Article THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES. -V. Page 1 of 15 →
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The Ancient Mysteries. -V.
0 ! HE ANG
( Ckntmued jfrom p . 395 . ) 6 f > the mysteries of Egypt and <^ what scanty liuaterials aiid hypotheses v ^ h ave to work upon , little iftore ^
or processions , iiideed , pretty full accounte more 1 M the temples with closed doors the records are few in number ); let us devote a short space to the consideration of such other mysteries as we have not yet touched upon .
To revert for a brief space to Egypt , it may not be out of place to mention a tradition referred to in the first volume of the " Universal History , ' * and quoted by Dr . Oliver , that in ancient times , before the deluge in fact ( that is if any mysteries existed before that period , which , as our readers are aware , is an open question ) , those who practised the mysteries engraved their secrets upon pillars , and
deposited them in a subterranean cavern . The tradition further says that they did this , foreseeing the coming ofthe deluge . "We do not exactly see liow they foresaw it , unless they took this precaution some time during the hundred and twenty years in which Noah was preparing the ark ; and even then , we may surely suppose that if they foresaw the terrible calamity which was coming on the earth , and had so much
anxiety for the preservation of their mysteries , they would have had more regard for their own lives , and would have taken warning by the preaching of Noah . This , however , . we know that none but Noah and his own family did . The tradition , however , says that those who were skilled in the ancient rites , foreseeing the coming of the deluge , and
fearing lest the memory of their ceremonies should be obliterated , built and contrived vaults , dug with vast labour , in several places , cutting on the walls many sorts of birds ancl beasts , and innumerable kinds of animals , which they called hieroglyphical letters- In these VOI «* Vy % M
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The Ancient Mysteries. -V.
0 ! HE ANG
( Ckntmued jfrom p . 395 . ) 6 f > the mysteries of Egypt and <^ what scanty liuaterials aiid hypotheses v ^ h ave to work upon , little iftore ^
or processions , iiideed , pretty full accounte more 1 M the temples with closed doors the records are few in number ); let us devote a short space to the consideration of such other mysteries as we have not yet touched upon .
To revert for a brief space to Egypt , it may not be out of place to mention a tradition referred to in the first volume of the " Universal History , ' * and quoted by Dr . Oliver , that in ancient times , before the deluge in fact ( that is if any mysteries existed before that period , which , as our readers are aware , is an open question ) , those who practised the mysteries engraved their secrets upon pillars , and
deposited them in a subterranean cavern . The tradition further says that they did this , foreseeing the coming ofthe deluge . "We do not exactly see liow they foresaw it , unless they took this precaution some time during the hundred and twenty years in which Noah was preparing the ark ; and even then , we may surely suppose that if they foresaw the terrible calamity which was coming on the earth , and had so much
anxiety for the preservation of their mysteries , they would have had more regard for their own lives , and would have taken warning by the preaching of Noah . This , however , . we know that none but Noah and his own family did . The tradition , however , says that those who were skilled in the ancient rites , foreseeing the coming of the deluge , and
fearing lest the memory of their ceremonies should be obliterated , built and contrived vaults , dug with vast labour , in several places , cutting on the walls many sorts of birds ancl beasts , and innumerable kinds of animals , which they called hieroglyphical letters- In these VOI «* Vy % M