his iav 0 u ; ry . ^ Bro Hazard , P . M ., was unanimousl y re-elected Treasurer f % o . Matfows was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ; Brb ^ H ^ degree of bellow Craft . Four candidates for initia ^ iOn ^^ Mes srs . John Dav iesV Eich ^
Joseph Slagg , and Thos . Tyrei ^ ^ Order . Some propositions for Mtiatioti the Lodge closed , the Brethren retired from labour to a well ! served bai < pet ; the W „ M * presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts w ere * giterr aiid responded to . Bro . Smith , Q . Burst ., returned tha , nks fbrthb GraM ( M the great satisfaction with which he had observed the excelleht working of the W . M . ; ¦ indeed , he might observe that , jfeqti 6 nt as his visits Bad bfeeii to tliat Lodge , he had never witnessed greater accuracy in performing the ceremonies in any Lodge than in that of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 ; the various Brethren were perfect in their duties and shed ftistfe ' iipon the Lodge . The health of the initiates was responded to by Bro . Slagg , in a neat and becoming speech . Bro . Smith , G . Purst , returned thanks for the visitors in an amusing speech , assuring the Brethren , that he was never more delighted than in visiting St . John ' s Lodge . Bro . Hazard proposed the health of the W . M . and as that respected Brother had
taken unto himself a wife since he last presided at the Lodge , he took obcasion to allude to the subject . The W . M . briefly replied- He said he was wedded to that chair in October last , and since then had spent a ba / ppy year with that wife aiid her very numerous family . He trusted that the bedding to # hi < ih Bro . Hazard had alluded , Would prove quite as happy , and far more lasting . Bro . Hamilton represented the Past Masters ; and Bros . Aldrieh and Pritchard the officers of the Lodge . The health of Bro . Dale , was proposed , and heartily responded to . We understand a large attendance of visiting Brethren is expected at the installation
on the 5 th of O October : several Grand Officers , intend to be present afirl Bro . JJ . T T . on the 5 th ot ctober ; several Grand Officers , intend to be present and Bro . . . Smith , Prov . G . M . for Australia , whom the members highly esteeni , not only for his great knowledge of Freemasonry , but because he has rendered great service to members of the Lodge , whilst acting in the capacity of mayor of Melbourne . ' High Ciioss Lodge ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —This Lodge met , for the first time since its consecration , on Friday , September 10 th , at the Eailway Hotel , Part Station , Tottenham , the W . M ., Bro . I ) . S . Potts presiding , supported by Bros . Wilson , S . W . ; Anderson , J . W . ; Wright , S . D . ; Arliss , J . t > . ; Hart , Secretary ; Dominy , Treasurer ;
and many others . The minutes of the last meeting were read , upon which the W . M . said— "That , prior to putting them for confirmation , it was his duty to read a letter from Grand Lodge ; the G . Sec . stating therein , that he bad had the honour of placing before the E . W . G . M , the amplication for a dispensation for Bi-o . Dominy to hold tlie office of Treasurer . The Book of Constitutions provided thai no office whatever ( without such authority ) should be held by the master of the hotase in which the Lodge was held ; but the Earl of Zetland , " continued the W . M ,, " saw no just cause for such dispensation ^ aiid consequently declined to grant it They had no right to question the tetisom fqv th & 0 . Mv dtfGlMing to accede to tMfc