Article THE MASOIIC 1IRE0E ← Page 3 of 4 →
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The Masoiic 1ire0e
wishes , He was ! their acknowledged head , and , as such , the Brethren were bound to respect his judgment . They niust now elect a , new Treasurer . Bro . Dominy , having obtained permission , addressed the chairy stating , as one of the founders of the Lodge , he felt a pride in being one of its officers , and being aware , a . few days since , of this tinfevdurable repl ^ he had disposed of the lease of the house hi which the ^ were assembl ed ; SO that . With the sanGtiOii of the Brethren , lie would
continue to hold the bffice the | had elected Jhini to , for in a few days he should c £ as 6 to be the Mhdlord of tM Railway-Stdtel . '' - The W . M . said Bro . Dominy would for the present h 6 id tli <* office pro tent ., as ail election must take place at the next meeting , the previous election being null and . void . This business being disposed oft Bro . Hart proposed Mr . Lima , of Tottenham , for initiation at the next meeting ; and Bro . Dominy proposed t ^ at & o . J ohn Hervey ^ P . B . G . D ., should be solicited to become an honorary taetiiber of the Lcidge as a mark of respect for his
services at the consecration , & c >* \ vhicli proposition was iinaiiiniously carried There being no further bushiest , the > W . M . said , before closing the Lo & gej he Would put th £ usual ([ Questions to twb of the initiate ^ Btds . W & l d eii and Smith , who wei'e now present ; and th ^ having been satis & Ctorily given , Bro . Wilson very tastefuliy gate ^ the first section of the first lecture in the a ^ pfentice degree * afterwhich , Bro . Potts addressed the new niembers in an impressive manner , concluding in these words i ^ " Convince the world , my bretkreli , that you
never forget the ties which bind yoil to honour and to justice . View not with indifference the extensive connection you haye formed , but let uiiiversa . 1 benevolence regulate your conduct . Ever remember the ceremony of your initiation ; learn to bridle your tongue , .. and to govern your passions , and , ere long , each of you will have occasion to say , ' In becoming a Mason * I truly became the man , and I will never disgrace a jewel that kings may prize . ''* Lodge was then closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , provided by Bro . Dominy , who , in returning thanks , as the host , said it would be the last time he should address them in that capacity , but , for the future , he would devote all his energies for the welfare of the High Cross Lodge . A pleasant evening was spent , and the Brethren returned to town at ten o ' clock ,
INSTRUCTION , Albion Lodge . —( No . 9 . )—This Lodge held the first meeting for the season , on the 5 th inst ., Bro . Barnshaw presiding as W . M ., supported by Bro , Collard , W . M ., ( No 168 ) as S . W ., and Bro . Simpson ( No . 211 ) , as J . W . ; Bros . Woodstock . W . M ., ( No . 1050 ) ; Blackburn , P . M . ( No . 196 ) , and Walkley , acting as S . D . J . D , andl . G . The first ceremony was worked and the sections of the lecture given , the questions being put by Bro . Harrison , P . M . ( No . 202 ) . During the evening a letter was read
frorn Bro . Stacey , expressing his regret that circumstances compelled him to retire from the office of Secretary . The resignation was accepted ; Bro . Collard proposing , and Bro , John Gurton seconding , a That a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes ofthe Lodge to Bro . Stacey , as & mark of respect to him , and to show the brethren ' s appreciation of his services . " The motion was carried unanimously , and Bro . Thomas ( of 219 ) consented to act as Secretary jpro . tern . The brethren present , besides the officers , were—Bros . Allen , P . M . ( No . 165 ) ; Queely , P . M . ( No . 219 ); Watson , P . M . ( No . 23 ); Haskins ( No . 168 ) ; Dale , P . M . ( No . 168 ) ; Daintree ( No . 211 ); Sedgwick ( No . 211 ) ; Dethier ( So . 211 ) , fee .
Robibt Burns' Lodge —( No . 25 ) . —This Lodge commenced its season on hiiday September 3 nd ,- \ vhen a large number of brethren were in attendance . Bro . Watson presided as W . M .., assisted by Bros . Le Gassiok , ( P . M . No . 95 ); S . W . ; and T . Adams . ( P . M . No . 206 ) , J . W . The first ceremony was pel-formed , and the seven sections in tho lecture ably worked ., Bro . Sbacey acting as candidate . Bro . Watson , in addressing the meeting , said , he was glad to see so excellent an assemblage on their Opening night , aiid he trusted that this , as well as other Lodges of Instruction , Would meet with the'support they deserved , during the season ; for , although brethren were not expected to neglect business to attend these Lodges , yet it was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masoiic 1ire0e
wishes , He was ! their acknowledged head , and , as such , the Brethren were bound to respect his judgment . They niust now elect a , new Treasurer . Bro . Dominy , having obtained permission , addressed the chairy stating , as one of the founders of the Lodge , he felt a pride in being one of its officers , and being aware , a . few days since , of this tinfevdurable repl ^ he had disposed of the lease of the house hi which the ^ were assembl ed ; SO that . With the sanGtiOii of the Brethren , lie would
continue to hold the bffice the | had elected Jhini to , for in a few days he should c £ as 6 to be the Mhdlord of tM Railway-Stdtel . '' - The W . M . said Bro . Dominy would for the present h 6 id tli <* office pro tent ., as ail election must take place at the next meeting , the previous election being null and . void . This business being disposed oft Bro . Hart proposed Mr . Lima , of Tottenham , for initiation at the next meeting ; and Bro . Dominy proposed t ^ at & o . J ohn Hervey ^ P . B . G . D ., should be solicited to become an honorary taetiiber of the Lcidge as a mark of respect for his
services at the consecration , & c >* \ vhicli proposition was iinaiiiniously carried There being no further bushiest , the > W . M . said , before closing the Lo & gej he Would put th £ usual ([ Questions to twb of the initiate ^ Btds . W & l d eii and Smith , who wei'e now present ; and th ^ having been satis & Ctorily given , Bro . Wilson very tastefuliy gate ^ the first section of the first lecture in the a ^ pfentice degree * afterwhich , Bro . Potts addressed the new niembers in an impressive manner , concluding in these words i ^ " Convince the world , my bretkreli , that you
never forget the ties which bind yoil to honour and to justice . View not with indifference the extensive connection you haye formed , but let uiiiversa . 1 benevolence regulate your conduct . Ever remember the ceremony of your initiation ; learn to bridle your tongue , .. and to govern your passions , and , ere long , each of you will have occasion to say , ' In becoming a Mason * I truly became the man , and I will never disgrace a jewel that kings may prize . ''* Lodge was then closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , provided by Bro . Dominy , who , in returning thanks , as the host , said it would be the last time he should address them in that capacity , but , for the future , he would devote all his energies for the welfare of the High Cross Lodge . A pleasant evening was spent , and the Brethren returned to town at ten o ' clock ,
INSTRUCTION , Albion Lodge . —( No . 9 . )—This Lodge held the first meeting for the season , on the 5 th inst ., Bro . Barnshaw presiding as W . M ., supported by Bro , Collard , W . M ., ( No 168 ) as S . W ., and Bro . Simpson ( No . 211 ) , as J . W . ; Bros . Woodstock . W . M ., ( No . 1050 ) ; Blackburn , P . M . ( No . 196 ) , and Walkley , acting as S . D . J . D , andl . G . The first ceremony was worked and the sections of the lecture given , the questions being put by Bro . Harrison , P . M . ( No . 202 ) . During the evening a letter was read
frorn Bro . Stacey , expressing his regret that circumstances compelled him to retire from the office of Secretary . The resignation was accepted ; Bro . Collard proposing , and Bro , John Gurton seconding , a That a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes ofthe Lodge to Bro . Stacey , as & mark of respect to him , and to show the brethren ' s appreciation of his services . " The motion was carried unanimously , and Bro . Thomas ( of 219 ) consented to act as Secretary jpro . tern . The brethren present , besides the officers , were—Bros . Allen , P . M . ( No . 165 ) ; Queely , P . M . ( No . 219 ); Watson , P . M . ( No . 23 ); Haskins ( No . 168 ) ; Dale , P . M . ( No . 168 ) ; Daintree ( No . 211 ); Sedgwick ( No . 211 ) ; Dethier ( So . 211 ) , fee .
Robibt Burns' Lodge —( No . 25 ) . —This Lodge commenced its season on hiiday September 3 nd ,- \ vhen a large number of brethren were in attendance . Bro . Watson presided as W . M .., assisted by Bros . Le Gassiok , ( P . M . No . 95 ); S . W . ; and T . Adams . ( P . M . No . 206 ) , J . W . The first ceremony was pel-formed , and the seven sections in tho lecture ably worked ., Bro . Sbacey acting as candidate . Bro . Watson , in addressing the meeting , said , he was glad to see so excellent an assemblage on their Opening night , aiid he trusted that this , as well as other Lodges of Instruction , Would meet with the'support they deserved , during the season ; for , although brethren were not expected to neglect business to attend these Lodges , yet it was