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of the Lodge Union and Crow-n , No . 103 , of the Glasgow province ; also , the R . W . M . Bro . Servey , of the Cainbuslang Royal Arch , No 114 . The Lodge was , according to masonic order , put in position , and tlie Rev . Bro . Leckie , pastor of Shettleston Church , pronounced the benediction . The brethren then repaired to the space of ground in front of the Lodge-room , and formed the line of procession , the Shettleston St . John ' s splendid band taking the lead . The Union and Crown
Lodge in front of the Shettleston St . John ' s Lodge and Cambuslang R . W . M . The respected pastor of Shettleston Church was in tlie line of procession in full inasonic cortume ; also , Brother M . Mather , M < D ., P . M ., and the present W ^ M ., Bro . James GRusselL supported on the right by Bro . Archibald M'Qonald , J ; W ., and ontbeleft by Bro . Robert Brecham , S . W . The band moved ofiy playing the masonic anthem in most excellent style , the Lodges following in order . They proceeded about half way through the village of Eastmuir , then countermarched back to the church ,
where the Rev . Bro . Leckie preached an excellent sermon from the first epistle general of Peter , 2 nd chapter , and 17 th verse— Love the brotherhood , fear God , honour the king . " After the church service the brethren proceeded ^ to th eir Lodge room , where they partook of a slight refreshment , when they again formed in line of procession , theband , as usual , in front , tbe Union and Crown Lodge in rear , as senior Lodge , the St . John ' s taking the lead , who , in their masonic
costume , with banners floating in the breeze , and their sister Lodge ' s masonic paraphernalia , had a gay and imposing appearance . They moved again through Eastm uir , thence to Tollcross , and on to Parkhead , where the brethren of the Union and Crown Lodge broke off for the city , receiving the hearty plaudits of the numerous villagers who attended , and the best thanks from their masonic brethren of No . 128 , and Cambuslang R . W . M . No . 114 . The St . John ' s then proceeded to their LodgG-xoomi *—Glasgow paper .
NEW ZEALAND . Auckland . —Lodge Ara ( No . 348 ) . —This Lodge , which meets under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , assembled in their rooms at the Masonic Hotel , Auckland , at high twelve on the 28 th December last . Lodge being opened in ancient and solemn form , the Brethren proceeded to the business of the day . Bro . C . Patrick O'Eafferty was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and appointed his officers . The Lodge was then duly closed : but the Brethren reassembled at half-past six to celebrate their annual festival by a banquet , on which occasion there was a good attendance ofthe Brethren . The W . M . presided , supported
by his Wardens , Bros . Stark and Henderson , and the following : —Bros . Graham , Treas . ; Saville , Secretary ; Duke , Dry , Brassey , Henderson , MacGregor , De Burgh Adams , Thomas Henderson , McFarlane , McKay , Plumer , Kelly , Campbell , Morton , Mould , Wood , Downing , W , Campbell , Carleton , Mayne , Shiells , and Ensign Hill , S 8 th regiment . The dinner was exceedingly elegant , and the Brethren passed a very delightful evening . By permission of Bro . Col . Wynyard , O . B , } the band of the 58 th regiment was present , and performed a selection of music .
The Week;
THE week ;
As we stated in our last , the Queen and Prince Consort , with a large portion of the royal family , have gone to their highland home , where they at present remain in quietude . Prince Alfred , who has been entered in the naVy as a midshipman , has received twd months' leave of absence , and is to visit his sister in Prussia , prior to entering upon active duties , and taking a trip round the world . From India
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of the Lodge Union and Crow-n , No . 103 , of the Glasgow province ; also , the R . W . M . Bro . Servey , of the Cainbuslang Royal Arch , No 114 . The Lodge was , according to masonic order , put in position , and tlie Rev . Bro . Leckie , pastor of Shettleston Church , pronounced the benediction . The brethren then repaired to the space of ground in front of the Lodge-room , and formed the line of procession , the Shettleston St . John ' s splendid band taking the lead . The Union and Crown
Lodge in front of the Shettleston St . John ' s Lodge and Cambuslang R . W . M . The respected pastor of Shettleston Church was in tlie line of procession in full inasonic cortume ; also , Brother M . Mather , M < D ., P . M ., and the present W ^ M ., Bro . James GRusselL supported on the right by Bro . Archibald M'Qonald , J ; W ., and ontbeleft by Bro . Robert Brecham , S . W . The band moved ofiy playing the masonic anthem in most excellent style , the Lodges following in order . They proceeded about half way through the village of Eastmuir , then countermarched back to the church ,
where the Rev . Bro . Leckie preached an excellent sermon from the first epistle general of Peter , 2 nd chapter , and 17 th verse— Love the brotherhood , fear God , honour the king . " After the church service the brethren proceeded ^ to th eir Lodge room , where they partook of a slight refreshment , when they again formed in line of procession , theband , as usual , in front , tbe Union and Crown Lodge in rear , as senior Lodge , the St . John ' s taking the lead , who , in their masonic
costume , with banners floating in the breeze , and their sister Lodge ' s masonic paraphernalia , had a gay and imposing appearance . They moved again through Eastm uir , thence to Tollcross , and on to Parkhead , where the brethren of the Union and Crown Lodge broke off for the city , receiving the hearty plaudits of the numerous villagers who attended , and the best thanks from their masonic brethren of No . 128 , and Cambuslang R . W . M . No . 114 . The St . John ' s then proceeded to their LodgG-xoomi *—Glasgow paper .
NEW ZEALAND . Auckland . —Lodge Ara ( No . 348 ) . —This Lodge , which meets under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , assembled in their rooms at the Masonic Hotel , Auckland , at high twelve on the 28 th December last . Lodge being opened in ancient and solemn form , the Brethren proceeded to the business of the day . Bro . C . Patrick O'Eafferty was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and appointed his officers . The Lodge was then duly closed : but the Brethren reassembled at half-past six to celebrate their annual festival by a banquet , on which occasion there was a good attendance ofthe Brethren . The W . M . presided , supported
by his Wardens , Bros . Stark and Henderson , and the following : —Bros . Graham , Treas . ; Saville , Secretary ; Duke , Dry , Brassey , Henderson , MacGregor , De Burgh Adams , Thomas Henderson , McFarlane , McKay , Plumer , Kelly , Campbell , Morton , Mould , Wood , Downing , W , Campbell , Carleton , Mayne , Shiells , and Ensign Hill , S 8 th regiment . The dinner was exceedingly elegant , and the Brethren passed a very delightful evening . By permission of Bro . Col . Wynyard , O . B , } the band of the 58 th regiment was present , and performed a selection of music .
The Week;
THE week ;
As we stated in our last , the Queen and Prince Consort , with a large portion of the royal family , have gone to their highland home , where they at present remain in quietude . Prince Alfred , who has been entered in the naVy as a midshipman , has received twd months' leave of absence , and is to visit his sister in Prussia , prior to entering upon active duties , and taking a trip round the world . From India