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All communications for the Editor / to ensure insertion in the next week ' s number , should be forwarded to the yoffice , 2 Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , 'PLC , not later than Saturday . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favo on Monday morning . Emblematic covers for the " first voltime of 1858 are now reedy , price Is . ? or subscribers may have their v olumes bound forls . 6 ^ had , price 1 M . Qd . each / ; v ¦ •' . ¦¦ .
We shall be happy to receive essays them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . ; '
" P . M . "— -Itis impossible to please all bur readers , though we try our best to do so . You complain that our Magazine is not sufficiently ; Masonic ,---others that it is too much so . Wiltshire — -We are requested to state that it was Bro . James , Prov . G . S . B . and P . M . of 420 , who stated that his Lodge had voted £ 10 to the Freemasons'
Benevolent Institution , and not Bro . Budd , of Lodge 961 , as We erroneously supposed . ^ A Christian MASON . ,, —A writer who does not give his name , sends a letter under this signature , complaining of the Freemasons' Magazine inserting communications inconsistent with Christian Masonry . He names a passage at pa . ^ e 49 ^ in the Notes on Anglo-Saxon History , as obnoxious , stating that the latter speaks of the " fatal influence of the Christian , system which had spread over these islands . " If he takes the trouble to read and quote the whole page , or in fact the whole
article , or the whole Magazine , he will find nothing obnoxious to Christianity -for the author is simply speaking of the system of an unmarried cl-ergy and of monks and nuns , which was established during the latter period of the Roman time and of its acknowledged , effects in checking the growth of population in Britain and other provinces ofthe empire ; an influence which certainly may be called " fatal . " His misconception of the author ' s meaning certainly , does not justify us iK ^ gt *
printing his tirade against ourselves and our correspondents . We may confidently refer to our conduct as Editors in preserving respect to Christianity , and we hope , too , in doing our duty as good Masons , by maintaining the great principles of religious truth , regardless of sect . ' < l H . W . " is thanked , but the linos are not sufficiently poetical for our pages .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
. . ' . '¦ ' '¦' ¦ : ¦" . ¦¦¦ ' ¦' . '¦''¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : '¦ . ' v y ;^ ' ^ '¦' . ¦¦ ¦ ' y ^ y-X : y ; y :
All communications for the Editor / to ensure insertion in the next week ' s number , should be forwarded to the yoffice , 2 Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , 'PLC , not later than Saturday . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favo on Monday morning . Emblematic covers for the " first voltime of 1858 are now reedy , price Is . ? or subscribers may have their v olumes bound forls . 6 ^ had , price 1 M . Qd . each / ; v ¦ •' . ¦¦ .
We shall be happy to receive essays them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . ; '
" P . M . "— -Itis impossible to please all bur readers , though we try our best to do so . You complain that our Magazine is not sufficiently ; Masonic ,---others that it is too much so . Wiltshire — -We are requested to state that it was Bro . James , Prov . G . S . B . and P . M . of 420 , who stated that his Lodge had voted £ 10 to the Freemasons'
Benevolent Institution , and not Bro . Budd , of Lodge 961 , as We erroneously supposed . ^ A Christian MASON . ,, —A writer who does not give his name , sends a letter under this signature , complaining of the Freemasons' Magazine inserting communications inconsistent with Christian Masonry . He names a passage at pa . ^ e 49 ^ in the Notes on Anglo-Saxon History , as obnoxious , stating that the latter speaks of the " fatal influence of the Christian , system which had spread over these islands . " If he takes the trouble to read and quote the whole page , or in fact the whole
article , or the whole Magazine , he will find nothing obnoxious to Christianity -for the author is simply speaking of the system of an unmarried cl-ergy and of monks and nuns , which was established during the latter period of the Roman time and of its acknowledged , effects in checking the growth of population in Britain and other provinces ofthe empire ; an influence which certainly may be called " fatal . " His misconception of the author ' s meaning certainly , does not justify us iK ^ gt *
printing his tirade against ourselves and our correspondents . We may confidently refer to our conduct as Editors in preserving respect to Christianity , and we hope , too , in doing our duty as good Masons , by maintaining the great principles of religious truth , regardless of sect . ' < l H . W . " is thanked , but the linos are not sufficiently poetical for our pages .