Article PEOVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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Appointments . —iDorfr / es .- ^ Wedneaday , September 29 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . CJiapter . —Tuesday , Mb , Be CHESHIBE . Appointment .- C /< ap ^ r . —Saturday , Oetoher 2 nd , Industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 3 : ' f ; :: f : fm ¦ -, ' ¦ . .. AppoiNTMBNTS .--iof ? ejJ .--Mondav , September 27 th , Boscawen ( IQOO ) , Britannia Hotel ; Chace water , at 7 : S ^^
DEVONSHIRE ; Stone house . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) ,--The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , September IB . In the absence of the Worshipful Master ( Bro ; Lord Yalletort ) , Bro » . WilliamHunt occupied the chair , and was supported by Bro ^ Ehowling , Robinson Ridley , G . Spenee Batey and Samuel Cater- ^ -as P . M ., S ; W ., J . W ., Chaplain , S . D ., J . D . and I . G . Bro , K ^
was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the officiating W . M . ; after which Bro . Rodd ; S . W ., approached the W . M . ' s pedestal , and addressing thei W . M . pro . tem < y spoke to the following effect : —'^ Worshipful Past Master Hunt , in the absence of our Worshipful Master , I am deputed by the members of this Lodge , as their Senior Warden > to present you with a Past Master ' s jewel . It is not so ranch for its intrinsic worth—not as a reward for past services—hut rather as a mark of our appreciation of those services , that you
are asked to receive this jewel . Those services have not been of an ordinary character . You , Wbrshi pf ul Sir , during the period of filling the chair , have performed the duties of W . M ., both in and out of the Lodge , with great zeal and attention , with courtesy and affability , and have earned for yourself the marked esteem of every member of our Lodge . I believe , during your year of office there were sixteen initiations , with a corresponding number of passings and raisings ; the duties connected with which were all discharged by you with great
care and ability . Let me therefore , in the name of Lodge of Sincerity , No . 224 , place on your breast this jewel , as a memento of our regard . May the G A . O . T . U . spare you for many years to wear it , and may He permit you to continue to afford to your Brethren that Masonic knowledge which , worshipful sir , you can so freely and usefully disperse ; and when it shall please Him to summon you to the Grand Lodge above , this jewel will be a heirdooni in your family to show to them in what estimation you were held by the Brethren of this your mother Lodge . For myself ,
I can assure you , Bro . Hunt , it has given me great gratification to be the medium of thus conveying to you the opinion of the Brethren of our Lodge , not only from , the fact that you and I were initiated into our venerable Order on the same day , now nearly six years ago , but also because , during that period , we have always pulled together in every matter to which we could set our hands , tending to
promote the welfare of our Lodge or of Freemasonry . " ( Applause . ) Bro . Hunt , in acknowledging the testimonial , said he felt much obliged to the Brethren for this handsome way of expressing their appreciation of his endeavours to faithfully discharge his Masonic duties . He could not , however , but feel that his Brethren , in their kindness , must have overlooked many shortcomings and defects . But regarding it as a tribute to a sincere and earnest desire to do what was right ,
and for the advantage of the Lodge and the Craft , he felt that it would be arrant pruderv to pretend that he did not feel entitled to- wear this mark-ot ' their favour . 2 o 2
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Appointments . —iDorfr / es .- ^ Wedneaday , September 29 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . CJiapter . —Tuesday , Mb , Be CHESHIBE . Appointment .- C /< ap ^ r . —Saturday , Oetoher 2 nd , Industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 3 : ' f ; :: f : fm ¦ -, ' ¦ . .. AppoiNTMBNTS .--iof ? ejJ .--Mondav , September 27 th , Boscawen ( IQOO ) , Britannia Hotel ; Chace water , at 7 : S ^^
DEVONSHIRE ; Stone house . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) ,--The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , September IB . In the absence of the Worshipful Master ( Bro ; Lord Yalletort ) , Bro » . WilliamHunt occupied the chair , and was supported by Bro ^ Ehowling , Robinson Ridley , G . Spenee Batey and Samuel Cater- ^ -as P . M ., S ; W ., J . W ., Chaplain , S . D ., J . D . and I . G . Bro , K ^
was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the officiating W . M . ; after which Bro . Rodd ; S . W ., approached the W . M . ' s pedestal , and addressing thei W . M . pro . tem < y spoke to the following effect : —'^ Worshipful Past Master Hunt , in the absence of our Worshipful Master , I am deputed by the members of this Lodge , as their Senior Warden > to present you with a Past Master ' s jewel . It is not so ranch for its intrinsic worth—not as a reward for past services—hut rather as a mark of our appreciation of those services , that you
are asked to receive this jewel . Those services have not been of an ordinary character . You , Wbrshi pf ul Sir , during the period of filling the chair , have performed the duties of W . M ., both in and out of the Lodge , with great zeal and attention , with courtesy and affability , and have earned for yourself the marked esteem of every member of our Lodge . I believe , during your year of office there were sixteen initiations , with a corresponding number of passings and raisings ; the duties connected with which were all discharged by you with great
care and ability . Let me therefore , in the name of Lodge of Sincerity , No . 224 , place on your breast this jewel , as a memento of our regard . May the G A . O . T . U . spare you for many years to wear it , and may He permit you to continue to afford to your Brethren that Masonic knowledge which , worshipful sir , you can so freely and usefully disperse ; and when it shall please Him to summon you to the Grand Lodge above , this jewel will be a heirdooni in your family to show to them in what estimation you were held by the Brethren of this your mother Lodge . For myself ,
I can assure you , Bro . Hunt , it has given me great gratification to be the medium of thus conveying to you the opinion of the Brethren of our Lodge , not only from , the fact that you and I were initiated into our venerable Order on the same day , now nearly six years ago , but also because , during that period , we have always pulled together in every matter to which we could set our hands , tending to
promote the welfare of our Lodge or of Freemasonry . " ( Applause . ) Bro . Hunt , in acknowledging the testimonial , said he felt much obliged to the Brethren for this handsome way of expressing their appreciation of his endeavours to faithfully discharge his Masonic duties . He could not , however , but feel that his Brethren , in their kindness , must have overlooked many shortcomings and defects . But regarding it as a tribute to a sincere and earnest desire to do what was right ,
and for the advantage of the Lodge and the Craft , he felt that it would be arrant pruderv to pretend that he did not feel entitled to- wear this mark-ot ' their favour . 2 o 2