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pTflE EbiTic % ^ € &« tf- ' -9 i £ ^ : hold hfafisffi ( my apimoTis
( TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir ai ^ resolve themselves into te Iv Is it desir ^ leth
metropolitan , pro ^ ihcM , and distal with what is intended to trto doings of the metropolitan , provincial , and every other Lodge ; their method ^ conducting business ; th eir appointments , * brief accounts thereof with the names of the Brethren associated in a labour of love and philanthropy , with whom we might daily wish to come in contact
, II . Can any discredit be thrown on the Order , by occasional notices in the London and provincial papers ( though not officially recognized as Masonic journals ) , so long as they continue to confine themselves to the simple announcement of intended , and opening of new Lodges ; a brief
sketch of a Masonic banquet , with the names of the Brethren present * mention of a jewel or some other compliment being paid to a past and deserving officer ; a sincere tribute ( consequent upon a Lodge resolution ) , to the memory of an old , tried , and valued Brother , and past officer ; dr the record of the provincial appointment of officers .
I am induced to make these remarks consequent upon the observations of Bro . —— , ISTo . 338 , ( the Brethren will recognize to whom I allude , it having become a topic of discussion ) , Brighton , who , so lately as Friday last , sought , in Provincial Grand Lodge , to debar all publication of Masonic doings .
With regard to No , I , I am not given to flattery , but I must add , that your journal is looked for and recognized ; and the manner in which it is conducted , highly appreciated . Tour representative was present at the Lodge ; he has had long experience , and therefore I can safely anticipate that the question of 44 publicity or no publicity " will not , on your part , pass unnoticed .
With regard to No . II , allow me to observe that Freemasonry is spreading in this province , and that it is occupying the attention of the younger blood , men of equal standing and respectability . Rightly is it deemed , and rightly will it ever be deemed , a high honour to join the Craft , and in 2 ' q " ¦ ' *¦— - *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
pTflE EbiTic % ^ € &« tf- ' -9 i £ ^ : hold hfafisffi ( my apimoTis
( TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir ai ^ resolve themselves into te Iv Is it desir ^ leth
metropolitan , pro ^ ihcM , and distal with what is intended to trto doings of the metropolitan , provincial , and every other Lodge ; their method ^ conducting business ; th eir appointments , * brief accounts thereof with the names of the Brethren associated in a labour of love and philanthropy , with whom we might daily wish to come in contact
, II . Can any discredit be thrown on the Order , by occasional notices in the London and provincial papers ( though not officially recognized as Masonic journals ) , so long as they continue to confine themselves to the simple announcement of intended , and opening of new Lodges ; a brief
sketch of a Masonic banquet , with the names of the Brethren present * mention of a jewel or some other compliment being paid to a past and deserving officer ; a sincere tribute ( consequent upon a Lodge resolution ) , to the memory of an old , tried , and valued Brother , and past officer ; dr the record of the provincial appointment of officers .
I am induced to make these remarks consequent upon the observations of Bro . —— , ISTo . 338 , ( the Brethren will recognize to whom I allude , it having become a topic of discussion ) , Brighton , who , so lately as Friday last , sought , in Provincial Grand Lodge , to debar all publication of Masonic doings .
With regard to No , I , I am not given to flattery , but I must add , that your journal is looked for and recognized ; and the manner in which it is conducted , highly appreciated . Tour representative was present at the Lodge ; he has had long experience , and therefore I can safely anticipate that the question of 44 publicity or no publicity " will not , on your part , pass unnoticed .
With regard to No . II , allow me to observe that Freemasonry is spreading in this province , and that it is occupying the attention of the younger blood , men of equal standing and respectability . Rightly is it deemed , and rightly will it ever be deemed , a high honour to join the Craft , and in 2 ' q " ¦ ' *¦— - *